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Complying with armed criminals is a crapshoot. Be prepared to take them out before they take YOU out. (1 Viewer)

I wish that someone would explain why.
Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state.
Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state.
The county in California with the highest murder rate is Kern County.

  • The racial makeup of Kern County was 499,766 (59.5%) White, 48,921 (5.8%) African American, 12,676 (1.5%) Native American, 34,846 (4.2%) Asian, 1,252 (0.1%) Pacific Islander, 204,314 (24.3%) from other races, and 37,856 (4.5%) from two or more races.

Keep trying.
Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state.
Thank you for that frank (and civil) answer.

I notice that many people like to say that there's more violence in red states than in blue states, but they decline to explain why.
The county in California with the highest murder rate is Kern County.

  • The racial makeup of Kern County was 499,766 (59.5%) White, 48,921 (5.8%) African American, 12,676 (1.5%) Native American, 34,846 (4.2%) Asian, 1,252 (0.1%) Pacific Islander, 204,314 (24.3%) from other races, and 37,856 (4.5%) from two or more races.

Keep trying.
Your article didn't address the racial makeup of the ones committing homicide. There are plenty of locals with similar racial makeup where the majority of homicides aren't committed by the majority demographic.

"Two are at the center of a war between two of California’s largest prison gangs, according to Kern County law enforcement.

Delano, population 53,000, is centered around the Wonderful Company mandarin oranges packaging plant. The town of McFarland, seven miles to the south with 15,000 residents, is famous for its high school cross country team, which was the subject of a 2015 movie starring Kevin Costner.

Delano Police Chief Tyson Davis said his town is the southernmost one run by the norteño prison gang, who wear red. McFarland is the northernmost town run by the sureño prison gang, who wear blue."

Thank you for that frank (and civil) answer.

I notice that many people like to say that there's more violence in red states than in blue states, but they decline to explain why.
Because the roots of crime are the same everywhere. All states have poverty, gangs and drugs, regardless of which political party is in charge at each level.
I'm sincerely glad of that fact. Others, like the clerk in the video, were not as fortunate. Do you live in one of the areas of Chicago that has a high crime rate, or one of the safer areas?

25% of armed robbers end up assaulti ng their victims regardless of compliance. Sometimes including murder.
Please show the actual data for this claim
It appears we all just watched an add for products and services driven and sold by fear using a single event and telling everyone they are next.

An evolution of the “good guy with a gun” theory, or all the “you have your man card back” ads used to sell ARs.

You know, like all the products used to kill kids in schools while the “good guys with guns” stayed outside.
Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state.

Is it because white people are superior?
Your article didn't address the racial makeup of the ones committing homicide. There are plenty of locals with similar racial makeup where the majority of homicides aren't committed by the majority demographic.

"Two are at the center of a war between two of California’s largest prison gangs, according to Kern County law enforcement.

Delano, population 53,000, is centered around the Wonderful Company mandarin oranges packaging plant. The town of McFarland, seven miles to the south with 15,000 residents, is famous for its high school cross country team, which was the subject of a 2015 movie starring Kevin Costner.

Delano Police Chief Tyson Davis said his town is the southernmost one run by the norteño prison gang, who wear red. McFarland is the northernmost town run by the sureño prison gang, who wear blue."

How is this happening in a county run by republicans with a city represented by McCarthy?
How is this happening in a county run by republicans with a city represented by McCarthy?
Criminals ignore the law? Does this county have any special gun control laws that the state of California don't have?

Is it Republican voters committing the crimes?
Criminals ignore the law? Does this county have any special gun control laws that the state of California don't have?

Is it Republican voters committing the crimes?
Nope. The 5.8% of black citizens in Kern County make it have a higher murder rate than LA. Sod off.
Nope. The 5.8% of black citizens in Kern County make it have a higher murder rate than LA. Sod off.
Did you see where the sheriff laid the blame for violence on Latino gangs?

Are these typically Republican voters?

It isn't who is in charge at any level anywhere. It's who is committing the actual crimes.
Did you see where the sheriff laid the blame for violence on Latino gangs?

Are these typically Republican voters?

It isn't who is in charge at any level anywhere. It's who is committing the actual crimes.
Oh! So in cities like LA it isn't the fault of the democrats running the city, it's the fault of the people committing the crimes. You should have led with that, idiot.
You can't shoot Chuck Norris. This is known.
Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent.
Oh! So in cities like LA it isn't the fault of the democrats running the city, it's the fault of the people committing the crimes. You should have led with that, idiot.
"Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state."

Did you miss this part in post #27?
"Look at the demographics of the shooters and victims. Red states have blue voters; blue states have red voters. In the South, the homicide rate of Black non-Hispanics is 6 times that of White non-Hispanics. That's a typical ratio around the country. It doesn't seem to be about red state/ blue state."

Did you miss this part in post #27?
I didn't miss it, it simply makes no sense.
I didn't miss it, it simply makes no sense.
You just pointed out that both Republican led Kern County and Democratic led LA County suffer similar results from similar demographics, none of which seem to be Republicans.
It appears we all just watched an add for products and services driven and sold by fear using a single event and telling everyone they are next.

An evolution of the “good guy with a gun” theory, or all the “you have your man card back” ads used to sell ARs.

You know, like all the products used to kill kids in schools while the “good guys with guns” stayed outside.
I bet the family of that executed clerk wishes he had been able to defend himself with a gun. You wouldn't have wanted one? In the video, the host clearly shows at least two opportunities where the murderer was distracted and could have been taken out if the clerk had happened to have had a weapon, which many convenience store clerks carry AND have used to defend themselves. There is plenty of video supporting that. Why let yourself be defenseless?

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