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Conservative Group Rants About Same-Sex Kiss At Macy’s Parade, Twitter Reacts With Love (1 Viewer)


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Here's what a conservative group tweeted in response to a same-sex kiss at the Macy's parade:


Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade

9:09 AM - Nov 22, 2018

What a bunch of bigoted, hand-wringing pansies! Boys and girls loving each other causes kids to lose their innocence? Please!

Here's what a conservative group tweeted in response to a same-sex kiss at the Macy's parade:

What a bunch of bigoted, hand-wringing pansies! Boys and girls loving each other causes kids to lose their innocence? Please!

News story: Millions of Americans continue to struggle with poverty and unaffordable health care.
Conservatives: :shrug:
News story: A woman kissed another woman at the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.

Here's what a conservative group tweeted in response to a same-sex kiss at the Macy's parade:

What a bunch of bigoted, hand-wringing pansies! Boys and girls loving each other causes kids to lose their innocence? Please!

Best reply: "thank you for bringing attention to this event. it turned my 8 children gay. my dog now walks upright and speaks in perfect english. the sun has not set in the past 36 hours and seems to be getting closer to earth. i can command birds with my mind."
Best reply: "thank you for bringing attention to this event. it turned my 8 children gay. my dog now walks upright and speaks in perfect english. the sun has not set in the past 36 hours and seems to be getting closer to earth. i can command birds with my mind."

Oh there is a story here.
To each their own. There are a hell of a lot of people that believe what was demonstrated in that tweet. I respect people's feelings and beliefs, just don't force or try to force me to comply with your feelings or beliefs.

I don't agree with the tweet at all. No sexual act occurred.

If that kiss was a sexual act and should be seen as illegal, then there are also a hell of a lot of people (kids included) that should be in jail for bestiality for kissing their dog or cat...

It's just silly.

I admit, that two guys kissing is a little unsettling for me to look at, and two girls kissing is not. I don't know why, that's just the way I feel inside. I don't care if two guys or two girls kiss, it's just the way seeing it affects me or doesn't affect me.
To each their own. There are a hell of a lot of people that believe what was demonstrated in that tweet. I respect people's feelings and beliefs, just don't force or try to force me to comply with your feelings or beliefs.

I don't agree with the tweet at all. No sexual act occurred.

If that kiss was a sexual act and should be seen as illegal, then there are also a hell of a lot of people (kids included) that should be in jail for bestiality for kissing their dog or cat...

It's just silly.

I admit, that two guys kissing is a little unsettling for me to look at, and two girls kissing is not. I don't know why, that's just the way I feel inside. I don't care if two guys or two girls kiss, it's just the way seeing it affects me or doesn't affect me.

Do you think any kids lost their innocence because of the picture of the girls kissing?
To each their own. There are a hell of a lot of people that believe what was demonstrated in that tweet. I respect people's feelings and beliefs, just don't force or try to force me to comply with your feelings or beliefs.

I don't agree with the tweet at all. No sexual act occurred.

If that kiss was a sexual act and should be seen as illegal, then there are also a hell of a lot of people (kids included) that should be in jail for bestiality for kissing their dog or cat...

It's just silly.

I admit, that two guys kissing is a little unsettling for me to look at, and two girls kissing is not. I don't know why, that's just the way I feel inside. I don't care if two guys or two girls kiss, it's just the way seeing it affects me or doesn't affect me.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with being grossed out with it. I’m grossed out to see two men kiss. I’m also grossed out to see old people kiss and ugly people kiss. But I certainly don’t begrudge them doing it. It is just an amoral physical reaction, based largely on one’s own sexual orientation and proclivities. I plan to keep kissing my wife in public when we are old and maybe ugly even though I know it will gross some people out. :)
You can't have a parade in 2018 in NYC and expect New Yorkers to kowtow to the conservative ideology of other places.

I dunno... maybe if you don't want to see that, you should have a parade in MS or something. :shrug:

For people in NYC, this is just business as usual... people loving one another and showing it. No big deal.

But I'm not shocked that some religious conservatives are shocked. Indignation and victimhood are what they do best.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with being grossed out with it. I’m grossed out to see two men kiss. I’m also grossed out to see old people kiss and ugly people kiss. But I certainly don’t begrudge them doing it. It is just an amoral physical reaction, based largely on one’s own sexual orientation and proclivities. I plan to keep kissing my wife in public when we are old and maybe ugly even though I know it will gross some people out. :)

For what it's worth, intergenerational sex grosses people out. If I have to be discreet with a 19 year old companion in public, it's not too much to ask for homosexuals to do the same. There ARE consequences for not being discreet.

Here's what a conservative group tweeted in response to a same-sex kiss at the Macy's parade:

What a bunch of bigoted, hand-wringing pansies! Boys and girls loving each other causes kids to lose their innocence? Please!
Anybody ever HEAR of this group before? I sure haven't. But don't let that stop the group panty-wadding mass hysteria. Honestly, it's fun to see which left slanting poster can be the most incensed. :ranton:
For what it's worth, intergenerational sex grosses people out. If I have to be discreet with a 19 year old companion in public, it's not too much to ask for homosexuals to do the same. There ARE consequences for not being discreet.

But I am saying even though it grosses me out that does not mean they need to be discrete. If it is a simple kiss there is no need to be discrete in western society. And I feel the same about inter generational relationships between adults as well.
News story: Millions of Americans continue to struggle with poverty and unaffordable health care.
Conservatives: :shrug:
News story: A woman kissed another woman at the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.

So true!

These people haven't changed a bit since the 80's. They're still the same old backwards, theocratic fascists they were back then.
People's religious beliefs should be respected. Isn't "offensive" one of today's buzzwords? Things like that should be in strip clubs, not family parades.

LOL - And you should know about strip clubs :)
Anybody ever HEAR of this group before? I sure haven't. But don't let that stop the group panty-wadding mass hysteria. Honestly, it's fun to see which left slanting poster can be the most incensed. :ranton:

That's ok. I had never heard of "Antifa" until you guys started spreading the myth about its existence.
For what it's worth, intergenerational sex grosses people out. If I have to be discreet with a 19 year old companion in public, it's not too much to ask for homosexuals to do the same. There ARE consequences for not being discreet.
Most people don't actually give a ****, except those that really don't have a life.

Men date younger women and now many women date younger men. It's not a big deal, people are allowed to find happiness in whatever involves consenting adults.
That's ok. I had never heard of "Antifa" until you guys started spreading the myth about its existence.
How about Saul Alinsky?

I love when wingers reference that guy, as if we're supposed to know and care who that is.
Most people don't actually give a ****, except those that really don't have a life.

Men date younger women and now many women date younger men. It's not a big deal, people are allowed to find happiness in whatever involves consenting adults.

Like trump and his daughter.
Like trump and his daughter.
But they're not adults.

Ivanka has the mind of a fourteen year old and Trumpie boys brain stopped developing at five years old.
That's ok. I had never heard of "Antifa" until you guys started spreading the myth about its existence.
Bragging about your ignorance?
Bragging about your ignorance?

Nope, just stating a fact. Right-wing nuts live in fear, so if there's no one on the left to be afraid of they just make something up.

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