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Charlie Hebdo is heroic and racist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2013
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The editors and cartoonists murdered in yesterday's attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo are now martyrs for the cause of free speech.

Read the article here: Charlie Hebdo: The French satirical magazine is heroic. It is also racist.

I applaud Charlie Hebdo's heroism, but At the same time I deplore its racism.

What a few Muslims do doesn't reflect the attitudes of all Muslims.
Muslim is a race?
There's nothing wrong with racism. Every Austin Texas white liberal college girl I've eloped with has been an outright racist. The ones from NYC and California are even bigger racists. What's the big deal?
The editors and cartoonists murdered in yesterday's attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo are now martyrs for the cause of free speech.

Read the article here: Charlie Hebdo: The French satirical magazine is heroic. It is also racist.

I applaud Charlie Hebdo's heroism, but At the same time I deplore its racism.

What a few Muslims do doesn't reflect the attitudes of all Muslims.
1. As Pointed out above, Muslim is NOT a race.
2. Hebdo lampooned everyone, all religions, French Govt, etc.



Slate.com is Goofy Leftist endorsement of Islamism.
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I don't think this looks racist. It's merely simply a cartoon. No big deal.





Total hogwash. Charlie Hebdo is probably the most irreverent, politically incorrect, in your face, crude and crass publication on the planet. Even South Park in its wildest and craziest episodes doesn't come close to their level. They've made fun of everything and everyone under the sun. They are not racist. They simply have zero use for political or even social correctness. They are a necessity to counterbalance the often too cautious mainstream media and I hope they never, ever change.
The people that are responsible for the attacks are thin skinned retards. Those meanies keep saying mean things about my violent as **** prophet. Boo hoo..

The stupid ****ers just can't help but to go out of their way to prove everyone right. :lamo
Ya know now that I think about it, Mexicans do sorta look like Arabs..
I don't know whether it's "racist" or not, but I know that they certainly seem anti-religious. Watching some conservatives who regularly cry about the treatment of Christians on this forum come out and defend them is probably the best publicity they could have gotten.
The editors and cartoonists murdered in yesterday's attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo are now martyrs for the cause of free speech.

Read the article here: Charlie Hebdo: The French satirical magazine is heroic. It is also racist.

I applaud Charlie Hebdo's heroism, but At the same time I deplore its racism.

What a few Muslims do doesn't reflect the attitudes of all Muslims.
I dont normally read Slate but its a good article and raises some important questions. While we in the West champion free speech we need to be aware of its consequences- if a white guy calls a black guy the N-word and gets beaten up for it and we all believe he had a right to say it and also most of us wouldnt have minded that he was beaten up for saying it but that brings up a crucial paradox- how far will one go towards offending another and what would the acceptable penalties be? No easy answers.
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Muslim is a race?

It depends on your definition, of course. But do remember that 'The Jew' is a religious subgroup of the semitic peoples. On the other hand, there are those that maintain that there are no separate races in our species.
I dont normally read Slate but its a good article and raises some important questions. While we in the West champion free speech we need to be aware of its consequences- if a white guy calls a black guy the N-word and gets beaten up for it and we all believe he had a right to say it and also most of us wouldnt have minded that he was beaten up for saying it but that brings up a crucial paradox- how far will one go towards offending another and what would the acceptable penalties be? No easy answers.

The penalty should be incarceration. Anyone that reacts with violence to words by private individuals should be put away.
I don't know whether it's "racist" or not, but I know that they certainly seem anti-religious. Watching some conservatives who regularly cry about the treatment of Christians on this forum come out and defend them is probably the best publicity they could have gotten.

Of course one should be allowed to say and write anything they want. Of course, one might out oneself as a jerk.
Of course one should be allowed to say and write anything they want. Of course, one might out oneself as a jerk.

That's only true if the author isn't focusing solely on Christianity. If they are, then the usual contingent of Christian faithful on this forum will whine about how bad Christians have it.
I dont normally read Slate but its a good article and raises some important questions. While we in the West champion free speech we need to be aware of its consequences- if a white guy calls a black guy the N-word and gets beaten up for it and we all believe he had a right to say it and also most of us wouldnt have minded that he was beaten up for saying it but that brings up a crucial paradox- how far will one go towards offending another and what would the acceptable penalties be?
No easy answers.

Racists and bigots have always had lots of easy answers which haven't worked for them or society. :roll:
The penalty should be incarceration.
Anyone that reacts with violence to words by private individuals should be put away.

What should society do about those who incite violence with their intemperate words and images?

How should society deal with them?
It depends on your definition, of course. But do remember that 'The Jew' is a religious subgroup of the semitic peoples.
On the other hand, there are those that maintain that there are no separate races in our species.

The only race on this planet is the human race and the only people who divide humans into separate races are racists.
The editors and cartoonists murdered in yesterday's attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo are now martyrs for the cause of free speech.

Read the article here: Charlie Hebdo: The French satirical magazine is heroic. It is also racist.

I applaud Charlie Hebdo's heroism, but At the same time I deplore its racism.

What a few Muslims do doesn't reflect the attitudes of all Muslims.

"A few" !!?? "Racism"? The number of Muslims doing absolutely nothing about the terrorist, murdering filth is grotesque. Even the liberal Bill Maar agrees with me on that. Where are those Muslims opposed to terror? Where are the anti-violence marches or protests? Who is speaking out against this in the Muslim world?
There's nothing wrong with racism. Every Austin Texas white liberal college girl I've eloped with has been an outright racist. The ones from NYC and California are even bigger racists. What's the big deal?

You elope frequently? How novel!
What should society do about those who incite violence with their intemperate words and images?

How should society deal with them?

Are there not laws against sedition?
"A few" !!?? "Racism"? The number of Muslims doing absolutely nothing about the terrorist, murdering filth is grotesque. Even the liberal Bill Maar agrees with me on that. Where are those Muslims opposed to terror? Where are the anti-violence marches or protests? Who is speaking out against this in the Muslim world?

What are you doing about pedophilia in Christianity? What are you doing about gun crime in the US? Why should ~1.2 billion Muslims "do something" about a crime they don't participate in?

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