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Does anyone here work for their party? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
With the elections coming up at the end of the year... I wonder if there are folks here [or will be] that actually work (get paid) for their party and will attempt to utilize our forum as a vote facilitator?

Wouldn't doubt it one bit...
vauge said:
With the elections coming up at the end of the year... I wonder if there are folks here [or will be] that actually work (get paid) for their party and will attempt to utilize our forum as a vote facilitator?

Wouldn't doubt it one bit...

Yes, and the president is coming to Chicago tomorrow, I hope to get to meet him. Sadly, it's an uphill struggle to turn this state red, impossible really, I can't remeber the last time it was a red state?:confused:
Deegan said:
Yes, and the president is coming to Chicago tomorrow, I hope to get to meet him. Sadly, it's an uphill struggle to turn this state red, impossible really, I can't remeber the last time it was a red state?:confused:

If you think that'd be hard, wait till you check out my state of Minnesota, I don't think we've gone Republican since the 30's, and also I think for either Reagan or Nixon(don't remember), we were the only ACTUAL state the didn't vote for them, DC was the only place too. Also I live in the North-Eastern area, the entire northern area of the state were all DFL in the state congress, not a single Republican. Its a conservative nightmare here.
Deegan said:
Yes, and the president is coming to Chicago tomorrow, I hope to get to meet him. Sadly, it's an uphill struggle to turn this state red, impossible really, I can't remeber the last time it was a red state?:confused:
Our last Governor was a Republican. It seems like most of our Governors end up in prison no matter which party the represent. :mrgreen:
Comrade Brian said:
If you think that'd be hard, wait till you check out my state of Minnesota, I don't think we've gone Republican since the 30's, and also I think for either Reagan or Nixon(don't remember), we were the only ACTUAL state the didn't vote for them, DC was the only place too. Also I live in the North-Eastern area, the entire northern area of the state were all DFL in the state congress, not a single Republican. Its a conservative nightmare here.

Minnesota rocks. So don't you be sayin' nothing against it. I may live in NC, but MN is home. :mrgreen:
vauge said:
With the elections coming up at the end of the year... I wonder if there are folks here [or will be] that actually work (get paid) for their party and will attempt to utilize our forum as a vote facilitator?

Wouldn't doubt it one bit...

I volunteer with several activist organizations.
In '06 I will be working my a** off to get rid of Santorum.
Deegan said:
Yes, and the president is coming to Chicago tomorrow, I hope to get to meet him. Sadly, it's an uphill struggle to turn this state red, impossible really, I can't remeber the last time it was a red state?:confused:

Do you have to sign a loyalty oath to get in?
hipsterdufus said:
Do you have to sign a loyalty oath to get in?

:rofl No, I certainly do not.

I actually missed the speech due to a work overload, and was called to inquire as to why I didn't attend, I thought it odd.
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Comrade Brian said:
If you think that'd be hard, wait till you check out my state of Minnesota, I don't think we've gone Republican since the 30's, and also I think for either Reagan or Nixon(don't remember), we were the only ACTUAL state the didn't vote for them, DC was the only place too. Also I live in the North-Eastern area, the entire northern area of the state were all DFL in the state congress, not a single Republican. Its a conservative nightmare here.
1984 election. We were the only state not to give the electoral college votes to Reagan.

Minnesota's landscape is slowly changing. What used to be a liberal bastion is quickly turning red. When Wellstone's bus parked, we got Coleman. Who knows who will replace Dayton since he's not running again. (Al Franken has been hinting/threatening to go for the seat though). Of course, there's also the State congress members like Dick Day-R Owatonna and Michelle Bachman-R Stillwater who have attempted to bring their own brand of crazy to the laws. And the Republican Governor Pawlenty who took over at Ventura left (oh, how I miss Jesse). The big thing the Dems need to do to maintain control is to reverse spending and cut taxes. Otherwise, this is gonna get ugly.

As for politicians/parties, I haven't found one who has piqued my interest enough to support their campaign. (There are a couple ones locally, but they're pretty much shoo-ins that don't need the help).
I don't think I will be doing anything for the Libertarians any time soon.
I have a question. Don't people who work political parties have to declare that is what they do on blogs and forums due to campaign finance reform? I sure thought they did. Am I misinformed?
I plan to do nothing for the 2006 US elections! Just sit back and relax.:beer:
independent_thinker2002 said:
I have a question. Don't people who work political parties have to declare that is what they do on blogs and forums due to campaign finance reform? I sure thought they did. Am I misinformed?

There was a half assed, half cocked attempt to pass a bill that might, under some circumstances, be interpreted to read as such. Its incredibly doubtful as to whether such would hold up in court though.

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