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Do you fear Trump replacing RBG with a Judge off his list? (1 Viewer)

Do you fear Trump replacing RBG with a Judge off his list?

  • Yes, Trump cannot be allowed to do that.

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • No, it doesn't scare me

    Votes: 59 75.6%
  • Other - Below

    Votes: 10 12.8%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

You can tell a tech geek from a political geek when one sees RGB and automatically thinks "Red Green Blue"
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

The conservative glee at the thought of Ginsburg's death is pretty par for the course for trump supporters.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

I want a front row seat for that confirmation fight.
Booker will self immolate saying he never thought he'd be the one to say "I am Thích Quảng Đức".
Sure, it will kill his POTUS dream but he's not a deep thinker.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

Fear? No. But I do think that RBG should be replaced with either a moderate or a liberal to keep the courts balance. It's a bit off balanced now but not to the point that is what I would consider as "dire". If RBG were to be replaced with another highly conservative judge then it would not be good.
The conservative glee at the thought of Ginsburg's death is pretty par for the course for trump supporters.

It's not glee, it's a reality check. She's very old and very high on the list of potential step down/pass away in office Justices. Sorry reality cause you to be so dishonest.
Fear? No. But I do think that RBG should be replaced with either a moderate or a liberal to keep the courts balance. It's a bit off balanced now but not to the point that is what I would consider as "dire". If RBG were to be replaced with another highly conservative judge then it would not be good.

Yeah, can you point to me where you were against Merrick Garland replacing Scalia?

I think the Notorious RBG has at LEAST another 2 years left in her and if Trump wins again in 2020 (I still doubt he runs in 2020) I think the left will replace her with a robot. But if the economy is still thriving and since, typically, the economy drives elections, it may very well be Trump or another republican that wins in 2020, so its entirely likely that SOMEONE will replace any number of the justices. Even though its a lifetime appointment, a healthy life after 75 isnt guaranteed for anyone.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

That old fossil needs to go as she has already shown her extreme bias toward the left.

My wife completely hates her and wishes she would just die.
I tell her to quit talking like that every time she does.
Not cricket.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

If there is such a thing as a “originalist liberal”, that is where he will go.


**** it.

Let it all burn.
It's not glee, it's a reality check. She's very old and very high on the list of potential step down/pass away in office Justices. Sorry reality cause you to be so dishonest.

It is a reality check and not glee, but then, character assassinations such as this are the stock and trade from the left, so no surprise there.

I think SCOTUS should only have textualist on it. SCOTUS should not be delving into judicial activism nor SJW. But that's just me.
It wouldn’t scare me, but I think the Court is conservative enough at this point. I don’t mind it leaning a bit to the right or a bit to the left, but if it were up to me I would prefer it to be as balanced as possible.
The conservative glee at the thought of Ginsburg's death is pretty par for the course for trump supporters.

Nothing in the post you quoted referenced Ginsburg's "death," nor did it express any glee.

As always, if you're right, you don't have to make things up.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

LOL! "Originalism" is myth, designed to fool rubes and suckers.

And it's working.
Nothing in the post you quoted referenced Ginsburg's "death," nor did it express any glee.

As always, if you're right, you don't have to make things up.

I'm also not a Trump supporter, which makes his post even more dishonest.
I voted "other" because I pray that Amy Barret replaces Ginsberg.
The conservative glee at the thought of Ginsburg's death is pretty par for the course for trump supporters.

where were you when left-wingers were calling for Clarence Thomas's wife to feed him stuff that would induce a heart attack or the glee they expressed when Scalia died
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

Its the judges not on Trump's list we should probably be worried about.Kavanaugh was not on Trump's list when he campaigned. So while its good democrats weren't able to try to do that same dirty trick they tried with Clarence Thomas 26 years ago. I have to wonder if Kavanaugh is a good substitute for one of those people on his list and if we aren't being suckered into accepting a stealth liberal.
Fear? No. But I do think that RBG should be replaced with either a moderate or a liberal to keep the courts balance. It's a bit off balanced now but not to the point that is what I would consider as "dire". If RBG were to be replaced with another highly conservative judge then it would not be good.

I want another strict originalist so the precedent dishonestly established under FDR can start being whittled away. The Commerce Clause was stretched beyond any honest bounds in that period and it needs to start being rolled back

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