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Do you fear Trump replacing RBG with a Judge off his list? (1 Viewer)

Do you fear Trump replacing RBG with a Judge off his list?

  • Yes, Trump cannot be allowed to do that.

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • No, it doesn't scare me

    Votes: 59 75.6%
  • Other - Below

    Votes: 10 12.8%

  • Total voters
So basically relitigate the 1934 ban then? That even doable?

sure-someone can sue over the ban on Post May 19, 1986 MGS for sure especially if a pro gun ruling comes from the court concerning state bans on semi autos
No, the deviation from "originalism" is what has caused the disruptions we are witnessing, that and folks who think that those who don't believe the way they do are "rubes and suckers".
LOL! "Originalism" is myth, designed to fool rubes and suckers.

And it's working.
There are several on the court that are getting up there in age and any of them could check out before Ginsberg. But if that should happen in the near future, I would like to see an originalist fill the position. My reason is because of the radical interpretation of the law coming from the lower courts. I see the SC as a check and balance on them. With originalists, they take the key political issues of our time out of the courts and would return them to the political branches where they belong.

Oh my god..... see this is the reason I could never vote or support a leftist.... this is so contrary to everything I believe in...

Dangerous... If any democrat supports that kind of person on the supreme court , then no one never vote democrat
RGB color is still quite relevant.

True dat. RGB used to be the cable design as well. Before VGA. Now its an HDMI cable that runs audio as well.

I want another strict originalist so the precedent dishonestly established under FDR can start being whittled away. The Commerce Clause was stretched beyond any honest bounds in that period and it needs to start being rolled back

I won't mind that so long as its a constitutionalist that also has a liberal bent. Conservative constitutionalists often won't acknowledge the the Rights that are not explicit in the the BoR's. Such as the Right to Privacy.
Oh my god..... see this is the reason I could never vote or support a leftist.... this is so contrary to everything I believe in...

Dangerous... If any democrat supports that kind of person on the supreme court , then no one never vote democrat

Yep. There is no responsibility in their socialist scree. A reasoned rational person would examine the Constitution based on its longevity and strength and ability to grow while maintaining a solid foundation. But the socialist celebrates a document that has resulted in a complete DENIAL aid the very things she claims it was written to protect. RBG represents the judicial future leftists want for our country...governance based on leftist ideologies which history has shown ALWAYS fails. ALWAYS.

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On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

No, ma'am, I am not. The court, as I understand it, already skews right. We have lost, and while another conservative pick will make it more difficult for us to swing the court back around, the ship has done sailed and we're already in a position where the right is going to get it's way, and I'll be shocked as **** if Trump manages to nominate someone as controversial than Kavanaugh.

Let's just hope that the evangelical element of your party isn't at the helm for the next twenty years. If I'm gonna say **** like that, I need to add that I don't feel this way about most religious people, but I do feel that the nuttier portion of the social right consists of people that politically weaponize their religion. I hope that aspect of the right is a dwindling, dying race, and if I'm to find any silver-lining in this, it's that so far, I've only run into one bat**** forumgoer that fits this bill to a T, but I'm not as confident about the general populace. I have no hope when it comes to big business, but to be fair, I wasn't a fan of Garland on that front.

Social issues worry me. I'm not as passionate about the abortion issue as most others and I actually side with the right when it comes to guns, if only from a stance of constitutional interpretation (I am super weird on this issue) but we just scored a major victory on LGBT rights, and now I'm worried about a SCOTUS that might concern itself with where people poop.
No, the deviation from "originalism" is what has caused the disruptions we are witnessing, that and folks who think that those who don't believe the way they do are "rubes and suckers".

We cannot have deviated from something that doesn't exist.

Stunning how so many people can fail to understand such a simple concept.
The conservative glee at the thought of Ginsburg's death is pretty par for the course for trump supporters.

:roll: Because the death of Scalia was treated with respect...
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

Umm...look at the meltdown they had with Kennedy's retirement. If RBG dies they will make this current level of insanity look like it was a rational disagreement. I think it would put us really close to the breakdown of the government all together. We are already getting close to that.
Fear? No. But I do think that RBG should be replaced with either a moderate or a liberal to keep the courts balance. It's a bit off balanced now but not to the point that is what I would consider as "dire". If RBG were to be replaced with another highly conservative judge then it would not be good.

Personally, I would be in favor of firing all justices and replacing them with 9 who can't really be identified as being beholden to either party or ideology and were all centrists. I found it rather funny when I read an article today about both Sotomayor and Kagan commenting that Kennedy should have been replaced by a more centrist judge to balance out the court, basically admitting that they swing left.

Doesn't have anything to do with the Kavanaugh stuff but the Supreme Court is just a partisan joke. It has been for many years. They are supposed to judge cases based on the law and the constitution, not by their ideologies and yet that is exactly what they do. Both sides do it but the left, in particular, want judges or want to judge to change laws to their liking and that is not what judges are supposed to do. They are not supposed to make law. Congress makes the laws and the president signs them into law.
I won't mind that so long as its a constitutionalist that also has a liberal bent. Conservative constitutionalists often won't acknowledge the the Rights that are not explicit in the the BoR's. Such as the Right to Privacy.

I feel the same way, but people on both sides of the fence claim to be true 'constitutionalists' with entirely different views on the Constitution, just like the Bible. I haven't been posting here long enough to be able to determine whether or not you lean right or left. I know that you often post on the side of Trump, but that can mean one of a few different things. Perhaps you and I would dissagree when it comes to the limitations of the federal government; your statement, however, leads me to beleive that we might share some commonality when it comes to our rights as citizens. For instance, I actually lean right on my interpretation of the second amendment, but I actually sympathize with the left when it comes whether or not we have a problematic correlation between the amount of guns and gun-violence. I hold the sanctity of our constitution as more important than the many lives that have been lost due to our obsolete law.
I'm also not a Trump supporter, which makes his post even more dishonest.

You think anybody believes that bull**** with how defensive you are about him?
LOL. I had to think about that RBG for a minute, but I am definitely not a tech geek so I didn't think 'red, green, blue.' :)

Yeah well, I blame my dyslexia! That's it... :p

You think anybody believes that bull**** with how defensive you are about him?

How am I defensive about him? I think he's an ass, said so, attacked him repeatedly in the REPEATEDLY in the primaries and voted for Ted Cruz (I wrote IN Ted Cruz)... ffs
I only hope President Trump gets the chance to replace RBG. I'm supporting Amy Barret if that day comes; she makes Kavanaugh look like a liberal....
:roll: Because the death of Scalia was treated with respect...

If you have any complaints about how I reacted to the death of Scalia you're free to share them.
Fear? No. But I do think that RBG should be replaced with either a moderate or a liberal to keep the courts balance. It's a bit off balanced now but not to the point that is what I would consider as "dire". If RBG were to be replaced with another highly conservative judge then it would not be good.
John Bolton would be a good pick.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

I suspect the Democrats are applying big pressure on poor RBG that she better not dare retire!
She must be pumping iron like crazy!
RBG will be at the next new President's Inauguration...along with about 65 million other Americans.
On FB one of my friends said the need to defeat the GOP in 2020 is now more critical than ever because Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ability to make it to 2024 due to age is in high doubt. They are like, in total meltdown mode now. I was curious if others feel that way. Personally I'd love to see her replaced with a more originalist Jurist, obviously.

I am having a hard time voting. If you had given a simple yes or no, I would say YES! But as things stand, w Rs holding the house and Senate, he cannot be stopped.

Another S.C.J. nominated by Trump would be disastrous. Even Repubs should be able to see that. Once the court is packed by Repubs, half the country will not perceive their decisions as legitimate and chaos will prevail.
OK, you are dismissed. Thanks for trying.
We cannot have deviated from something that doesn't exist.

Stunning how so many people can fail to understand such a simple concept.

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