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Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Dealers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
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Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

BLM is "defending murders and drug dealers"?

They meant murderers and drug dealers, but yeah.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

So does this mean that Bill is no longer our first Black president?
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

It depends on what your definition of racism is........right? ;)
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

Chilly willy.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

What bothers me about these "progressive groups" is how ****ing rude they are. Shouting down a speaker you don't like? Shut the **** up and leave... let the speaker make his speach. Protest politely. ...and to do it to an ex-President? OMG. I pretty much do not support ANY group that behaves in the manner that these childish assholes conduct themselves. BLM, Wall Street Whatever they were... doesn't matter. Assholes.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

What bothers me about these "progressive groups" is how ****ing rude they are. Shouting down a speaker you don't like? Shut the **** up and leave... let the speaker make his speach. Protest politely. ...and to do it to an ex-President? OMG. I pretty much do not support ANY group that behaves in the manner that these childish assholes conduct themselves. BLM, Wall Street Whatever they were... doesn't matter. Assholes.

They are the by-product of the collapse of the American family unit.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

Limousine liberals starting to realize they are out of touch with their voters maybe?

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Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

They are the by-product of the collapse of the American family unit.

I thought that they were the by-product of the insitutionalized white racist system of America.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

What bothers me about these "progressive groups" is how ****ing rude they are. Shouting down a speaker you don't like? Shut the **** up and leave... let the speaker make his speach. Protest politely. ...and to do it to an ex-President? OMG. I pretty much do not support ANY group that behaves in the manner that these childish assholes conduct themselves. BLM, Wall Street Whatever they were... doesn't matter. Assholes.

I agree with this.

as anyone who knows me knows, i'm not a fan of protesting... sure, it's a right people can exercise,and i wouldn't want that to change... but my personal opinion is that i don't like it and wouldn't engage in it.

I'm simply not a fan of toddler temper tantrums...and really, that's what protests are nowadays... temper tantrums.

I'm no fan of Bill Clinton ( don't hate him, i just think he's an awful person)... but i gotta give him kudos for not bending over and slobbering for the fools like everybody else seemingly does.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

Bill Clinton is a misogynist, racist white-privileged elitist scumbag, and I hope him and his criminal empire are crushed into the dirt by Bernie Sanders come April and June. It's about time these self-entitled pricks get put in their place.
He's going to do what Republicans have tried and failed to do for decades.
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Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

Bill Clinton is a misogynist, racist white-privileged elitist scumbag, and I hope him and his criminal empire are crushed into the dirt by Bernie Sanders come April and June. It's about time these self-entitled pricks get put in their place.

well, as i said, i'm certainly no fan of Bill... but he's not a misogynist or a racist.... as for being a white privileged elitist scumbag.... that's just mean words for saying he's a white guy with money.

I'll give ya scumbag, though.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

well, as i said, i'm certainly no fan of Bill... but he's not a misogynist or a racist.... as for being a white privileged elitist scumbag.... that's just mean words for saying he's a white guy with money.

I'll give ya scumbag, though.

Maybe not a misogynist, but I think the Clintons are pretty racist.

Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

Maybe not a misogynist, but I think the Clintons are pretty racist.

I don't believe they are racist...and there's no evidence of that being a false opinion.... the video you provided literally has nothing to do with race or racism, so i'm not sure why you provided it.

in fact, about 99% of the racism allegations that get floated are bogus anymore.... utterly bogus.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

I don't believe they are racist...and there's no evidence of that being a false opinion.... the video you provided literally has nothing to do with race or racism, so i'm not sure why you provided it.

in fact, about 99% of the racism allegations that get floated are bogus anymore.... utterly bogus.

That video was depicting Obama breaking into a house. I don't know how much more racist you can get, perhaps by calling young blacks "Super-predators"...
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

had this been a Sex Lives Matter demonstration, bill would have endorsed their efforts

now that the south has voted, he can get away with saying such things
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

That video was depicting Obama breaking into a house. I don't know how much more racist you can get, perhaps by calling young blacks "Super-predators"...

:lamono it wasn't..... nobody broke into the house in that video....a video put out by the obama campaign.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

:lamono it wasn't..... nobody broke into the house in that video....a video put out by the obama campaign.

It was a response to a Clinton campaign ad depicting Obama potentially breaking into a house.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

had this been a Sex Lives Matter demonstration, bill would have endorsed their efforts

now that the south has voted, he can get away with saying such things
Get away with? Oh, you mean telling the truth about the fallacy of the whole BLM movement. I agree.

Now, if it were a BLT movement, I could support that.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

It was a response to a Clinton campaign ad depicting Obama potentially breaking into a house.

there wasn't a depiction of a break in in that video either.

the only adult you see in the depiction was a lady who bears a resemblance to Rachel Maddow.

i guess you could make the case the video is depicting a well dressed ( for 3am) lesbian politely entering a house with children sleeping ... but that's about it.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

there wasn't a depiction of a break in in that video either.

the only adult you see in the depiction was a lady who bears a resemblance to Rachel Maddow.

i guess you could make the case the video is depicting a well dressed ( for 3am) lesbian politely entering a house with children sleeping ... but that's about it.

Wow, you just wrecked your own credibility. Didn't even have to do it for you.
Re: Bill Clinton: 'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Deal

So does this mean that Bill is no longer our first Black president?

Pretty much. Hillary has most of the black votes she needed. Now they are throwing black people over the side, they're going for white votes.

Eventually Bill will **** everybody, one way or the other.
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