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D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Political Leaning
D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue

An American tourist who was visiting a museum in Italy accidentally snapped the pinky finger off a medieval statue, authorities in Florence say.

The statue, believed to be from the 14th or 15th century, is thought to be the work of sculptor Giovanni D’Ambrogio. Security guards at Museo dell’Opera del Duomo say they spotted the unidentified, middle-aged man touching the statue but were unable to stop him before he damaged the work. He reportedly told the guards he was trying to measure it.

“In a globalized world like ours, the fundamental rules for visiting a museum have been forgotten," museum head Timothy Verdon told MSN U.K. "That is, ‘Do not touch the works.’”

As somebody who travels quite extensively on a monthly basis, I hate tourists. Not all "tourists" are the same. Some are "travelers". They show respect for the local culture, try to enjoy the country in an observer's capacity. Then there are "sight seers". These are the ones who walk around with their wives and kids touching everything they see. They show no respect for the locals and basically take a giant dump on the culture. I hope the Italians charge them for the repairs.
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Yep, back in 64 there was that ridiculous crude American dope that snapped the nose off the Sphynx.

Americans suck so bad. Definately not worthy of the Eurotrash's museums.
D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue

As somebody who travels quite extensively on a monthly basis, I hate tourists. Not all "tourists" are the same. Some are "travelers". They show respect for the local culture, try to enjoy the country in an observer's capacity. Then there are "sight seers". These are the ones who walk around with their wives and kids touching everything they see. They show no respect for the locals and basically take a giant dump on the culture. I hope the Italians charge them for the repairs.

It seems like that particular statue has had some hard luck. According to the Wiki page the finger had been repaired before too.
Wasn't there a TV commercial by an airlimne that asked, "Need to get away?"
before disembarking into a foreign country, my Dad's words - reinforced with THE look - were "do NOT be an ugly American"

a lesson this fellow never learned
D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue

As somebody who travels quite extensively on a monthly basis, I hate tourists. Not all "tourists" are the same. Some are "travelers". They show respect for the local culture, try to enjoy the country in an observer's capacity. Then there are "sight seers". These are the ones who walk around with their wives and kids touching everything they see. They show no respect for the locals and basically take a giant dump on the culture. I hope the Italians charge them for the repairs.

If you think that is bad then check this out.

Elderly Woman Ruins 19th Century Fresco in Restoration Attempt - ABC News
This is why we can't have nice things!!!!!

LOL !!!

I'm nominating THAT post as the post of the year. Who's with me ?!!??

* crickets*......
before disembarking into a foreign country, my Dad's words - reinforced
with THE look - were "do NOT be an
ugly American"

a lesson this fellow never learned

I see where you inherited this lib cancer from. Jesus...

My parents are University Liberals, highly educated and locked in a bubble that extends out to their fellow University Lib friends.

Hell, I love them to death but to take after their twisted perceptions ? Never.

"ugly americans huh? "..too bad he or you never realized the ugly Americans were ugly far before the planes tires left the runway.

That guy made a mistake and thats all you know and as far as trying to appeal to the Eurotrash's senses and not be "ugly" ?

Lol...what kind of pansy worries about that ? What kind of half assed American man is concerned of what total strangers think of him ?

FFS grow a pair.
I see where you inherited this lib cancer from. Jesus...
yep. WWII, korea and vietnam veteran
and after reading the nonsensical, cowardly bull**** you post, it is very clear he was the right fellow to listen to

My parents are University Liberals, highly educated and locked in a bubble that extends out to their fellow University Lib friends.
they must be proud [/sarcasm]

Hell, I love them to death but to take after their twisted perceptions ? Never.
that you would ignore the teaching of educated people. anyone else not surprised?

'ugly americans huh? "..too bad he or you never realized the ugly Americans were ugly far before the planes tires left the runway.
didn't realize you flew all that much

That guy made a mistake and thats all you know and as far as trying to appeal to the Eurotrash's senses and not be "ugly" ?
bet you didn't read the cite which explained how the authorities were trying to reach him before he damaged the art work, based on his actions. but then educated people tend to read and based on your assessment of your educated parents, you would never emulate them by becoming informed

Lol...what kind of pansy worries about that ? What kind of half assed American man is concerned of what total strangers think of him ?
if there was a french man who was able to paint graffiti on the American Constitution you would be the first board member to whine about a foreigner defacing an American treasure
but then, why would i really expect you to understand something like hypocrisy which would have been put on display

FFS grow a pair.
spoken like an internet bad ass, pissed off because he lost his allowance
A lot of Americans are also hugely dissatisfied with the ugly, costly behavior of those visiting the United States in the past thirty years. Particularly when they fail to leave.

It would be very nice if the biggest offense caused by foreigners here was a broken finger on a statue.
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yep. WWII, korea and vietnam veteran
and after reading the nonsensical, cowardly bull**** you post, it is very clear he was the right fellow to listen to

So What ?!! My Grandfather was dropped in France behind the German lines on D-Day, lost and injured for 2 days until he met up with another Para-trooper. He told me to never apologize for being who you are and to always have pride in your Country, a Country that has sacrificed so much in the pursuit of freedom. Oh and there is NOTHING more cowardly than apologizing for your Country before you land in another.

It's too bad that weakness has been pushed onto you.

they must be proud [/sarcasm]

Hell yes they're proud. I grew a brain, a sentient being who didn't follow lockstep and blindly in their or my siblings footsteps. I could have easily gone down the Ivy League Road but imagine going around agreeing with people like you.

And NO, I don't think your Ivy League educated, you just share some of the delusions of pent up isolated Professors who live in a vacuum.

that you would ignore the teaching of educated people. anyone else not surprised?

Lol... you think I'm uneducated ? Wow, your "issues" are really becoming more and more apparent the more you type.

didn't realize you flew all that much

Oh no, you're the only person on the forum who's boarded a transatlantic flight. No wonder why so many Europeans think we're such putz's.

justabubba;1062157908bet said:
you didn't read the cite which explained how the authorities were trying to reach him before he damaged the art work, based on his actions. but then educated people tend to read and based on your assessment of your educated parents, you would never emulate them by becoming informed

Oh and that was purely because he was a, how did your dad put it ? " A ugly American " ? Don't confuse your twisted view of the world with being " informed".

justabubba;1062157908bet said:
if there was a french man who was able to paint graffiti on the American Constitution you would be the first board member to whine about a foreigner defacing an American treasure
but then, why would i really expect you to understand something like hypocrisy which would have been put on display

Nonsense...as usual. Or did your " Dad " tell you to write that drek ?

justabubba;1062157908bet said:
spoken like an internet bad ass, pissed off because he lost his allowance

Lol ....Ugly American indeed.
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THIS is news that interests people?

I would like to know why he was measuring the finger. And I think he was using a ridged ruler to do so. Idiot.

Yep, back in 64 there was that ridiculous crude American dope that snapped the nose off the Sphynx.

Americans suck so bad. Definately not worthy of the Eurotrash's museums.

Who said anything about Americans? Stop trying to sound smart and read my post again. It'll do you some good.
So What ?!! My Grandfather was dropped in France behind the German lines on D-Day, lost and injured for 2 days until he met up with another Para-trooper. He told me to never apologize for being who you are and to always have pride in your Country, a Country that has sacrificed so much in the pursuit of freedom. Oh and there is NOTHING more cowardly than apologizing for your Country before you land in another.

It's too bad that weakness has been pushed onto you.

Hell yes they're proud. I grew a brain, a sentient being who didn't follow lockstep and blindly in their or my siblings footsteps. I could have easily gone down the Ivy League Road but imagine going around agreeing with people like you.

And NO, I don't think your Ivy League educated, you just share some of the delusions of pent up isolated Professors who live in a vacuum.

You remind me of a well known pretentious poster on this forum... only instead of pretending you have an amazing life, you pretend you could have had an amazing life and just chose a ****tier one.

To the mods: Gig me boys.
D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue

As somebody who travels quite extensively on a monthly basis, I hate tourists. Not all "tourists" are the same. Some are "travelers". They show respect for the local culture, try to enjoy the country in an observer's capacity. Then there are "sight seers". These are the ones who walk around with their wives and kids touching everything they see. They show no respect for the locals and basically take a giant dump on the culture. I hope the Italians charge them for the repairs.

Old news but still funny...

At least the finger was a "restored" finger...

Either way "oops."
D'oh! American tourist accidentally snaps finger off medieval Italian statue

As somebody who travels quite extensively on a monthly basis, I hate tourists. Not all "tourists" are the same. Some are "travelers". They show respect for the local culture, try to enjoy the country in an observer's capacity. Then there are "sight seers". These are the ones who walk around with their wives and kids touching everything they see. They show no respect for the locals and basically take a giant dump on the culture. I hope the Italians charge them for the repairs.

I went on my honeymoon to South Mexico and did a 10 day tour bus travel across the Yucatan visiting loads of Mayan ruins. Was awesome. There was this dingbat older wench that was that kind of tourist. At Teotihuacan ruins, they had painting on the walls that were not exposed to sunlight that kept their color. The light was dim in there which is why it preserved so well and they kept repeating, "do not use flash" and when the guide walked off this lady told her husband to take a picture and use flash, which he did, then she played dumb like she didn't hear them say not to. It's not often I have the urge to punch an old lady but that was definitely one of times where I felt like it.
So What ?!! My Grandfather was dropped in France behind the German lines on D-Day, lost and injured for 2 days until he met up with another Para-trooper. He told me to never apologize for being who you are and to always have pride in your Country, a Country that has sacrificed so much in the pursuit of freedom. Oh and there is NOTHING more cowardly than apologizing for your Country before you land in another.

It's too bad that weakness has been pushed onto you.

Hell yes they're proud. I grew a brain, a sentient being who didn't follow lockstep and blindly in their or my siblings footsteps. I could have easily gone down the Ivy League Road but imagine going around agreeing with people like you.

Well my pappy was the first man to take a **** on the moon just before he scrambled eggs on Mars all after he had snuck in that bunker and shot Hitler and bitch-slapped Eva Braun. Why the hell not? It's the interwebs and there clearly ain't no embellishing on the interwebs.
I went on my honeymoon to South Mexico and did a 10 day tour bus travel across the Yucatan visiting loads of Mayan ruins. Was awesome. There was this dingbat older wench that was that kind of tourist. At Teotihuacan ruins, they had painting on the walls that were not exposed to sunlight that kept their color. The light was dim in there which is why it preserved so well and they kept repeating, "do not use flash" and when the guide walked off this lady told her husband to take a picture and use flash, which he did, then she played dumb like she didn't hear them say not to. It's not often I have the urge to punch an old lady but that was definitely one of times where I felt like it.

Despite what you may think about me I'm a junky for Anthropology, Archeology and Geology (did I cover enough "ology")

I would love to go to the jungles of South America..

Beyond the obvious ruins, I have always been fascinated by "uncontacted tribes" - I suppose the Sentinelese island people baffle me (which are obviously not part of South America) and I would love to see them uncontacted tribes and traditions first hand...

I feel kinda bad though because they're treated as zoo animals. To the typical they're a minor curiosity but ..........

I don't even know why I'm digressing - waay off topic..

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