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bye sarah (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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Well, this will be interesting. I seriously doubt Trump will find anyone better at the job than her. Granted, her job was to lie while remaining unflustered and keeping a straight face, but she was really good at it.

If it didn’t mean leaving a $30M/year salary, Hannity might be up for it.

who will the president appoint as the acting press secretary while all the prospects say 'no thanks'?

will be curious to learn sister sarah's next position

also wonder if she has spoken with Mueller yet

After she and Kelly leaving, it makes me wonder just how much of a hell hole it is to work with Trump....or even try to.
These were pretty good people, and does not reflect well on him at all.
They should all get together with Nikki Haley and write a book.
Well, this will be interesting. I seriously doubt Trump will find anyone better at the job than her. Granted, her job was to lie while remaining unflustered and keeping a straight face, but she was really good at it.

If it didn’t mean leaving a $30M/year salary, Hannity might be up for it.

What exactly are you talking about? She was very unqualified for the position and Trump will easily find a new replacement.

Kimberly Guilfoyle or Bill Hemmer are a couple of candidates that come to mind.
After she and Kelly leaving, it makes me wonder just how much of a hell hole it is to work with Trump....or even try to.
These were pretty good people, and does not reflect well on him at all.
They should all get together with Nikki Haley and write a book.

Boy Sarah Huckabee is a good person? That's news to me based on all the vicious attacks the left made against her family the past year.
Boy Sarah Huckabee is a good person? That's news to me based on all the vicious attacks the left made against her family the past year.

The LEFT will attack anyone they are told to by their handlers.
They are a mindless mob that prefer to REACT than think.
They have eaten their own when told to.
The LEFT will attack anyone they are told to by their handlers.
They are a mindless mob that prefer to REACT than think.
They have eaten their own when told to.

After she and Kelly leaving, it makes me wonder just how much of a hell hole it is to work with Trump....or even try to.
These were pretty good people, and does not reflect well on him at all.
They should all get together with Nikki Haley and write a book.
That pretty stupid analysis, heavy on the anal.

With the attacks she gets daily by the MSM, the stupid and redundantly inane, purposefully disruptive, the lies that she has to be hyper aware of and constantly counter, stomp out before they become the lefty raging fire, that put out by the 90% negative MSM, the threats, the slights she and ANYBODY in this administration gets just because they have the temerity to work with the President... well, it is a hard slog.

She has done it with dignity for almost 2 years already. Thank you so much, Sarah.

That pretty stupid analysis, heavy on the anal.

With the attacks she gets daily by the MSM, the stupid and redundantly inane, purposefully disruptive, the lies that she has to be hyper aware of and constantly counter, stomp out before they become the lefty raging fire, that put out by the 90% negative MSM, the threats, the slights she and ANYBODY in this administration gets just because they have the temerity to work with the President... well, it is a hard slog.

She has done it with dignity for almost 2 years already. Thank you so much, Sarah.


Do you notice that when liberals target someone they disagree with someone politically they automatically resort to ad hominem attacks?
Well, this will be interesting. I seriously doubt Trump will find anyone better at the job than her. Granted, her job was to lie while remaining unflustered and keeping a straight face, but she was really good at it.

If it didn’t mean leaving a $30M/year salary, Hannity might be up for it.

I am sure the trumpsters won't have a problem paying Hannity $30 million a year. Well it's just taxpayer money after all.
After she and Kelly leaving, it makes me wonder just how much of a hell hole it is to work with Trump....or even try to.
These were pretty good people, and does not reflect well on him at all.
They should all get together with Nikki Haley and write a book.

So far we have had books from Comey, Omarosa, Sean Spicer, Scaramouche. We are certain to see books by Hayley, Conway, Huckabee, Tillerson, Sessions, Cohen, Flynn, Kelly and the other 100 or so who worked for trump and either 'resigned' or were 'fired'.

Seriously trump is treating the US government as his very own Apprentice show. All we see is 'You're Fired' over and over again.
Are you kidding [yes, of course I noticed]? C'mon, leave 'em alone, its ALL they've got. :lamo

We liberals also have FACTS. And one of those FACTS is the RECORD number of people who have left the trump administration in less than 2 years.

Now I expect the trumpers to claim that NOONE has left the trump administration - because LYING is all they've got.
Are you kidding [yes, of course I noticed]? C'mon, leave 'em alone, its ALL they've got. :lamo

Notice as well. Anyone that supports or align themselves with Trump, that person is automatically attacked and questioned by the Inquisition. That person no longer has any credibility.

Anyone that dissociates themselves from Trump automatically has credibility.....no matter how dishonest they are - see Michael Cohen.
We liberals also have FACTS. And one of those FACTS is the RECORD number of people who have left the trump administration in less than 2 years.

Now I expect the trumpers to claim that NOONE has left the trump administration - because LYING is all they've got.

The Trump administration is like a new start-up tech company. Of course, there is going to be turnover.

Look at companies like Uber, Snap, Amazon, or Facebook - high level of turnover.
We liberals also have FACTS. And one of those FACTS is the RECORD number of people who have left the trump administration in less than 2 years.

Now I expect the trumpers to claim that NOONE has left the trump administration - because LYING is all they've got.
Good lord that was a stupid post.

Why would we have to lie about something of which we are certainly not ashamed? But that slenderfella had the wherewithal to have mixed up his own staff a bit so that he could, you know, have achieved, could have governed a third as well as the current President.

Yano? No, how could you? Then you would be one of us, the informed.
I am sure the trumpsters won't have a problem paying Hannity $30 million a year. Well it's just taxpayer money after all.

I am sure they would, but someone in the Press Secretary’s pay grade makes about $180,000/year, and only Congress can change the senior executive pay schedule.
That pretty stupid analysis, heavy on the anal.

With the attacks she gets daily by the MSM, the stupid and redundantly inane, purposefully disruptive, the lies that she has to be hyper aware of and constantly counter, stomp out before they become the lefty raging fire, that put out by the 90% negative MSM, the threats, the slights she and ANYBODY in this administration gets just because they have the temerity to work with the President... well, it is a hard slog.

She has done it with dignity for almost 2 years already. Thank you so much, Sarah.


No it's not. :argue
Notice as well. Anyone that supports or align themselves with Trump, that person is automatically attacked and questioned by the Inquisition. That person no longer has any credibility.

Anyone that dissociates themselves from Trump automatically has credibility.....no matter how dishonest they are - see Michael Cohen.

Add to that the back stabber Mc C[p]ain in the right's ass, Tillerson, Omarosa... the left loves the right's discards who are about as clueless as themselves... hard to achieve but they do often strive very hard.
So far we have had books from Comey, Omarosa, Sean Spicer, Scaramouche. We are certain to see books by Hayley, Conway, Huckabee, Tillerson, Sessions, Cohen, Flynn, Kelly and the other 100 or so who worked for trump and either 'resigned' or were 'fired'.

Seriously trump is treating the US government as his very own Apprentice show. All we see is 'You're Fired' over and over again.

Yep, that is how I see it.
Trump's way or the highway.
Some really good people thought they might have made a difference at first, but later found out it was a waste of their time.

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