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Biden "Unscripted" (1 Viewer)

Captain Adverse

Classical Liberal Sage
DP Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
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Mid-West USA
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Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:
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Could you imagine a country being run by a triumvirate composed of Pelosi, Harris, and AOC?
“Some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.” Imagine if Trump said that.
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Ya know.
Could you imagine a country being run by a triumvirate composed of Pelosi, Harris, and AOC?

Won’t have to imagine for longer than a few more weeks. ;)

Merry Christmas!
Joe is in a serious mental decline and everyone can see that. What a hot mess!

‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated

‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP's 'Mental Acuity' Has Deteriorated

Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s "not the same Joe Biden."

"It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. "He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago."
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Fox news is calling last night’s Town hall an “ambush”. So goddamn good.
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Good Lord that was ugly.
Can you imagine him live on stage in the evening after the Namenda has worn off?
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

I'm afraid, I agree with you, but, the yon other clown, Trump, he's no better..... so the question is..... why do you allow zionists to pick your political leaders, or to pick the senators allowed to stand, regardless of the party. I.e. American traitors..... they sell out the sovereignty, and territorial integrity to enemies foreign and domestic. They plunder the finances of the American nation.. for they're benefit. Why?
Is Biden perfect... Nah.

But you have to be pretty deluded to think that Trumps A-OK in the old noggin.

Biden could be in a vegetative state and he’d be better than Trump.
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Wrong, wrong again, and yet, wrong again..... it's the same people now as the same people then, will run the political financial military system, now!
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Better to elect a pathological liar who put a gold star on His own senility test and would call people out to a campaign rally while bombs are dropping (which would be the appropriate Churchill analogy rather than Trump's).
Is Biden perfect... Nah.

But you have to be pretty deluded to think that Trumps A-OK in the old noggin.

Biden could be in a vegetative state and he’d be better than Trump.

Easy for you to say. He won’t be your president. Hell, he probably won’t be ours for long. Being president is hard af and it’s obvious he’s not up to it. Lefties may not care, but I sure hope voters do.
Easy for you to say. He won’t be your president. Hell, he probably won’t be ours for long.

What happens in America, affects the entire world.

So yes.

It is easy for me to say.

Being president is hard af and it’s obvious he’s not up to it

It’s clear Trump has not been up to it.

What happens in America, affects the entire world.

So yes.

It is easy for me to say.

It’s clear Trump has not been up to it.


Eh, those who have a lot more negative to say about the US, than positive, to tend to support Biden and Dems in general.
Eh, those who have a lot more negative to say about the US, than positive, to tend to support Biden and Dems in general.

Answer me this then, Mr. Patriot.

What moron would infer America was not great?

And what morons would vote for such a person?
Answer me this then, Mr. Patriot.

What moron would infer America was not great?

And what morons would vote for such a person?

You’re ****ting me, right? You were here during the Obama years, right? Don’t be defensive. It’s not like I made a meme about you. It’s just an observation. The most anti American posters (not saying that’s you, btw) tend to support the Dems.
Her is a neat little video I found which shows how Biden responds without a teleprompter, or someone whispering in his ear...

Sad to say but he kinda reminds me of Ronald Reagan during his second term in office.

We know who will be running the country if this gentleman wins...

(Hint: Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer)

Just saying. :coffeepap:

Aww, c’mon man!
Won’t have to imagine for longer than a few more weeks. ;)

Merry Christmas!

Didn’t you get the memo from the cancel committee? It’s not politically correct to say.
Didn’t you get the memo from the cancel committee? It’s not politically correct to say.

Thank god our long national nightmare about not celebrating Christmas came to an end a few years ago. Prior to 2016, who even knew what a wreath was?
You’re ****ting me, right? You were here during the Obama years, right? Don’t be defensive. It’s not like I made a meme about you. It’s just an observation. The most anti American posters (not saying that’s you, btw) tend to support the Dems.

Thing is its not Anti American its just anti your idea of America. Why would anyone outside the US support Trump when he undermines NATO and legit sends letters to men like Putin and Kim?
Fox news is calling last night’s Town hall an “ambush”. So goddamn good.
It wasn't an ambush.Trump went willingly and knowingly. Will Sleepy Joe run a similar gauntlet? Hell no. He is weak and feckless and totally ill equipped and truth be know he knows it. Its why he is hiding.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
It wasn't an ambush.Trump went willingly and knowingly. Will Sleepy Joe run a similar gauntlet? Hell no. He is weak and feckless and totally ill equipped and truth be know he knows it. Its why he is hiding.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

He has a nationally televised town hall tomorrow night.

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