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Celebrity Crush (1 Viewer)

JC Callender

DP Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
Political Leaning
Is there a famous person that you have a crush on? Not just someone you think is hot, although they can certainly be hot. But someone you respect a great deal for their skills as well.

I've really loved Alison Krauss for a couple of years now, ever since I discovered her music. At first I really loved her voice, as she's a singer. But then I saw her in interviews and thought she seemed so humble and thoughtful. And I like her physical appearance, but I'm not sure how much I would have if I didn't like her talent first. Whatever the case, I think she looks absolutely beautiful now! :tongue4:

Valerie Bertinelli. That one has been going on for a LONG time.

Sally Field. She was cute in Gidget and the Flying Nun but when she bent over in Smokey and the Bandit I was smitten.

Elizabeth Montgomery. Who doesn't want a nice, wholesome woman with just a little devil in her?
Valerie Bertinelli. That one has been going on for a LONG time.

Sally Field. She was cute in Gidget and the Flying Nun but when she bent over in Smokey and the Bandit I was smitten.

Elizabeth Montgomery. Who doesn't want a nice, wholesome woman with just a little devil in her?

I've always thought Valerie Bertinelli was a fox!! I'll bet she's like my avatar. :cool:
The biggest one was on Barbara Bain, the blonde on the original Mission Impossible series..

And Goldie Hawn. She'd show up on the Rowan and Martin Show in that tiny bikini and it was all over.
The biggest one was on Barbara Bain, the blonde on the original Mission Impossible series..

And Goldie Hawn. She'd show up on the Rowan and Martin Show in that tiny bikini and it was all over.

Goldie Hawn is a serious cutie!
I've always thought Valerie Bertinelli was a fox!! I'll bet she's like my avatar. :cool:

I thought so too... at 55 now she looks great for her age.

Was just talking to GF about the new Batman v Superman movie and she said that she thought the new Wonder Woman was kinda mediocre. I do recall as a kid seeing the Wonder Woman tv series and thinking that Lynda Carter was hot. she held up pretty well too.
Phoebe Cates

Lzzy Hale


And Amy Lee

Milana Vayntrub

Milana Vayntrub.jpg

Man she makes my heart go pitter-patter.

Watch this!!

I have outgrown celebrity crushes but back in my teenage days it was Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson.
Salma Hayek. And heaven help me...Barbra Streisand. If I ever chose to have an affair it would be with her voice.
Speaking of posters and celebrity crushes:

How is Anna Kendrick not response #1

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