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Donation Giveaway (1 Viewer)


Master of Shenanigans
Dungeon Master
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Monthly Donator
Oct 12, 2007
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MS Gulf Coast
Political Leaning
DP is funded primarily by you, the users here at DP. Without your generous donations, we would not exist. Membership here at DP does not cost a thing, but if it weren't for the kindness of those who donate, it would not be here for any of us. With that in mind, I will personally donate 2 $50 Visa gift cards towards 2 separate drawings. Anyone who donates in the month of July will be entered into the first drawing. Anyone who donates towards a monthly membership and maintains that membership for the next 3 months will be entered into the second drawing. You will earn extra entries based on the size of the donation. The breakdown is as follows:

Drawing 1
6-month silver - 1 entry
12-month silver - 2 entries
6-month gold - 3 entries
12-month gold - 6 entries
6-month platinum - 7 entries
12-month platinum - 15 entries

Drawing 2
$2/month - 2 entries
$5/month - 5 entries
$10/month - 10 entries
$20/month - 25 entries
Those who were a monthly donator prior to July and maintain their monthly donation status through the end of September will receive an additional 5 entries.

Drawing 1 will be held on August 6th and the winner posted here in this thread. Drawing 2 will be held on October 8th and the winner will also be posted here in this thread.

As the month goes on and donations come in, the donation bar will disappear once we reach our goal for the month. You can click on this link to donate once that happens - http://www.debatepolitics.com/payments.php. The donations that exceed our monthly goal for July will help us maintain any shortages that we have over the coming months for a particular month (say we only get $200 in donations for September, we will use the extra funds collected this month to cover the remaining $90 towards October's bill).

Some have expressed concern over the use of Paypal as our donation service. You do not need to have a Paypal account in order to donate through the Paypal site. You can use a credit/debit card to donate through Paypal site without having to create an account. If you would prefer to send in a check or money order instead, send me a PM and I will send you the address in which to send these in to.

Good luck to everyone!
DP is funded primarily by you, the users here at DP. Without your generous donations, we would not exist. Membership here at DP does not cost a thing, but if it weren't for the kindness of those who donate, it would not be here for any of us. With that in mind, I will personally donate 2 $50 Visa gift cards towards 2 separate drawings. Anyone who donates in the month of July will be entered into the first drawing. Anyone who donates towards a monthly membership and maintains that membership for the next 3 months will be entered into the second drawing. You will earn extra entries based on the size of the donation. The breakdown is as follows:

Drawing 1
6-month silver - 1 entry
12-month silver - 2 entries
6-month gold - 3 entries
12-month gold - 6 entries
6-month platinum - 7 entries
12-month platinum - 15 entries

Drawing 2
$2/month - 2 entries
$5/month - 5 entries
$10/month - 10 entries
$20/month - 25 entries
Those who were a monthly donator prior to July and maintain their monthly donation status through the end of September will receive an additional 5 entries.

Drawing 1 will be held on August 6th and the winner posted here in this thread. Drawing 2 will be held on October 8th and the winner will also be posted here in this thread.

As the month goes on and donations come in, the donation bar will disappear once we reach our goal for the month. You can click on this link to donate once that happens - http://www.debatepolitics.com/payments.php. The donations that exceed our monthly goal for July will help us maintain any shortages that we have over the coming months for a particular month (say we only get $200 in donations for September, we will use the extra funds collected this month to cover the remaining $90 towards October's bill).

Some have expressed concern over the use of Paypal as our donation service. You do not need to have a Paypal account in order to donate through the Paypal site. You can use a credit/debit card to donate through Paypal site without having to create an account. If you would prefer to send in a check or money order instead, send me a PM and I will send you the address in which to send these in to.

Good luck to everyone!

You're a fine man, Red!
Hi Red,

I think you're doing a marvellous thing but I feel the need to make an important suggestion. Visa gift cards can be a rip off. First, there are service fees that can knock the $50 down at least five bucks. Also, they have time limits, so if someone want to wait to make their purchase(s), the card could expire. Not sure if non Canadian people can watch this, but here's a report on the Visa cards:

Busted: Visa Gift Card - Marketplace - CBC Player
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Hi Red,

I think you're doing a marvellous thing but I feel the need to make an important suggestion. Visa gift cards can be a rip off. First, there are service fees that can knock the $50 down at least five bucks. Also, they have time limits, so if someone want to wait to make their purchase(s), the card could expire. Not sure if non Canadian people can watch this, but here's a report on the Visa cards:

Busted: Visa Gift Card - Marketplace - CBC Player

If you win, I'll send you a Tim Horton's gift card instead. Will that do? :D
Hi Red,

I think you're doing a marvellous thing but I feel the need to make an important suggestion. Visa gift cards can be a rip off. First, there are service fees that can knock the $50 down at least five bucks. Also, they have time limits, so if someone want to wait to make their purchase(s), the card could expire. Not sure if non Canadian people can watch this, but here's a report on the Visa cards:

Busted: Visa Gift Card - Marketplace - CBC Player

The service charges are probably true, but I think by law, gift cards can no longer expire.
Hi Red,

I think you're doing a marvellous thing but I feel the need to make an important suggestion. Visa gift cards can be a rip off. First, there are service fees that can knock the $50 down at least five bucks. Also, they have time limits, so if someone want to wait to make their purchase(s), the card could expire. Not sure if non Canadian people can watch this, but here's a report on the Visa cards:

Busted: Visa Gift Card - Marketplace - CBC Player

Many banks issue generic Visa type giftcards that have a one time up front fee (the one we use is $2.50), paid by the purchaser, with no additional fees or expiration.

The ones you may buy at places like Wal-Mart likely carry additional fees.
The ones you may buy at places like Wal-Mart likely carry additional fees.

I don't think they do. When one gifts a $50 gift card from Walmart, the recipient gets to spend $50. It's only the bank issued credit cards that gouge as far as I've seen.
Admittedly, this article does say that bank issued cards are the biggest offenders, but it's very easy to avoid those particular cards, I have yet to encounter the problem.

Gift cards charging fees of $25 (or more) - Dec. 20, 2012

Thx for the link, this says it all:

Of the retail, restaurant, travel and gas gift cards Bankrate surveyed, only one company — Pilot Travel Center — charged maintenance fees. That contrasts with six out of eight of the general purpose cards surveyed, which charged between $2.50 and $3 a month.
I'm probably not going to donate, but as a heads up to ya... this could be seen as gambling. In fact, it is gambling, it's basically a raffle or a lottery.

I would check the legality of what you're doing, just my opinion.
I'm probably not going to donate, but as a heads up to ya... this could be seen as gambling. In fact, it is gambling, it's basically a raffle or a lottery.

I would check the legality of what you're doing, just my opinion.

Then Boy and Girl Scouts, PTA's, HOA parties, Little League, etc. have been breaking the law for decades. Receiving donations to raffle off in exchange for purchased tickets by those attending the event has been around for freakin' evar!! :)
Then Boy and Girl Scouts, PTA's, HOA parties, Little League, etc. have been breaking the law for decades. Receiving donations to raffle off in exchange for purchased tickets by those attending the event has been around for freakin' evar!! :)

Hey, I'm just trying to help out. Boy Scouts etc. are tax exempt and have all sorts of special passes that a regular website like this one doesn't get.

It's not my problem, do whatever floats your boat.
Hey, I'm just trying to help out. Boy Scouts etc. are tax exempt and have all sorts of special passes that a regular website like this one doesn't get.

It's not my problem, do whatever floats your boat.

You make a good point. I'm sure the administrators appreciated your comment. I apologize if you believe I was making light of it. That wasn't my intention.
I notice the site seems to be reaching its goal far quicker this month than in the previous couple of months that I've been here, so I can only assume this idea is working.
I'm probably not going to donate, but as a heads up to ya... this could be seen as gambling. In fact, it is gambling, it's basically a raffle or a lottery.

I would check the legality of what you're doing, just my opinion.

If the powers that be don't have better things to do with their time than hassle this website, they have a problem.
Today is the last day to make a donation and get your entries into the drawing(s).
I have not forgotten about this, I've just been very busy IRL. I hope to get to this in the next couple of days.
So when do I win? :mrgreen:
So what was the result of the drawing on 8 October?
Still haven't had time to do it. I promise I will but RL is kicking my ass right now.

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