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Donald Trump's Truth Social App Is Failing Fantastically, Report Says (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?
Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?

No, I didn't visit. If I want to see a bunch of slack-jawed morons, I can go to the local Walmart.
Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?

I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
There were a lot of people in front of you? Let us know once you're in.
Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?
I didn't even know it existed.
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
Did you have to prove you are a trumper to get in?
Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?

How much grift money did he pocket for yet another failed business.
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
Crappy IT support.... ✌️
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
Either they can't handle more than 60k new users a week, which indicates various issues.

Or they know who you are and don't want you on their platform, which indicates various other issues.

Or something else I haven't thought of.
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?
I heard it reported that the site itself had technical issues that were causing load issues......freezes, failed logins, response time issues etc. No idea if it is accurate but it would explain limiting new users.
There were a lot of people in front of you? Let us know once you're in.
My number given was initially #284,179 but I have no idea where I am in line to get in now. They haven't provided any additional information since. 😊
Either they can't handle more than 60k new users a week, which indicates various issues.

Or they know who you are and don't want you on their platform, which indicates various other issues.

Or something else I haven't thought of.

No, I was verified and welcomed to their site via an email.
"We love you, and you're not just another number to us. But your waitlist number is below."

Hell if I know.... 🤷
Source: Huffpost

Donald Trump’s Truth Social app has plummeted in sign-ups and traffic since its technically challenged launch last month, The Wrap reported Tuesday.

The former president’s social media network for MAGA disciples has sunk to about 60,000 new users a week.

“This is down 93% from its launch week, when it saw 872,000 installs during the week of Feb. 21,” Stephanie Chan of the analytics site Sensor Tower told The Wrap. “We estimate that Truth Social has so far reached approximately 1.2 million installs since its launch.”

Truthsocial.com reportedly has fallen to 1.9 million weekly visits from a high of 6 million in the debut week for the Twitter-like platform, according to Similarweb stats cited by the news website.

Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-truth-social-failing_n_62443f20e4b0742dfa59876e

Do any of you visit this site? How is it?

I completely intended to try it out, but they require a phone number up front, and that's a deal breaker.

Try that on DP and you'll never see me again, but of course they wouldn't, because DP isn't a shameless cash grab pointed at idiots.

It's an actual forum that is open to all comers (within the rules.)
Holy shit! Don't hold your breath!

I know, huh? Lol
I tried the Parler app but didn't like that very much. It was hard for me to navigate and seemed like Twitter-lite. I was curious to see if Trump's app was better than that or what goes on there.
I completely intended to try it out, but they require a phone number up front, and that's a deal breaker.

Try that on DP and you'll never see me again, but of course they wouldn't, because DP isn't a shameless cash grab pointed at idiots.

It's an actual forum that is open to all comers (within the rules.)

They didn't ask for my phone number. Email yes, but I made up one just for their app with no real identifying information. However, on my identifying email account, Trump and company started to show up again after I had already asked not to be on their lists anymore. So, they do check SMS.
I can't get it on my droid flip phone.
I can't get it on my droid flip phone.

I forgot that part, where they rushed an incomplete product that locked out a major part of their audience.

I guess they were in a hurry to fail.
I was curious about the new site, so I signed up weeks ago. I was given a number and was told that according to massive demand I needed to be put on a waitlist.

If the above is true, the information in the Huff article, and membership is down to 60,000 new users a week, why am I still waiting to get in?

An incompetently run business? How long did you wait to sign up for DP?
I forgot that part, where they rushed an incomplete product that locked out a major part of their audience.

I guess they were in a hurry to fail.
Not many Trump supporters among Tech. workers.

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