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Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built (1 Viewer)


Another California Refugee
DP Veteran
May 17, 2019
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when will Mexico send the check?
The wall is a great metaphor for Trump's presidency. Promise a bunch of gullible idiots the moon, totally botch the execution, then just tell your supporters it's already built and they'll believe it anyway.

When are Republicans going to get their greedy little fingers out of our pockets for their pet projects?
And now he's going to put toll booths up to as he said 'make Mexico pay for the wall'... Even though obviously it will be mostly Americans paying those tolls..

Anyway screaming about a wall, and about voter fraud, etc worked with his idiotic poorly educated base in 2016... So he's going back to that game plan.
Now, if you were going to build a wall across our Mexican border, wouldn't you start where there is no wall first?


You start where the easiest access routes are where old "barriers" are either deteriorated or ineffective. That's still where the greatest problems exist.

Meanwhile, there are property right issues to deal with in areas that are next level of access. Negotiations for purchase have to be dealt with before resorting to "eminent domain" tactics.

Finally, there are still going to be areas where "crossing" is already extremely difficult/hazardous due to inaccessibility which might not need barriers at all.

Those are the phases they are going through step by step.

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built - ExpressNews.com[/QUOTE]

You start where the easiest access routes are where old "barriers" are either deteriorated or ineffective. That's still where the greatest problems exist.

Meanwhile, there are property right issues to deal with in areas that are next level of access. Negotiations for purchase have to be dealt with before resorting to "eminent domain" tactics.

Finally, there are still going to be areas where "crossing" is already extremely difficult/hazardous due to inaccessibility which might not need barriers at all.

Those are the phases they are going through step by step.

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built - ExpressNews.com

You start where the easiest access routes are where old "barriers" are either deteriorated or ineffective.

No, you don't start near towns where there is a lot of border agents/electronic surveillance condensed etc.... You start where there is miles and miles of open terrain(wink)

That's still where the greatest problems exist.

Like the hundreds of miles along the Rio Grand? Have you ever heard of the tern wetback?
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The wall is a great metaphor for Trump's presidency. Promise a bunch of gullible idiots the moon, totally botch the execution, then just tell your supporters it's already built and they'll believe it anyway.

Yep, but one must keep in mind that most illegal immigrants were once legal 'visitors'. One big obstacle to building anything is getting the land to build it on and complying with environmental 'study' regulations.

A look at the effort to build a border wall in the RGV - The Monitor

Trump waives regulations for border wall construction in Texas | The Texas Tribune

Yep, but one must keep in mind that most illegal immigrants were once legal 'visitors'.

What proof do you have that it is "most"?

. One big obstacle to building anything is getting the land to build it on and complying with environmental 'study' regulations.

Have not the environmentalist lost that one in court?
Now, if you were going to build a wall across our Mexican border, wouldn't you start where there is no wall first?

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built - ExpressNews.com

Now, if you were going to build a wall across our Mexican border, wouldn't you start where there is no wall first?

Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built - ExpressNews.com

I dont know, Im not an expert like border patrol and DHS is. I assume they know how best to used the limited funds.

But if your point is more that Trumps signature policy is mostly a failure, then yeah. I dont see how anyone could disagree. In 2019 there were still 900,000 apprehensions at the border. 300,000 internal removals. We can assume hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, more are not caught. And of course there;s plenty of smuggling.

Its not all Trumps fault of course. Congress makes the laws, overseas the agencies, and appropriates the money. They have been derelict in their duty for decades, mostly due to partisan games. Trump isnt getting the job done either because hes focused on his pride, and a thousand other things.

But the problem hasnt changed. Millions of illegals violating our sovereignty, not paying income tax, committing crimes, smuggling in drugs, people, and many other things. If they manage to have a baby here, theyre americans. If they manage to evade the law for a decade, then judges ignore the law and force the govt to let them stay. Politicians use it for wedge issues to play political games to the point where they order local law enforcement to not even cooperate with the federal govt that has a duty to keep illegals out and respond to crimes.

Whats the alternative? Heres Bidens plan.

More asylum
Country building in south america
Humanitarian aid for illegals
shorter detention for illegals
lower requirements for visas
remove travel bans from hostile countries
end deportation of illegals who are less violent
more and faster visas, refugees, asylum

And on and on. Im tired of reading his website. Its all basically "reduce illegal immigration by just letting everyone in to stay'. We cant afford it.
I dont know, Im not an expert like border patrol and DHS is. I assume they know how best to used the limited funds.

But if your point is more that Trumps signature policy is mostly a failure, then yeah. I dont see how anyone could disagree. In 2019 there were still 900,000 apprehensions at the border. 300,000 internal removals. We can assume hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, more are not caught. And of course there;s plenty of smuggling.

Its not all Trumps fault of course. Congress makes the laws, overseas the agencies, and appropriates the money. They have been derelict in their duty for decades, mostly due to partisan games. Trump isnt getting the job done either because hes focused on his pride, and a thousand other things.

But the problem hasnt changed. Millions of illegals violating our sovereignty, not paying income tax, committing crimes, smuggling in drugs, people, and many other things. If they manage to have a baby here, theyre americans. If they manage to evade the law for a decade, then judges ignore the law and force the govt to let them stay. Politicians use it for wedge issues to play political games to the point where they order local law enforcement to not even cooperate with the federal govt that has a duty to keep illegals out and respond to crimes.

Whats the alternative? Heres Bidens plan.

More asylum
Country building in south america
Humanitarian aid for illegals
shorter detention for illegals
lower requirements for visas
remove travel bans from hostile countries
end deportation of illegals who are less violent
more and faster visas, refugees, asylum

And on and on. Im tired of reading his website. Its all basically "reduce illegal immigration by just letting everyone in to stay'. We cant afford it.

In 2019 there were still 900,000 apprehensions at the border. 300,000 internal removals. We can assume hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, more are not caught. And of course there;s plenty of smuggling.

Yes, I was pointing all that out and the Trumpers just poo pooed it

Its not all Trumps fault of course. Congress makes the laws, overseas the agencies, and appropriates the money.

As you know Trump tapped into the military fund

What do you think of Trumps "Legal" "Illegal" workers?

Trump administration announces additional 35,000 seasonal worker visas - CNNPolitics
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1) Many studies/surveys support that fact.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings : NPR

2) What (single?) court case do you think waived (prevented?) further econut lawsuits? You ask for "proof" yet do not provide it.

First of all, we do not know how many "illegals"(Non visa Holders) there are that aren't ever caught making this study completely VAIN right?

2) What (single?) court case do you think waived (prevented?) further econut lawsuits? You ask for "proof" yet do not provide it.

Supreme Court won't hear border wall challenge | TheHill
It is true that we don't know how many illegal immigrants are not "caught", but that is why such studies, surveys and/or polls are important.

but that is why such studies, surveys and/or polls are important.

You lost me
I'm starting to wonder if mexico is paying for the wall or if we're sending mexico the money. Where is all of this money going?

They are first replacing existing walls that Clinton built that are now falling down.
Yes, I was pointing all that out and the Trumpers just poo pooed it

As you know Trump tapped into the military fund

What do you think of Trumps "Legal" "Illegal" workers?

Trump administration announces additional 35,000 seasonal worker visas - CNNPolitics

I remember all the things Trump tried to do were reversed by west coast courts.

As to season workers, so long as they are "legal" and "workers", I dont have a big issue. I think we could probably stop discouraging americans doing these jobs first, and then see if we still need foreign workers.

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