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Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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Here we go again folks... The liberal flunkies from SEIU have taken over where ACORN left off.

We need to make the punishment for voter fraud a minimum of 5 years behind bars, then maybe the liberals could focus on a new and revolutionary way to win elections for democrats... It's called "Merit". Of course, as we all know though, that's always a losing strategy for democrats, but...

Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston
By Ed Barnes
Published September 25, 2010


“The first thing we started to do was look at houses with more than six voters in them" Engelbrecht said, because those houses were the most likely to have fraudulent registrations
attached to them. "Most voting districts had 1,800 if they were Republican and 2,400 of these houses if they were Democratic . . .

"But we came across one with 24,000, and that was where we started looking."

It was Houston's poorest and predominantly black district, which has led some to accuse the group of targeting poor black areas. But Engelbrecht rejects that, saying, "It had nothing to do with politics. It was just the numbers.”


Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Steve Caddle, who also works for the Service Employees International Union. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston
Here we go again folks... The liberal flunkies from SEIU have taken over where ACORN left off.

We need to make the punishment for voter fraud a minimum of 5 years behind bars, then maybe the liberals could focus on a new and revolutionary way to win elections for democrats... It's called "Merit". Of course, as we all know though, that's always a losing strategy for democrats, but...

FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston
Sorry to disappoint you Grim, but this is a right wing voter suppression operation going on in Houston.

Burnt Orange Report: From Glenn Smith: Right-Wing Voter Suppression Effort Caught Using Doctored Photo


Sorry to disappoint you Grim, but this is a right wing voter suppression operation going on in Houston.

Burnt Orange Report: From Glenn Smith: Right-Wing Voter Suppression Effort Caught Using Doctored Photo



Did you even bother to read the story?
Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Steve Caddle, who also works for the Service Employees International Union. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

Some how I don't see SEIU as a "Conservative" bastion of support for voter fraud, but I do seeSEIU at the center of it for their Savior, Obama , and they do have a reputation of being a gang of thugs and bullies to the older and weaker Americans, because they are cowards.

Here is a video St. Louis County police say six SEIU thugs were arrested in this unprovoked beating of a Black Patriot.
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Did you even bother to read the story?

Some how I don't see SEIU as a "Conservative" bastion of support for voter fraud, but I do seeSEIU at the center of it for their Savior, Obama , and they do have a reputation of being a gang of thugs and bullies to the older and weaker Americans, because they are cowards.

Here is a video St. Louis County police say six SEIU thugs were arrested in this unprovoked beating of a Black Patriot.
Hmm, after watching the video countless times, the only person who still appears the least bit injured is the SEIU guy rubbing his shoulder. The black guy in the beige shirt claiming he was attacked doesnt have a speck of dust on him and then he's seen running around waving down a cop car. The next day he's seen giving a press conference in a wheel chair. :roll:

The right apparently think that if they repeat a lie ad nauseum it will somehow magically become credible and true. But do they really think we don't see a pattern of their deceit....

SEIU, ACORN, Van Jones, Black Panthers, Sheila Sherrod, Rev. Wright, Obama, Mexican immigrants, Muslims, mosque = Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Just amazing.... Not one comment so far from the left condemning the voter fraud in original post.
Just amazing.... Not one comment so far from the left condemning the voter fraud in original post.
Perhaps because no voter fraud has occured. Why does the right keep confusing voter registration with actual voting? Hasn't this been explained ad nauaseum? Is the right really that dense? Maybe so if we to keep explaining the voting process over and over and over to them. The fact that the voter registration office found discrepancies in the voter registrations simply means they are doing their job. That IS their job. When the right can prove that anyone has actually cast more than one ballot on voting day, then they can whine and throw a hissy fit about voter fraud and I will join them. Until then the right is just blowing hot air up everyones butt.
Perhaps because no voter fraud has occured. Why does the right keep confusing voter registration with actual voting? Hasn't this been explained ad nauaseum? Is the right really that dense? Maybe so if we to keep explaining the voting process over and over and over to them. The fact that the voter registration office found discrepancies in the voter registrations simply means they are doing their job. That IS their job. When the right can prove that anyone has actually cast more than one ballot on voting day, then they can whine and throw a hissy fit about voter fraud and I will join them. Until then the right is just blowing hot air up everyones butt.

Just to be clear, are you arguing that this:

Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid. The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

is legal?
Just to be clear, are you arguing that this:

is legal?
Someone standing on a sidewalk and signing up potential voters have no way of checking someones' ID or creditentials for their validity. That is the job of the voter registrations office. Again, registering people to vote is not "voter fraud". Republicans are very good at making an issue out of nothing because that is all they have to get elected.
Someone standing on a sidewalk and signing up potential voters have no way of checking someones' ID or creditentials for their validity. That is the job of the voter registrations office. Again, registering people to vote is not "voter fraud". Republicans are very good at making an issue out of nothing because that is all they have to get elected.

This is not only a misreading of what actually happened, it's also a misunderstanding of the law.

If the people submitting these registrations did what they're alleged to have done, that is clearly illegal. Moreover, knowingly submitting fraudulent voter registrations is in fact voter fraud.

As someone who has actually done voter registration, I can say with confidence that it's not possible to do what these people did by accident.
Just amazing.... Not one comment so far from the left condemning the voter fraud in original post.

I'll give you a comment.

With the inherent insecurities introduced into elections nationwide thanks to HAVA, I'm a little surprised that anybody's bothering to resort to more traditional methods of voter fraud anymore.
This is not only a misreading of what actually happened, it's also a misunderstanding of the law.

If the people submitting these registrations did what they're alleged to have done, that is clearly illegal. Moreover, knowingly submitting fraudulent voter registrations is in fact voter fraud.

As someone who has actually done voter registration, I can say with confidence that it's not possible to do what these people did by accident.
Knowingly? If someone knowingly signs their name to register to vote and it isn't their name then of course that person is the one commiting fraud, not the person who is standing there asking people to register. Since you claim to have registered people to vote, how did you verify and prove they were who they said they were and how did you know they weren't already registered? And since you accuse me of not knowing the law for registering people to vote, then why don't you provide a link to it since you're such an expert on this matter?
Knowingly? If someone knowingly signs their name to register to vote and it isn't their name then of course that person is the one commiting fraud, not the person who is standing there asking people to register. Since you claim to have registered people to vote, how did you verify and prove they were who they said they were and how did you know they weren't already registered?

Again, read the story.

If you're out there registering voters and someone chooses to give you a fake name or register twice, that's not your fault.

However, if you're out there registering voters and you:

1) repeatedly submit multiple registrations of the same name,
2) submit "so many applications ... in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability," or
3) otherwise encourage/knowingly accept signatures from people who are not citizens or are not eligible to register to vote,

you have most likely committed a crime. People are prosecuted for this all the time. This is common knowledge.

And since you accuse me of not knowing the law for registering people to vote, then why don't you provide a link to it since you're such an expert on this matter?

Because it's not going to waste my time searching through law for you if you can't do basic research yourself.
It is unfortunate when anyone commits fraud and we should be diligent in preventing voter fraud and voter registration fraud. We should punish the people who do it, regardless of their political party.

I hope that liberals won't try to defend people who even appear to be cheating on behalf of the Democratic Party. I also hope that conservatives won't try to defend the actions of people who appear to be cheating on behalf of the Republican Party.

If it will help, I will call myself a liberal and admit that what the SEIU folks were doing was not right and should probably result in criminal charges. However, I'd also like conservatives not to try to claim that Republicans don't do this kind of crap too. They do. Simple search turns up plenty of transgressions by agents of both parties.
Again, read the story.

If you're out there registering voters and someone chooses to give you a fake name or register twice, that's not your fault.

However, if you're out there registering voters and you:

1) repeatedly submit multiple registrations of the same name,
2) submit "so many applications ... in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability," or
3) otherwise encourage/knowingly accept signatures from people who are not citizens or are not eligible to register to vote,

you have most likely committed a crime. People are prosecuted for this all the time. This is common knowledge.

Because it's not going to waste my time searching through law for you if you can't do basic research yourself.
It looks like they are unfairly disqualfying registrations:

Democrats sue Harris County Voter Registrar Leo Vasquez for alleged violations of voter registration laws | Texas Watchdog

As it did in 2008, the Texas Democratic Party has sued the Harris County voter registrar in federal district court for what it says are violations of voter registration laws, political favoritism and violations of voter privacy.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday with the federal court's Southern District, is the latest shot across the bow of registrar Leo Vasquez, who on Aug. 24 accused two Democratic-leaning activist groups of organized and systematic voter fraud involving more than 5,000 applications for voter registrations.

The lawsuit takes exception to Vasquez' making public the voter registration applications in question and making them available to a Tea Party activist group called the King Street Patriots, which has publicly pledged to monitor voter fraud in Texas. The suit says Vasquez "resisted" turning over the same documents to officials with the Harris County and Texas Democratic Party organizations.

The lawsuit also accuses Vasquez of violating a 2008 settlement of a lawsuit accusing his predecessor, Paul Bettencourt, of practices that blunted the ability of citizens to register to vote in a timely way. Both are Republicans. The original suit was settled without Bettencourt addressing whether the allegations against him were true or false.

If it will help, I will call myself a liberal and admit that what the SEIU folks were doing was not right and should probably result in criminal charges. However, I'd also like conservatives not to try to claim that Republicans don't do this kind of crap too. They do. Simple search turns up plenty of transgressions by agents of both parties.

Don't be so quick to any conclusions, the right wing pulls this **** every year before elections. This is vote suppression of the poor. Watch the following video:

Someone standing on a sidewalk and signing up potential voters have no way of checking someones' ID or creditentials for their validity. That is the job of the voter registrations office. Again, registering people to vote is not "voter fraud". Republicans are very good at making an issue out of nothing because that is all they have to get elected.

it is, if they aren't registering to vote under their legal name. And, if there's no way to check a person's ID, on the street, then what's the point?!? Why bother? Gotta be something in it for the people beating the bushes to find people to register. ACORN and SEIU aren't doing all this for nothing.
Don't be so quick to any conclusions, the right wing pulls this **** every year before elections. This is vote suppression of the poor. Watch the following video:

I grew up poor. I don't recall anyone suppressing my vote, or the vote of my siblings, or parents.
Again, read the story.
Why don't you read the story first before telling others to read it.

If you're out there registering voters and someone chooses to give you a fake name or register twice, that's not your fault.
Which tends to be the case for 99% of these false accusations by Republicans and the rightwing bloggers.

However, if you're out there registering voters and you:

1) repeatedly submit multiple registrations of the same name,
2) submit "so many applications ... in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability," or
3) otherwise encourage/knowingly accept signatures from people who are not citizens or are not eligible to register to vote,

you have most likely committed a crime. People are prosecuted for this all the time. This is common knowledge.
Well, if you know that is what actually occured then prove it.

Because it's not going to waste my time searching through law for you if you can't do basic research yourself.
If you can't back up your claim by providing a link, then I see no reason to waste my time discussing this issue with you.
I grew up poor. I don't recall anyone suppressing my vote, or the vote of my siblings, or parents.
Sorry, but your antedotal evidence isn't proof that it didn't happen or still doesn't happen to others, especially if they are people of color. Which I assume you are not.

it is, if they aren't registering to vote under their legal name. And, if there's no way to check a person's ID, on the street, then what's the point?!? Why bother? Gotta be something in it for the people beating the bushes to find people to register. ACORN and SEIU aren't doing all this for nothing.
If someone is registering under fraudulent means, then that isn't SEIU's problem, because it's the job of the voter registration office to check the names and see who is legitimate or not. All the registration people are obliged to do is get people to fill out the forms and then they send the list to the voter registars office and it is their job to validate the names. So all this blaming and accusations of voter fraud when no voter fraud has actually occured is just the same old political ploy Republicans have been doing every election since 2000. It is getting old and tiresome, especially if that is all they have to get elected.
Hmm, after watching the video countless times, the only person who still appears the least bit injured is the SEIU guy rubbing his shoulder. The black guy in the beige shirt claiming he was attacked doesnt have a speck of dust on him and then he's seen running around waving down a cop car. The next day he's seen giving a press conference in a wheel chair. :roll:

The right apparently think that if they repeat a lie ad nauseum it will somehow magically become credible and true. But do they really think we don't see a pattern of their deceit....

SEIU, ACORN, Van Jones, Black Panthers, Sheila Sherrod, Rev. Wright, Obama, Mexican immigrants, Muslims, mosque = Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So your saying the St.Louis Police lied and just made up the whole thing? Come on.
Sorry, but your antedotal evidence isn't proof that it didn't happen or still doesn't happen to others, especially if they are people of color. Which I assume you are not.

LOL...I should have known you were going to make that false assumption. Why do Libbos always assume that I'm white? Care to brutally honest in answering that question?!?

If someone is registering under fraudulent means, then that isn't SEIU's problem, because it's the job of the voter registration office to check the names and see who is legitimate or not. All the registration people are obliged to do is get people to fill out the forms and then they send the list to the voter registars office and it is their job to validate the names. So all this blaming and accusations of voter fraud when no voter fraud has actually occured is just the same old political ploy Republicans have been doing every election since 2000. It is getting old and tiresome, especially if that is all they have to get elected.

Then, why bother? Isn't that the $64,000 question. There's got to be something in it for the SEIU.
Just amazing.... Not one comment so far from the left condemning the voter fraud in original post.

Liberals are not permitted to response directly in most situations at the risk of getting an F in obfuscation.

Besides to do so would still require ignoring the truth and any facts that might be presented.

I my response to the counter accusation that a a Right Wing group in Houston I have to wow they caught someone but there seems to be no connection to any National organization like say, oh, I don't know, ACORN wich has been repeatedly caught in Voter fraud in many many States.

As a Conservative I cannot make excuses for nor will I ignore facts or the truth and in this case both seem to apply.

But once again before I move on I must say this photo shopped evidence does not compare with fixing the vote to the tune of tens of thousands of ghost voters.

Not by any stretch of any warped imagination.

So in summation ladies and Gentlemen of the Public's Court of Opinions, that I condemn voter fraud in any and all it's forms and guises.

However it would be refreshing to see a liberal response that doesn't sound like a 10 or 12 year old child caught with a hand in the cookie jar by Mom and saying: "Well, OH YEAH, Billy DID IT TOO!"

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury with that being said, I now rest my case, and leave the outcome in you semi capable hands.
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So your saying the St.Louis Police lied and just made up the whole thing? Come on.
No, I'm saying the guy, Kenneth Gladney who said he was attacked by SEIU flat out LIED and faked his entire involvement. For one, he shows no sign of being attacked or having injury in the video, and two he never pressed charges against SEIU and three, there are no hospital records of him being treated and four, the only police report in existence can only be found on guess who, Brietbarts website and five, the wheelchair charade was too phoney to be believed. Suuuweeeee, the only injury in this case is to someone's intelligence if they believe this nonsense cooked up by rightwingers. Ouch, would that be you?

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