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Cuomo Threatens President's Life (1 Viewer)

Did Cuomo Threaten Trump

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Just waiting for my set...
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Sep 29, 2007
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[FONT="]"He can’t come back to New York. He can’t," said Cuomo, a Democrat. "He’s going to walk down the street in New York? Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the street in New York."

Andrew Cuomo: Trump will 'need an army' if he returns to New York


He was just describing the political climate in NYC. Other than that, he might get arrested. That wouldn't be life threatening, since he's not black.
That doesn’t come close to a threat but then I wonder if it’s not inciting violence. Obviously those who voted for him aren’t working with a full deck.
I think he's sending a signal to the NY criminals.

I think this topic illustrates perfectly how trump supporters are morons.
Don Cuomo: Don't dare come to New York Mr. President if you know what's good for you. I've seen enough Sopranos episodes to know what that means.
I think this topic illustrates perfectly how trump supporters are morons.

IMO, the moron is the one who thinks they can 'righteously' rebel against Trump rule.:roll:
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is "going to take a look at" paying the legal fees of an apparent supporter who allegedly punched a protester at one of Trump's rallies last week . .
Last month, Trump pledged to pay the legal bills for supporters who "knocked the crap" out of anyone who was considering throwing tomatoes at the former reality-television star. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said. "Just knock the hell — I promise you, I'll pay the legal fees."

Donald Trump on paying legal fees for punch-thrower - Business Insider

Trump said the man “got carried away” with his actions before saying he doesn’t condone violence. “He obviously loves his country, and maybe he doesn't like seeing what's happening to the country,” Trump told the show’s host, Chuck Todd. When asked if the billionaire businessman would pay the man’s legal fees if he could, Trump said: “I've actually instructed my people to look into it, yes.”

McGraw defended his actions, telling Inside Edition that he enjoyed punching 26-year-old Rakeem Jones and that the protester “deserved it.” “You bet I liked it. Knocking the hell out of that big mouth,” McGraw said. “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”

Trump May Pay Legal Fees of Man Who Sucker-Punched Protester | Time.com

I think he's talking about all the people who Trump cheated out of their wages and money when he was there.. There's many cases that the Trump organization stiffed after receiving services.
If I were Trump, I'd stay WAY out of range.
I think this topic illustrates perfectly how trump supporters are morons.

What it shows now that you posted something this stupid is that you have double standards and embrace hypocrisy...
[FONT=&quot]"He can’t come back to New York. He can’t," said Cuomo, a Democrat. "He’s going to walk down the street in New York? Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the street in New York."

Andrew Cuomo: Trump will 'need an army' if he returns to New York


Naw, he’s just acknowledging that a, seemingly, growing number of lefties are incapable of opposing something/someone without engaging in violence.
LOL, who voted yes!!!!!!!!!!!

What it shows now that you posted something this stupid is that you have double standards and embrace hypocrisy...

Oh look another moronic post from a Bodhi. What’s next you going to claim Cuomo has a hit out on trump? :lamo

What a bunch of moronic and idiotic comments you have.
I think this topic illustrates perfectly how trump supporters are morons.

Because you think you demonstrate high intellectual debate?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is "going to take a look at" paying the legal fees of an apparent supporter who allegedly punched a protester at one of Trump's rallies last week . .
Last month, Trump pledged to pay the legal bills for supporters who "knocked the crap" out of anyone who was considering throwing tomatoes at the former reality-television star. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said. "Just knock the hell — I promise you, I'll pay the legal fees."

Donald Trump on paying legal fees for punch-thrower - Business Insider

Trump said the man “got carried away” with his actions before saying he doesn’t condone violence. “He obviously loves his country, and maybe he doesn't like seeing what's happening to the country,” Trump told the show’s host, Chuck Todd. When asked if the billionaire businessman would pay the man’s legal fees if he could, Trump said: “I've actually instructed my people to look into it, yes.”

McGraw defended his actions, telling Inside Edition that he enjoyed punching 26-year-old Rakeem Jones and that the protester “deserved it.” “You bet I liked it. Knocking the hell out of that big mouth,” McGraw said. “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”

Trump May Pay Legal Fees of Man Who Sucker-Punched Protester | Time.com


Compare the two: Trump paying the legal fees for someone who punched a Trump protestor at a Trump rally or someone shooting and killing a Trump supporter at a BLM riot in Portland?
Oh look another moronic post from a Bodhi. What’s next you going to claim Cuomo has a hit out on trump? :lamo

What a bunch of moronic and idiotic comments you have.

Is it difficult to keep a glass house clean?
I think this topic illustrates perfectly how trump supporters are morons.
Enlighten the rest of us. I thought it was a reasonable topic to discuss or to poll on. Granted some morons might participate but that’s ok.
Because you think you demonstrate high intellectual debate?

More than any Trump supporter. If every trump supporter dropped dead today, America would finally be great again.
Enlighten the rest of us. I thought it was a reasonable topic to discuss or to poll on. Granted some morons might participate but that’s ok.

Saying Cuomo threatened the presidents life is moronic. Plain and simple, only retarded morons think Cuomo threatened the presidents life.
Is it difficult to keep a glass house clean?

It is difficult for trump supporters to tie their own shoes and stop drooling.
Saying Cuomo threatened the presidents life is moronic. Plain and simple, only retarded morons think Cuomo threatened the presidents life.
Did you take time to look at the poll results?
[FONT="]"He can’t come back to New York. He can’t," said Cuomo, a Democrat. "He’s going to walk down the street in New York? Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the street in New York."

Andrew Cuomo: Trump will 'need an army' if he returns to New York


And you people continue to use that idiotic trope that it's liberals who are the hysteric snowflakes to which I must respond thus:


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