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Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:224] (1 Viewer)

Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

No, they factually are not :shrug:
You didnt even post anythign that makes them a hate group lol

simple question? who do they hate?

I answered that. Did you not read it? The police. Any group that promotes violence against others is a hate group.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

1.)Technically, they are not forced to.
2.) They just have to pay a hefty fine if they refuse to.
3.) But I think you knew what he meant, didn't you?

1.) yes i know there is no force
2.) factually not correct they are fined IF they break the law, rules and regulations associated with being a public businesses and if they illegally discriminate. These are things they CHOOSE to and AGREED to not do when running a public business. They dont have to run that businesses nor does it have to be public like they choose. Thats all their fault, if they were stupid enough to break the law or think they have special rights or the law doesnt apply to them thats their fault nobody else. Next time they can choose not to be criminals.
3.) i can only go by what a person says and his statment is 100% factually wrong and has never happened in the US over whatever "gay cake" is.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

1.)I answered that.
2.) Did you not read it?
3.) The police.
4.) Any group that promotes violence against others is a hate group.

1.) yes you gave me your opinion that holds no merit and has no support
2.) yes nothing in there shows BLM to factually e a hate group
3.) try again, there are police officers that belong to BLM, even WHITE ones LOL
4.) Good think "BLM" doesnt do that

so again, how do they hate?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

1.) yes you gave me your opinion that holds no merit and has no support
2.) yes nothing in there shows BLM to factually e a hate group
3.) try again, there are police officers that belong to BLM, even WHITE ones LOL
4.) Good think "BLM" doesnt do that

so again, how do they hate?

I'm not playing your stupid little game. I gave you my answer. If you refuse to accept the facts, nothing I can do about it, I'm not going to keep repeating it. LOL

Have a good night.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

That's a bizarre claim, and it's summarily rejected.
You reject everything that is beyond your reasoning capacity. No surprise there.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

1.)I'm not playing your stupid little game. I gave you my answer.
2.) If you refuse to accept the facts, nothing I can do about it
3.) I'm not going to keep repeating it. LOL
4.)Have a good night.

1.) translation you can support your claim so you are deflecting
2.) I accept them fine, fact is "BLM" is not a hate group and you cant provide any evidence to show they are
3.) good move because repeating it wont make your false claim true, it will remain factually wrong every time
4.) I will you helped make it, thanks!
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

1.) translation you can support your claim so you are deflecting
2.) I accept them fine, fact is "BLM" is not a hate group and you cant provide any evidence to show they are
3.) good move because repeating it wont make your false claim true, it will remain factually wrong every time
4.) I will you helped make it, thanks!

Do you like editing people's original posts? If there isn't a rule against that, there should be.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Why do this supposedly Christian group sue? Why not strive to be better people?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Do you like editing people's original posts? If there isn't a rule against that, there should be.

Do you have somethign on topic or to support your factually wrong claim? If so please present it, thanks!
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

The real reason for this lawsuit

Always about the money, and these jokers are actually going to argue that Amazon not including them in their program made them somehow incapable of exercising their religion. :lamo

Actually, if they can prove that being listed on this group caused them monetary harm, and that SPLC does not equally apply their criteria to all groups across the United States, this fact increases their likelihood of winning. If SPLC's claims were in fact false, or can't be attributed to someone acting as a member of the organization, then they likely can prove that it harmed them financially. And that in fact is a big part of the lawsuit in cases like these.

I don't know if they said what SPLC claims or not before you try to deflect.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Seems very interesting that these questions still arent answered but yet some claim the SPLC is wrong. Maybe they are? But why and how?

I have posted the links several times.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

could you repost please? you posted links to exactly why the SPLC labels them as a hate group? Sorry I definitely missed it. I just think thats the most important part. Lots of claims that the labe is false but nobody could tell me why the label exists. Seems silly to claim one without knowing the other. Thanks!
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I already made it. It's in the post of mine you first replied to.

Hell, I'm not going to give you instructions on how to find it.

I already addressed your claim slander would not enter the case. You dont know that. Your only reply has been the obvious slander and libel are different.

So whats your point. They will certainly be going back and reviewing interviews and discussions and speeches and talks and any other place of possible slander. And if other groups on the list join in no telling where it will go.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I already addressed your claim slander would not enter the case. You dont know that. Your only reply has been the obvious slander and libel are different.

So whats your point. They will certainly be going back and reviewing interviews and discussions and speeches and talks and any other place of possible slander. And if other groups on the list join in no telling where it will go.

Wrong. Go back further. And no, slander will not enter into the case.

We're done here. You clearly have no desire for rational discourse.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

I am not the biggest fan of the SPLC. However, how is the SPLC issuing an opinion an example of tyranny and fascism?

For example, let's say a church was in favor of returning to chattel slavery. They could make what they would argue is a Biblical case for their view, should that then exclude them from civil rights and civil liberties groups calling them a hate group?

Let's say a church wanted homosexuality to be criminalized. They could make a very strong Biblical case for such a position, should that then exclude them from civil rights and civil liberties groups from calling them a hate group?

The government is not restricting anyone's speech, so I am not sure where tyranny comes into play on this one. Everyone has the right to say or believe they want, that does not mean they have a right to be excluded from criticism.

Let's say we deal with the merits of this case instead of slavery and criminalizing homosexual acts, which no one I have heard supporting, and saying see they are just the same. That's the same tactic the SPLC uses.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Wrong. Go back further. And no, slander will not enter into the case.

We're done here. You clearly have no desire for rational discourse.

Yes as long as you are not going to discuss these mystery points it can't go much further and no you don't know what all will be brought to court at this point. It is a defemation lawsuit.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Let's say we deal with the merits of this case instead of slavery and criminalizing homosexual acts, which no one I have heard supporting, and saying see they are just the same. That's the same tactic the SPLC uses.

Are you kidding? Prior to the same sex marriage debate, the same evangelicals that were against same sex marriage were also in favor of sodomy laws. Lawrence v. Texas was only decided in 2003. Prior the SCOTUS decision in 2003 (a 6 to 3 decision), homosexuality was still illegal in 13 states.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Are you kidding?

Not at all, let's deal with current law and this current case instead of trying assign bogus views and opinions to this church and then arguing those. That's what the SPLC tries to do.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Not at all, let's deal with current law and this current case instead of trying assign bogus views and opinions to this church and then arguing those. That's what the SPLC tries to do.

OK, currently, despite the fact that homosexuality is not considered to be a mental disorder or deviant in any way by the medical community, and despite the fact that the federal court system has recognized that gays and lesbians should get equal treatment under the law, there are conservative evangelical churches that teach that homosexuality is deviant behavior that is comparable to pedophilia, that gays and lesbians should not get equal treatment under the law, and that gays and lesbians should not be considered suitable parents, much less adopt. Moreover, they support candidates that share their views, donate large sums of money to PACs and lobbying organizations that share their views, put out misleading "voter information guides" to promote their views, and even charter buses on election days to ensure that all their members show up and vote in favor of their views.

Now, they are well within their rights to do all of that and hold any opinions and promote any views they want, no matter how hateful or despicable those views are in a modern society, but they do not have a right to be free of criticism for it.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

could you repost please? you posted links to exactly why the SPLC labels them as a hate group? Sorry I definitely missed it. I just think thats the most important part. Lots of claims that the labe is false but nobody could tell me why the label exists. Seems silly to claim one without knowing the other. Thanks!

Copied from Sangha

About half way down the page under Coral Ridge Ministries

CRM, however, has continued its hard-line course. In 2009, it hired anti-gay activist Robert Knight as a senior writer and Washington, D.C., correspondent. Knight has used the work of discredited researcher Paul Cameron (see Family Research Institute, below). In one recent essay on the CRM website, he argued against allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, saying that “Bible-believing Christians would quickly find themselves unwelcome in Barney Frank’s new pansexual, cross-dressing military.” (Hector Padron, CRM’s executive vice president, wrote last May that such a change would post a “grave threat to the military.”)

In 2002, before joining CRM, Knight wrote that gay marriage “entices children to experiment with homosexuality” and that accepting homosexuality leads to “a loss of stability in communities, with a rise in crime, sexually transmitted diseases and other social pathologies. Still another is a shortage of employable, stable people.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

Copied from Sangha

About half way down the page under Coral Ridge Ministries


so i dont know if there is more but in that link along the claim is this group:

"recommended as “essential” the virulent work of R.J. Rushdoony (see Chalcedon Foundation, above), who believed practicing gays should be executed. In an especially nasty 1989 edition of a CRM newsletter, Kennedy ran photographs of children along with the tagline, “Sex With Children? Homosexuals Say Yes!”"

"CRM website, he argued against allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, saying that “Bible-believing Christians would quickly find themselves unwelcome in Barney Frank’s new pansexual, cross-dressing military.” (Hector Padron, CRM’s executive vice president, wrote last May that such a change would post a “grave threat to the military.”)"

Well IF this is what this churchs promotes, especially the first one they are indeed a hate group :shrug:
I wonder if there is more? but pushing teachings of killing and for american citizens to be treated as lessers and have less rights is hate.
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I don't know about that, but I do know if you don't bake the gay cake you're subject to getting sued with a huge fine.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Christian bakers from Oregon, appeal $135,000 fine in gay wedding case - Washington Times

Hear it's going to the Supreme Court, where I think the fine will be shot down.

Then, the Christian couple ought to sue those loons who sued them to see how they like it.

Why is it that we don't hear sensationalized news about bakers who refuse to bake a cake for an adulterer or thief?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group suing SPLC to ‘right terrible wrong[W:

How is having that stance promoting violence? They should be labeled a hate group for this? A bunch of idiots maybe, but a hate group?

Fill in the blanks, and tell me if this hate --- **** people tend more toward bestiality than **** people. (Note: All studies disproved the assertion).
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

Why is it that we don't hear sensationalized news about bakers who refuse to bake a cake for an adulterer or thief?

No one is trying to legitimize those sins. Have you ever seen an 'adultery pride' parade?
Re: Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wro

I think that anyone who has suffered material losses due to SPLC labeling them as a "hate group" should sue them for compensatory damages. Liability will teach SPLC to stop their defamatory gamesmanship against others.

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