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Dem. doesn't know that AZ borders Mexico (1 Viewer)

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I wouldn't vote for her based on the fact that she sounds like a 'valley girl'. But the fact that she thinks Arizona is 'far removed' from the Mexican border is just an added reason.
Looks like she should start with a boycott of McDonalds.

Also, serious lol's for the guy who talked after her. "I want to assure the board that Arizona does in fact share a border with Mexico."
Funniest thread I have perused in a while.

Just a point to make.

These people are (presumably) US citizens, have the vote, are considered (by some) to be sane.

Yet another instance of a wanna be politician sticking her foot in her mouth.
Where do they find them and how can they get people to elect them?

And is this woman really an elected official?
Funniest thread I have perused in a while.

Just a point to make.

These people are (presumably) US citizens, have the vote, are considered (by some) to be sane.

Yet another instance of a wanna be politician sticking her foot in her mouth.
Where do they find them and how can they get people to elect them?

Vote for me, I'll make sure the govt. will take care of you. We know its not your fault, I think thats the platform they use.
:rofl my ass off

Maybe there should be an aptitude test given for officials as part of their qualifications, first.
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Here I read the thread title and was expecting someone from the House of Representatives or something.

Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors? I bet you can get elected to that with like 200 votes. Because I don't see how she could get more votes than that ;)
Almost as bad as the other one that thought Guam might tip over if we put too many Marines on it.
she's got a point, arizona is far removed from mexicos border, the border with guatemala anyway :mrgreen:
I am far less troubled by the ignorance of a county supervisor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin than I was by the ignorance of someone that ran for Vice President not that long ago. Yes, ignorance is ignorance, but what damage can she do as a county supervisor.
I am far less troubled by the ignorance of a county supervisor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin than I was by the ignorance of someone that ran for Vice President not that long ago. Yes, ignorance is ignorance, but what damage can she do as a county supervisor.

You referring to Biden or Edwards?
Seems pretty obvious to anyone with more than a two digit IQ that Upsideguy is referring to the Quitta from Wasilla.
baseless reflexive nonsensical Palin hate still on the rise, eh.
Go back to cheer leading. Jesus. Did you hear the way she says Obama?

"accurate facts", how assertive and forthright of you, Murphy Brown.

It's nonsensical for Palin haters to bring up her resignation since Palin haters should love that she's no longer in charge of a State. Instead, the left acts as if they're endorsing other speculated republican candidates for 2012 when they bring up the resignation as a means to attack her integrity; something that will be dismissed in a Republican primary.
Seems pretty obvious to anyone with more than a two digit IQ that Upsideguy is referring to the Quitta from Wasilla.

And it seems pretty obvious to anyone with a modicum of comprehension that mac was aware of that and was making a joke about Upsideguy's played out (and entirely irrelevant) reference to Palin.
Most Arizonans don't believe that Arizona borders on Mexico. They believe that Arizona is now part of Mexico, which is why they are so pissed off. :mrgreen:
Libs will fight to the death to keep her in office, while throwing stones at Palin.
Almost as bad as the other one that thought Guam might tip over if we put too many Marines on it.

That makes me laugh out loud everytime I hear it. Hehe.

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