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Court orders company to comply with special counsel subpoena in mystery grand jury appeal (1 Viewer)

Giustra just donated $100 million to the Clinton foundation for no reason? Was he having an affair with Hillary, or was he just stupid?

Ooh did it for a reason, a benevolent reason. It is not stupid if you donate great sums of money to noble causes. Just look at the Gates family, Warren Buffett, Premji, Feeney, Moore, Carlos Slim, Eli Broad, George Kaiser, Bloomberg, Paul Allen, Zuckerberg, John Huntsman Sr., Ted Turner, James Simon, Michael Dell, Dietmar Hopp. All of them and some more have all donated 1 billion or more. Gates has donated in excess of 27 billion, Buffett in excess of 21 billion. Are they all stupid for doing that? I don't think so.
Ooh did it for a reason, a benevolent reason. It is not stupid if you donate great sums of money to noble causes. Just look at the Gates family, Warren Buffett, Premji, Feeney, Moore, Carlos Slim, Eli Broad, George Kaiser, Bloomberg, Paul Allen, Zuckerberg, John Huntsman Sr., Ted Turner, James Simon, Michael Dell, Dietmar Hopp. All of them and some more have all donated 1 billion or more. Gates has donated in excess of 27 billion, Buffett in excess of 21 billion. Are they all stupid for doing that? I don't think so.

God will judge whether they did the right thing with the money He allowed them to have.
God will judge whether they did the right thing with the money He allowed them to have.

I am curious, do you think God would appreciate you bringing him up as a threat in all of these political discussions?
Ooh did it for a reason, a benevolent reason. It is not stupid if you donate great sums of money to noble causes. Just look at the Gates family, Warren Buffett, Premji, Feeney, Moore, Carlos Slim, Eli Broad, George Kaiser, Bloomberg, Paul Allen, Zuckerberg, John Huntsman Sr., Ted Turner, James Simon, Michael Dell, Dietmar Hopp. All of them and some more have all donated 1 billion or more. Gates has donated in excess of 27 billion, Buffett in excess of 21 billion. Are they all stupid for doing that? I don't think so.

I can't comment about your entire list, but there is a significant difference: Most, if not all of your list donated primarily to their own foundations and account for the bulk of the foundations assets, the same can not be said for the Clinton Foundation. I will note that Warren Buffett has pledged a significant portion of his donations to the B&M Gates Foundation.
God will judge whether they did the right thing with the money He allowed them to have.

Well, as an atheist I seriously doubt that ;)
I can't comment about your entire list, but there is a significant difference: Most, if not all of your list donated primarily to their own foundations and account for the bulk of the foundations assets, the same can not be said for the Clinton Foundation. I will note that Warren Buffett has pledged a significant portion of his donations to the B&M Gates Foundation.

I did not make any comment about to whom they gave money, it just means that they gave loads of money for charitable purposes. The fact that the previous owner of the company that was bought by Uranium one gave a lot of money is not suspicious.
I did not make any comment about to whom they gave money, it just means that they gave loads of money for charitable purposes. The fact that the previous owner of the company that was bought by Uranium one gave a lot of money is not suspicious.

I noted your omission in any kind of comparison between people who donate a lot of money to their own foundation and people who donate to a lot of money to someone else's foundation. The fact that you don't see that as relevant is on you, not on the person pointing out that fact.
I noted your omission in any kind of comparison between people who donate a lot of money to their own foundation and people who donate to a lot of money to someone else's foundation. The fact that you don't see that as relevant is on you, not on the person pointing out that fact.

The person who made a comment about that made it sound like it was stupid for someone to give that much money to a charity, I showed more people were that stupid as to give away large sums of money.
Yeah, I wasn't sure where it was going to go after that TV interview where he said he didn't want to hurt the Clintons because they had gone through enough.

Trump's not investigating anybody. He's using Hillary (as well as the other Democratic suspects, i.e., Bill, Obama, Nancy and Chuck Schumer) as fodder for his base to drum up support. As long as he can throw out their names, he knows his supporters will eat it up even if they know none of what he says is true or in the case of yet another Hillary email investigation nothing will come of it. It's just red meat to his base like cud to a cow - something to chew on.
I am curious, do you think God would appreciate you bringing him up as a threat in all of these political discussions?

You think God does not appreciate Christians talking about Him in everything they do?
Good luck with your godless theories, you are going to need it.

It is not the faith that makes a person a good man, it is his personality and values. Too many "good religious people" have shown that praying to a god is not a guarantee or even an indication of how "good" a person is.

But that is going a bit off topic so I'd better not continue about this ;)

But seriously, if someone donates his money for the real betterment of those who are seriously well off, why would even gods complain about that one. I would rather have a vain person who donates money for the benefit of people who really really need it than a non-vain man who just spends on himself and couldn't care a bit about being charitable.
It is not the faith that makes a person a good man, it is his personality and values. Too many "good religious people" have shown that praying to a god is not a guarantee or even an indication of how "good" a person is.

But that is going a bit off topic so I'd better not continue about this ;)

But seriously, if someone donates his money for the real betterment of those who are seriously well off, why would even gods complain about that one. I would rather have a vain person who donates money for the benefit of people who really really need it than a non-vain man who just spends on himself and couldn't care a bit about being charitable.

I am not opposed to people donating their own money to help the poor. I am opposed to morons in the government extorting tax money from hard working Americans to waste it on poorly run government programs with high overheads and low yields intended to help the poor who cannot or will not work to take care of their own needs.
I am not opposed to people donating their own money to help the poor. I am opposed to morons in the government extorting tax money from hard working Americans to waste it on poorly run government programs with high overheads and low yields intended to help the poor who cannot or will not work to take care of their own needs.

It is actually worse than that and I think maybe you know this....we build victims by choice...we encourage people to be baggage that must be carried by the rest of us.... the Victim Culture product is of course victims.....as if we need more of them!

This is not right, this is not good, this is stupidity in action and our government never had the right to do this without our consent.

Consent, does anyone recall what that is, why it is important, and why it is important to do it right?

By the rhetoric the Left uses they certainly should understand the concept of consent.

But what people say means little anymore.

We are colossal liars now.

We used to be better.
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I am not opposed to people donating their own money to help the poor. I am opposed to morons in the government extorting tax money from hard working Americans to waste it on poorly run government programs with high overheads and low yields intended to help the poor who cannot or will not work to take care of their own needs.

I am a supporter of a system that is humane to all it's citizen. A system that gives a safety net for those people who (mostly for no fault of their own) fall through the cracks of our capitalistic society. I support health care insurance, support money for those who are unable to work anymore due to handicaps or illnesses, etc. etc. etc.

And the way to make sure government programs are not poorly run is by running them correctly IMHO.
I favor helping the poor, just not by taking other people's money to do it.

That used to be called charitable giving, today it's called an entitlement provided by government.
I am a supporter of a system that is humane to all it's citizen. A system that gives a safety net for those people who (mostly for no fault of their own) fall through the cracks of our capitalistic society. I support health care insurance, support money for those who are unable to work anymore due to handicaps or illnesses, etc. etc. etc.

And the way to make sure government programs are not poorly run is by running them correctly IMHO.

America has been paying to care for unemployed drug addicts, alcoholics, lazy bums, gangsters, criminals, sex addicts, illegal immigrants and so forth for years. With money it does not have and must borrow to be paid back somehow later. If possible.
That used to be called charitable giving, today it's called an entitlement provided by government.

It is no doubt the entitlements which drive hoards of impoverished peoples from around the world to want to break into this country illegally.
America has been paying to care for unemployed drug addicts, alcoholics, lazy bums, gangsters, criminals, sex addicts, illegal immigrants and so forth for years. With money it does not have and must borrow to be paid back somehow later. If possible.

That is nonsense, and the reason it does not have money is due to not having fair taxation and especially spending fortunes on the military industrial complex (not the armed forces but the companies who enlarge the US armed forces spending for economic reasons and not military reasons).
Trump wasn't even mentioned in the OP which you replied to.

You have no idea how telling it is that you rammed your way in to a thread that was created just to relay facts and didn't mention Trump just so that you could point out that it's not connected to Trump.

It makes me think your fully aware of just how dirty he is and how likely it is that he did some very illegal things. It's like your the guy at the party hanging out and someone comes out of a room and says "someone took a **** on the bed!" and you immediately scream out "I DIDN'T DO IT! AND YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT I DID IT!"

I mean it's just kind of hilarious.
Oh yeah...nothing to do with Trump...hell, you people don't brush your teeth without blaming something or another on Trump....

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