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Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:224] (1 Viewer)

Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I think that anyone who has suffered material losses due to SPLC labeling them as a "hate group" should sue them for compensatory damages. Liability will teach SPLC to stop their defamatory gamesmanship against others.

What factual defamatory action has the SPLC done in this situation? Or do you mean if there known statements they made about the ministries are found to be incorrect?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

What factual defamatory action has the SPLC done in this situation? Or do you mean if there known statements they made about the ministries are found to be incorrect?

Wrongfully categorizing someone as a "hate group" in order to promote coercive action against them. How do I know SPLC isn't itself a "hate group", since they seem to specialize in stigmatizing those who don't subscribe to their politics?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

From what I have been presented in this thread, it seems that the group is against SSM and has used a discredited study to support their position. This doesn't in my mind rise to the level of "hate".


Coral Ridge Ministries
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The late Rev. D. James Kennedy started turning fundamentalist Coral Ridge Presbyterian into a mega-church in the 1960s, adding Coral Ridge Ministries (CRM) as its action arm in 1974 and claiming some 10,000 members by the 1990s. During the fiscal year ending in June 2009, CRM raised almost $18 million and spent more than $6 million of that on television and radio outreach efforts.

Over the years, Kennedy emphasized anti-gay rhetoric, particularly in his TV ministry. He recommended as “essential” the virulent work of R.J. Rushdoony (see Chalcedon Foundation, above), who believed practicing gays should be executed. In an especially nasty 1989 edition of a CRM newsletter, Kennedy ran photographs of children along with the tagline, “Sex With Children? Homosexuals Say Yes!”

After Kennedy died in 2007, Coral Ridge Presbyterian seemed to change course, merging in 2009 with New City Presbyterian Church under its pastor, Tullian Tchividjian, a grandson of evangelist Billy Graham. Tchividjian began to move the church away from divisive social issues; some 500 members of Coral Ridge, including Kennedy’s daughter, left as a result. Today, Tchividjian says that the church, with 2,400 congregants, is entirely separate from CRM.

CRM, however, has continued its hard-line course. In 2009, it hired anti-gay activist Robert Knight as a senior writer and Washington, D.C., correspondent. Knight has used the work of discredited researcher Paul Cameron (see Family Research Institute, below). In one recent essay on the CRM website, he argued against allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, saying that “Bible-believing Christians would quickly find themselves unwelcome in Barney Frank’s new pansexual, cross-dressing military.” (Hector Padron, CRM’s executive vice president, wrote last May that such a change would post a “grave threat to the military.”)

In 2002, before joining CRM, Knight wrote that gay marriage “entices children to experiment with homosexuality” and that accepting homosexuality leads to “a loss of stability in communities, with a rise in crime, sexually transmitted diseases and other social pathologies. Still another is a shortage of employable, stable people.”
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Fill in the blanks, and tell me if this hate --- **** people tend more toward bestiality than **** people. (Note: All studies disproved the assertion).

No, that's not hate. It's an asinine opinion.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

How is having that stance promoting violence? They should be labeled a hate group for this? A bunch of idiots maybe, but a hate group?

IMO, promoting the works of a man who advocated killing gay people might be considered promoting violence by some people.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Wrongfully categorizing someone as a "hate group" in order to promote coercive action against them. How do I know SPLC isn't itself a "hate group", since they seem to specialize in stigmatizing those who don't subscribe to their politics?

Do you have some facts to post that prove that claim? If so please present them, thanks!
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

OK, currently, despite the fact that homosexuality is not considered to be a mental disorder or deviant in any way by the medical community, and despite the fact that the federal court system has recognized that gays and lesbians should get equal treatment under the law, there are conservative evangelical churches that teach that homosexuality is deviant behavior that is comparable to pedophilia, that gays and lesbians should not get equal treatment under the law, and that gays and lesbians should not be considered suitable parents, much less adopt. Moreover, they support candidates that share their views, donate large sums of money to PACs and lobbying organizations that share their views, put out misleading "voter information guides" to promote their views, and even charter buses on election days to ensure that all their members show up and vote in favor of their views.

Now, they are well within their rights to do all of that and hold any opinions and promote any views they want, no matter how hateful or despicable those views are in a modern society, but they do not have a right to be free of criticism for it.

Hate is hating the person or people personally, nothing in the above his hating the person it is about behavior. And it is not even about "hating" the behaviour, it is about whether the behavior violates morals or ethics or principles to that person. To label them as hateful and the equate them to the KKK is defamatory. And of course assigning an emotion to such a debate or issue is simply a way to shut down any discussion of those morals and ethics and principles.


Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
Left-wing nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to top management

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a liberal, Alabama-based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization that has gained prominence on the left for its "hate group" designations, pushes millions of dollars to offshore entities as part of its business dealings, records show.

Additionally, the nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to its top directors and key employees while spending little on legal services despite its stated intent of "fighting hate and bigotry" using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is perhaps best known for its "hate map," a collection of organizations the nonprofit deems "domestic hate groups" that lists mainstream conservative organizations alongside racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and is often referenced in the media. A gunman opened fire at the Washington, D.C., offices of the conservative Family Research Council in 2012 after seeing it listed as an "anti-gay" group on SPLC's website.
Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities

Follow the money.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

No one is trying to legitimize those sins. Have you ever seen an 'adultery pride' parade?

Well there are so called "swingers parties" what if a religious bakery was asked to create a special custom cake for a swingers party. If he refused would that be "hate"?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

For me, peoples opinions turn meaningless when they dodge questions in order to push whatever narrative they want.

This is a debate site. How can one debate if the other party won't engage?

For you, peoples' opinions are meaningless if they don't agree with you in the first place.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Always well armed for a discussion. Kudos, sangha.

Actions and purpose. What are they trying to accomplish and what measures are they willing to take to accomplish it?

I do not know who you are asking about or why that matters. Please make your point
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I do not know who you are asking about or why that matters. Please make your point

What has this group done to earn "hate group" status? Furthermore, what is the threshold that a group must cross to earn this status? And finally, who is responsible for determining this threshold?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

What has this group done to earn "hate group" status? Furthermore, what is the threshold that a group must cross to earn this status? And finally, who is responsible for determining this threshold?

It is all in the quote I posted from the SPLC. I do not know for sure what put them over the top, but it may be promoting the teachings of a man who called for killing gays.

Just a hunch.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

wow that was all over the place but the bolded stuck out, are you calming a person has complete control over their sexual orientation and arousal?

Complete control in what regard? Most people know anger and sexual arousal including towards 17 year-old girls. Typically neurological reactions occur too fast for a choice (in terms of adequate time to deliberate and then pick) for a choice to get angry or sexually aroused occurs. A choice is not made. Kind of like most of is meat eaters when we are very hungry and look at a steak and desire it.

The choice--for a meat eater as myself (ask any vegetarian or vegan)--involves if I will follow through on my desires. A person at a job might feel like walking into their place of employment and shooting everyone to death. Their initial anger may not have been chosen. How one works through that dilemma involves choices.

I have no doubt most or all pedophiles (teenagers or adults sexually attracted to prepubescent children) and most female teachers sexually attracted to a 16 year-old male student in their class have not directly made a choice to have the attraction they do. But again... the choices involve how one works to resolve their dilemma.

Heterosexual premarital sex, homosexual dating, don't come today with the sufferings of a 25 year-old female teacher screwing her 17 year-old male student. So, they are easier to do and harder to stop. Pain and fear are motivators for change. That does not mean one will change. In fact, shunned enough and one might draw deeper into that one thing that gives them pleasure or relief--even if temporarily. Why the hell else would someone get an erection over a 7 year-old girl? Why would they "choose" to be hated rather than celebrated? But most of them can't stop. They can but they can't to the extent they are enslaved by this compulsion and overwhelming arousal that overcomes all proper reasoning in their minds.

Some will throw their marriage, career, high social standing away... hooked as they are in that pleasure response in their brains. Trust me... I'm the furthest thing from a saint of sexually chaste. I have a lot of sexual sins, so, I know. I eat meat and I'm not a vegetarian either--unlike most Buddhist monks and Trappist (Catholic) monks. Food and sex are supposed to be the strongest drives among man.

Michael Diamond
Published on May 3, 2017

Col. Russell Williams was a top military commander trusted to fly the queen. Susan Spencer uncovers his secret life of stolen lingerie, sexual assault and murder.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Complete control in what regard? Most people know anger and sexual arousal including towards 17 year-old girls. Typically neurological reactions occur too fast for a choice (in terms of adequate time to deliberate and then pick) for a choice to get angry or sexually aroused occurs. A choice is not made. Kind of like most of is meat eaters when we are very hungry and look at a steak and desire it.

The choice--for a meat eater as myself (ask any vegetarian or vegan)--involves if I will follow through on my desires. A person at a job might feel like walking into their place of employment and shooting everyone to death. Their initial anger may not have been chosen. How one works through that dilemma involves choices.

I have no doubt most or all pedophiles (teenagers or adults sexually attracted to prepubescent children) and most female teachers sexually attracted to a 16 year-old male student in their class have not directly made a choice to have the attraction they do. But again... the choices involve how one works to resolve their dilemma.

Heterosexual premarital sex, homosexual dating, don't come today with the sufferings of a 25 year-old female teacher screwing her 17 year-old male student. So, they are easier to do and harder to stop. Pain and fear are motivators for change. That does not mean one will change. In fact, shunned enough and one might draw deeper into that one thing that gives them pleasure or relief--even if temporarily. Why the hell else would someone get an erection over a 7 year-old girl? Why would they "choose" to be hated rather than celebrated? But most of them can't stop. They can but they can't to the extent they are enslaved by this compulsion and overwhelming arousal that overcomes all proper reasoning in their minds.

Some will throw their marriage, career, high social standing away... hooked as they are in that pleasure response in their brains. Trust me... I'm the furthest thing from a saint of sexually chaste. I have a lot of sexual sins, so, I know. I eat meat and I'm not a vegetarian either--unlike most Buddhist monks and Trappist (Catholic) monks. Food and sex are supposed to be the strongest drives among man.

its a simple yes no question, nothign you even mention in this post has to do with my question or an answer.

You stated:
Your behavior and sexual arousal are not the same as your physical features.

I asked:
are you calming a person has complete control over their sexual orientation and arousal?

so yes or no?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

its a simple yes no question, nothign you even mention in this post has to do with my question or an answer.

You stated:
Your behavior and sexual arousal are not the same as your physical features.

I asked:
are you calming a person has complete control over their sexual orientation and arousal?

so yes or no?

Aww... if life were so simple and black and white. Not.

Typically neurological reactions occur too fast for a choice (in terms of adequate time to deliberate and then pick) for a choice to get angry or sexually aroused occurs. A choice is not made. Kind of like most of is meat eaters when we are very hungry and look at a steak and desire it.

The choice--for a meat eater as myself (ask any vegetarian or vegan)--involves if I will follow through on my desires. A person at a job might feel like walking into their place of employment and shooting everyone to death. Their initial anger may not have been chosen. How one works through that dilemma involves choices.

I majored in biology in college. Having blue eyes or a wide nose are not the same thing as abandoning your wife and running off with a young girl to have sex and romance with.

ABC News
Published on Apr 28, 2017

Cummins' estranged wife, Jill Cummins, told "Inside Edition" her husband asked for forgiveness after claiming he slept with Elizabeth Thomas, 15, the former student he is charged with kidnapping.

When those in science say, "sexual orientation is not a choice," they are referring to evidence of the speed of neurological responses which occur too fast for a deliberation to occur. The exact same thing happens to drug addicts with visual things that are "triggers" for them, such as IV heroin addicts seeing needles in hospitals. It triggers--neurologically--responses in them (against their will often) for a desire to use.

Scientists find brain differences in pedophiles | Science | DW | 14.10.2012

Scientists find brain differences in pedophiles

Although sexual abuse of children is not tolerated in any society, the reasons why pedophiles pursue their urges remain unclear. A team of German scientists has been looking in the brain for answers.

Illness or sexual orientation?

"That was important, because not every pedophile abuses children and becomes a criminal," said Ponseti - though he admits that it's difficult for the parent of a victim to accept the distinction.

Many people don't know that doctors classify pedophilia as an illness, though only if the person or another suffers as a result of the urges. "According to the new American psychiatric classification system, a person is only classified as a pedophile if that person acts on their sexual attraction to children - or at least suffers from the fact that they have this attraction," said Ponseti. "If he has this attraction without abusing a child, then we can call it a sexual orientation."
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Aww... if life were so simple and black and white. Not.

I majored in biology in college. Having blue eyes or a wide nose are not the same thing as abandoning your wife and running off with a young girl to have sex and romance with.

When those in science say, "sexual orientation is not a choice," they are referring to evidence of the speed of neurological responses which occur too fast for a deliberation to occur. The exact same thing happens to drug addicts with visual things that are "triggers" for them, such as IV heroin addicts seeing needles in hospitals. It triggers--neurologically--responses in them (against their will often) for a desire to use.

Scientists find brain differences in pedophiles | Science | DW | 14.10.2012

Awwww but it is, we get it, you cant answer and you are choosing to dodge. You said something that you cant back up so you now attempt to drown it in a bunch of things that dont matter. thats what I thought. When answer the question, back up and explain your claim please let us know. LOL
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Do you have some facts to post that prove that claim? If so please present them, thanks!

No, actually you should first present some facts to show that the group suing SPLC for defamation is actually a "hate group" as SPLC has claimed them to be.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

2.) actually you should first present some facts to show that the group suing SPLC for defamation is actually a "hate group" as SPLC has claimed them to be.

1.) oh so you were just making stuff up and your post is lie? LMAO got it
2.) please explain to us why "i" meed to do that? :)
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Awwww but it is, we get it, you cant answer and you are choosing to dodge. You said something that you cant back up so you now attempt to drown it in a bunch of things that dont matter. thats what I thought. When answer the question, back up and explain your claim please let us know. LOL

I answered you. I said there is no choice in terms or the neurological speeds in relation to who we are sexually attracted to.

The problem is we no longer are in the biological and genetic determinism age. We are in the epi-genetic age. Why is that important? Because your behaviors and environmental inputs can alter "the pathways your thoughts travel down." You can alter your genetic expressions. Human behaviors are too complex to be directly analogous to having blue eyes or a wide nose. You're ignorantly claiming they are the same. Liberals argued the same exact thing during the 1930s and taught Nazi Germany about Eugenics. And you all still cling to your biological determinism in year 2017 even though the paradigm has switched to epigenetics.

The choice(s)--in terms of your sexual orientation and behaviors--come into play in how you work to resolve your dilemma.

So, a man is married and attracted to a 15 year-old girl who has a serious crush on him too. His sexual attraction to her may not be a choice. How he goes about resolving that dilemma becomes a choice.

Your problem is your reading your own personal biases into those statements and thinking I'm making a religious declaration. A choice can be to have sex with the girl. A choice can be to murder her afterwards and bury her body. Better odds two will keep a secret if one is dead. There are a multitude of choices that could be made. One of those choices could be to put some distance between you and the girl and to continually remind yourself of your wedding vows, reflect with gratitude on your blessings.

I eat meat. From animals killed so I can enjoy their cooked flesh and derive protein from them. That's how I resolve certain hunger and craving dilemmas I have. That does not mean I could not make other choices that resolve my hunger through more vegetarian means. Eat more beans and rice.

Rape and murder and child molestation can be away a person resolves their dilemma. Or attempts to resolve it. The morality of those choices are another issue. I'm speaking to whether one can make them. As in its opposite: "It is impossible for a homosexual man to marry a woman, gain an erection, ejaculate, impregnate her and become a father." Or saying, "It is impossible for a man to rape a woman."
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I answered you. I said there is no choice in terms or the neurological speeds in relation to who we are sexually attracted to.
<meaningless parts removed>

oh so now you are retracting your original statement and you admit that like physical features a person can not control their sexual arousal or orientation and your original claim was wrong. Thanks thats a good move correcting your mistake.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

No, actually you should first present some facts to show that the group suing SPLC for defamation is actually a "hate group" as SPLC has claimed them to be.

SPLC must have never saw the Protestant movie The Shack. Originally a book.

Catholic moral outlook pretty much mirrors secular liberals--who ironically blast Catholics for holding a moral outlook very akin to them--as Catholicism likes to classify sins into "mortal" (secular equivalents of felonies) and "venial" (secular equivalents of misdemeanors). So, abducting someone's child, raping that child, and murdering that child is a worst sin than cheating on your taxes or having a homosexual fling, in Catholic moral outlook.

Whereas with certain Protestant streams all of them are equal offenses before God. So, if that is the case, then said church is a "hate group" against tax cheaters and child murderers too. Why isn't the SPLC complaining about that? Because tax cheaters and child killers "aren't born that way"? How the hell do they know? I thought many atheist and neurologist like to claim no one has free will. Not a single person on earth. Because "free will is an illusion" they say.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

oh so now you are retracting your original statement and you admit that like physical features a person can not control their sexual arousal or orientation and your original claim was wrong. Thanks thats a good move correcting your mistake.

I'm not retracting anything. I said behaviors and sexual arousal are not the same thing as having blue eyes or a wide nose.

(Sexual arousal e.g., masturbating to crying women you tie up after breaking into their house; sexually aroused in leather outfits and leashes in BDSM clubs etc.)

Sexual orientation is no more exactly the same thing as sexual arousal as homosexuality is the same thing as being transsexual. Homosexual men have married women, gotten erections (through whatever means of sexual arousal), been stimulated enough by their wife's vagina to reach orgasm and ejaculate in her and impregnate her.

So, I say again, according to science when the hypothesis is put forward: "All birds are white," all it takes is one non-white bird for that hypothesis to be proven wrong. Just one. One on the whole planet earth. Whereas, this dumb claim some have that no homosexual man can ever get an erection and have sex with a woman and live a married life is proven false by not just one case but a history of thousands of cases.

(The case in the video of the Canadian military pilot was one of sexual arousal from wearing female underwear, or from forcing a woman into various poses as he masturbated looking at her and having control over her.)
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I'm not retracting anything. I said behaviors and sexual arousal are not the same thing as having blue eyes or a wide nose.

(Sexual arousal e.g., masturbating to crying women you tie up after breaking into their house; sexually aroused in leather outfits and leashes in BDSM clubs etc.)

Sexual orientation is no more exactly the same thing as sexual arousal as homosexuality is the same thing as being transsexual. Homosexual men have married women, gotten erections (through whatever means of sexual arousal), been stimulated enough by their wife's vagina to reach orgasm and ejaculate in her and impregnate her.

So, I say again, according to science when the hypothesis is put forward: "All birds are white," all it takes is one non-white bird for that hypothesis to be proven wrong. Just one. One on the whole planet earth. Whereas, this dumb claim some have that no homosexual man can ever get an erection and have sex with a woman and live a married life is proven false by not just one case but a history of thousands of cases.

(The case in the video of the Canadian military pilot was one of sexual arousal from wearing female underwear, or from forcing a woman into various poses as he masturbated looking at her and having control over her.)

I know what you said, I quoted you, and under the context you said it to in which you were replying you insinuated that it was controllable.Its not and everything you have typed after that false claim is meaningless and doesnt change anything. Its all double talk that doesnt amount to anything or impact the actual discussion in anyway. Its like discussing if red paint and blue paint are both colors of paint (yes) but then you talking about how blue paint is made different from red. So what and now you are trying to deflect with a absurd strawman that NOBODY said, but it wont work, your original post is still inaccurate. Who here claimed "homosexual man can ever get an erection and have sex with a woman and live a married life" lol

Sexual orientation and arousal is facially not a choice, thats it, theres nothign else that matters to the discussion that was actually being had. Saying more will just dig your hole deeper.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

For you, peoples' opinions are meaningless if they don't agree with you in the first place.


Not true. Meaningless is earned by action, or lack of it.

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