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Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns [W:100] (1 Viewer)

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Since the constitution clearly says WELL REGULATED why are you fighting so hard against the constitutionally required regulations?

You are again proving you have no clue what you are talking about. You are making the idiotic assertion that the second amendment somehow is delegating POWER to the federal government to regulate private citizens' ability to own and bear small arms when the bill of rights was a blanket restriction on what the federal government can do. That congress has the power to regulate the militia is irrelevant about what arms private citizens can own and you are engaging in the intellectually bankrupt claim that a right that pre-exists government somehow requires membership in a government controlled organization to vest.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

That claim has been shown to be false multiple times, starting at least in 1876 with US v Cruikshank. It's the second part that stands on its own, and the first part fails without the second part.

See also 10 USC 311.

You'd think these leftwing gun restrictionists would at least be better prepared in this area. his arguments prove a complete lack of understanding of the entire constitutional fabric
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Yeah, I'm confused as well.

apparently a "libertarian" is upset that Trump won and wants that changed?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You'd think these leftwing gun restrictionists would at least be better prepared in this area. his arguments prove a complete lack of understanding of the entire constitutional fabric
Complete, and embarrassing. And yet I would be willing to bet money he will be back to double down on his position.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

:roll: no schizo - no problem.

Sorry, schizos are born, guns are made. No guns, no problem.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Put your principles where your mouth is jet. Cash that check and get rid of your guns.

Well, since I'm in schizophrenic I can own my guns and go to the range, and clean them. But I won't carry them in public; that would be stupid.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Sorry, schizos are born, guns are made. No guns, no problem.
Thanks for your opinion, misguided but you're entitled to it. Do schizos not ever use clubs or knives?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Actually, what they did was uphold the civil rights of American citizens; primarily the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments. Yeah...yeah...I know, The Constitution is only for when y'all agree with it, any time else, it's toilet paper.

Lol thread

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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

no, not hoping for that; I am hoping Trump will do his job & make the nation a good president & not be a rich, impetuous idiot

but what irony if some mentally ill person that could not previously obtain a firearm could eventually lawfully obtain one and then make such an attempt?

Was Hinckley adjudicated as a mental defective before he shot Reagan?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Sorry, schizos are born, guns are made. No guns, no problem.

Are you willing to outlaw every single thing that a nutjob can use as a weapon to kill people?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Why not let the mentally ill buy a gun, we let one occupy the WH.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Why not let the mentally ill buy a gun, we let one occupy the WH.
What are you talking about? Hillary didn't win.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

What are you talking about? Hillary didn't win.

NPD, the man is nuttier than a Christmas fruit cake, and just as tasteless.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Republicans need to allow the mentally ill to buy guns. Otherwise they won't be able to.

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

The bottom line for any business is profit. What a redundant thing to say.

When the business is death, perhaps we need a different standard.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

that shows you have no understanding of the entire foundation upon which the constitution and the bill of rights was based upon and a complete lack of knowledge of the fact that the bill of rights was not intended to create "new rights" but to merely guarantee rights all the founders believed pre-existed the formation of the government.

How can a right that existed since the dawn of man require membership in a government required organization? the answer is it cannot.

so you can mention militia all you want and demonstrate ignorance as well. BTW since the federal government was never given any proper authority to regulate private firearms owned by private citizens, the second amendment merely restates the fact that said federal government has no proper power in this area

Show me the stone tablet that gave cavemen the right to own guns...
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

When the business is death, perhaps we need a different standard.

Hyperbolic nonsense.

You are free, and able to post idiotic nonsense on this very board because of guns and gun manufacturers.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Show me the stone tablet that gave cavemen the right to own guns...

Lol, only a lib would make that statement. Believing that some authority is where rights come from.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Well, since I'm in schizophrenic I can own my guns and go to the range, and clean them. But I won't carry them in public; that would be stupid.
Assuming it were legal in your state Jet, are you capable of carrying them responsibly in public and not be a danger to others?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Show me the stone tablet that gave cavemen the right to own guns...

I guess when you don't understand the theory of our government and when you are a statist who thinks that you only have rights that the government tells you you can have, you get this nonsense

to answer your stupid question-its on the same one that gave you the right to post silly comments
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Well, since I'm in schizophrenic I can own my guns and go to the range, and clean them. But I won't carry them in public; that would be stupid.

so you are projecting your own failures onto everyone else?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Republicans need to allow the mentally ill to buy guns. Otherwise they won't be able to.


your stupid comment actually is rather edifying. Left wing Hillary worshippers think anyone who doesn't fluff Hillary is "mentally ill". The Communists in the USSR did that to anyone who didn't buy into that social order as well
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Moderator's Warning:
Folks, cut out the trolling

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