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Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns [W:100] (1 Viewer)

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

When the business is death, perhaps we need a different standard.

And when the business is personal safety?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Well, since I'm in schizophrenic I can own my guns and go to the range, and clean them. But I won't carry them in public; that would be stupid.

Do you assume all schizophrenics are dangerous? Now that is just plain ignorance. Mental illnesses are not a joke for the agenda driven ignorant to bandy about trying to frighten others.

Would you like to discuss sociopaths before you try and use that?
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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Do you assume all schizophrenics are dangerous? Now that is just plain ignorance. Mental illnesses are not a joke for the agenda driven ignorant to bandy about trying to frighten others.

Would you like to discuss sociopaths before you try and use that?

You're making it up again. Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You're making it up again. Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?

Do you believe people's rights should be violated without due process?

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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Do you believe people's rights should be violated without due process?

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An MMR would be due process don't you think? So I'll ask you: should schizophrenics be allowed to own guns?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

An MMR would be due process don't you think? So I'll ask you: should schizophrenics be allowed to own guns?

Measles Mumps and Rubella? The shot? What exactly is an MMR that you are referring?

Again. Do you think someone should have their rights removed without due process?

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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You're making it up again. Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?

You admit that you do believe this. so what is your point
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You're making it up again. Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?

Response with unevidenced assertion. I see no improvement in your deflections and avoidance

I don't answer emotional twaddle. You have my answer anyway. Can you prove all schizophrenics are a danger to anyone? A simple yes or no will suffice. My guess is you cannot say no even though you know it is true.

But if you want to play remember two can play. Do you think you should stop beating your ......
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Response with unevidenced assertion. I see no improvement in your deflections and avoidance

I don't answer emotional twaddle. You have my answer anyway. Can you prove all schizophrenics are a danger to anyone? A simple yes or no will suffice. My guess is you cannot say no even though you know it is true.

But if you want to play remember two can play. Do you think you should stop beating your ......

So, you won't answer the question because you know I'm right.

okay got it

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You admit that you do believe this. so what is your point

Jet has a point?????? Must be the first. Only time he ever makes sense is when he quite rightfully wants firearm owners to get off their butts and fight this useless abomination gun control is forcing on us. In that he is exactly right. I have no idea who firearm owners think is going to do it for them. It's like Negroes hoping the masters will save them, pitiful.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

So, you won't answer the question because you know I'm right.

okay got it


And now you are a mind reader as well even when I told you the answer. Can you prove all schizophrenics are a danger to anyone? A simple yes or no will suffice. My guess is you cannot say no even though you know it is true.

So I was right and you were wrong

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

An MMR would be due process don't you think? So I'll ask you: should schizophrenics be allowed to own guns?

Only a functional crystal ball will tell you what people are going to do. A physical examination will tell if you are going to rape is what you are claiming.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You're making it up again. Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?

Can I speak the the more sensible you?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Only a functional crystal ball will tell you what people are going to do. A physical examination will tell if you are going to rape is what you are claiming.

You don't know what you're talking about. When you start showing that you do, we can converse again.

Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

An MMR would be due process don't you think? So I'll ask you: should schizophrenics be allowed to own guns?

If a medical doctor and the courts say so. Sure. If they say no, then no. Not because you don't "think" they should.
Btw, did due diligence with Google and not finding it. What the heck is an MMR? Are you meaning FMRI?
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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Do you think schizophrenics should own guns?

Of course they should. Why do you believe the mentally ill and disabled should be stripped of their rights?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Of course they should. Why do you believe the mentally ill and disabled should be stripped of their rights?

Did I say disabled or schizophrenic? You realize what happens when a schizo's medication are not kept up right? Schizohrenics for the most part do not live alone.

Your take is immature I'm afraid.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Did I say disabled or schizophrenic? You realize what happens when a schizo's medication are not kept up right? Schizohrenics for the most part do not live alone.

Your take is immature I'm afraid.

This thread is about disability and mental illness. So you believe a diagnosis of schizophrenia should lead to the arbitrary denial of rights, which other conditions do you think that should apply to? Depression? Bi-polar Mood Disorder? Anxiety Disorder? Alzheimer's/Dementia? Autism? Acquired Brain Injury? Blindness?

What is your criteria for arbitrarily, and without due process, stripping people of their rights, and what other rights is it applicable to? Should people with Tourettes have their right to free speech removed because they can't use it responsibly?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Did I say disabled or schizophrenic? You realize what happens when a schizo's medication are not kept up right? Schizohrenics for the most part do not live alone.

Your take is immature I'm afraid.

If they are deemed too dangerous to own a firearm, should they be allowed to walk freely with the public?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

This thread is about disability and mental illness. So you believe a diagnosis of schizophrenia should lead to the arbitrary denial of rights, which other conditions do you think that should apply to? Depression? Bi-polar Mood Disorder? Anxiety Disorder? Alzheimer's/Dementia? Autism? Acquired Brain Injury? Blindness?

What is your criteria for arbitrarily, and without due process, stripping people of their rights, and what other rights is it applicable to? Should people with Tourettes have their right to free speech removed because they can't use it responsibly?

Well, you're certainly taking uninformed route and jumping to an arbitrary conclusion.

Please read and correctly interpret what I've been writing. Your emotionalizing is silly.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

If they are deemed too dangerous to own a firearm, should they be allowed to walk freely with the public?


Just more stupidity. How'z about you actually reply to the reasonable point instead of making it all up again?
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Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Well, you're certainly taking uninformed route and jumping to an arbitrary conclusion.

Please read and correctly interpret what I've been writing. Your emotionalizing is silly.

You believe people with disabilities and mental illness should be stripped of their rights and treated as second class citizens. You believe their status as first or second class citizens should be determined by whether their name is on a list. You believe they should have neither the right to bear arms, nor the right to a trial and the due process that first class citizens get before having their rights stripped.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

You believe people with disabilities and mental illness should be stripped of their rights and treated as second class citizens. You believe their status as first or second class citizens should be determined by whether their name is on a list. You believe they should have neither the right to bear arms, nor the right to a trial and the due process that first class citizens get before having their rights stripped.

Again, another misinformed, immature, illogical rant conclusion based on not being able to to correctly interpret the English language.

When you can actually address what I'm saying, then we can continue.
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

Again, another misinformed, immature, illogical rant conclusion based on not being able to to correctly interpret the English language.

When you can actually address what I'm saying, then we can continue.

You believe the legislation in the OP should be passed, correct?
Re: Congress Says, Let the Mentally Ill Buy Guns

This has everything to do with HIPPA and confidentiality and virtually NOTHING to do with Congress wanting the mentally ill to own guns.

So they aren't going to stop liberals from owning guns? :lol:

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