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Biden SOTU (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 23, 2018
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While many in the audience wearing the Blue and Yellow of Ukraine of course MTG has to be in Russia RED. FUGGING BITCH. Can't stand the sight of her.

Sorry about such a caustic OP to kick off a SOTU thread. Can't stand her for another second.
Glad to know we have the fashion police watching
Anyone who ever had Marjorie Taylor Greene's home made potato salad wouldn't be dissing her like that. How do people get away with this behavior?
Anyone who ever had Marjorie Taylor Greene's home made potato salad wouldn't be dissing her like that. How do people get away with this behavior?
I'm not sure what potato salad has to do with anything.
I'm not sure what potato salad has to do with anything.

It's kind of a social lubricant. You know like my mom's potato salad is better than yours.
While many in the audience wearing the Blue and Yellow of Ukraine of course MTG has to be in Russia RED. FUGGING BITCH. Can't stand the sight of her.

Sorry about such a caustic OP to kick off a SOTU thread. Can't stand her for another second.
Yeah well lots of women in democrat blue or republican red. Annoying.
While many in the audience wearing the Blue and Yellow of Ukraine of course MTG has to be in Russia RED. FUGGING BITCH. Can't stand the sight of her.

Sorry about such a caustic OP to kick off a SOTU thread. Can't stand her for another second.


Thread failure???

And, no [Live] tag?



Maybe I misunderstood? Is this the 'live' thread? If not, then 'carry-on' I suppose.
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Yeah well lots of women in democrat blue or republican red. Annoying.
Lots of DEMs in Blue and Yellow. It appears that MTG made her appearance in Red and checked out. She no longer appears in the chamber from what I can tell.
Lots of DEMs in Blue and Yellow. It appears that MTG made her appearance in Red and checked out. She no longer appears in the chamber from what I can tell.
Well I’m sure you can channel Joan Rivers ghost and keep the fashion commentary going
Well I’m sure you can channel Joan Rivers ghost and keep the fashion commentary going
Just observing .....don't like it...TOO BAD
Just observing .....don't like it...TOO BAD
You seem upset by fashion , you should relax it’s not that important to most people.
It's kind of a social lubricant. You know like my mom's potato salad is better than yours.


Among Italian-Americans, you never discuss the other guy's mother's sauce, except to compliment it while being careful to not have to defend that your mother's is, of course, better! You've got to tip-toe through a minefield, anytime you have dinner with another Italian family! That's in spades if you've brought members of your family with!
So. Nobody cares about what Biden is saying. The color of the clothes is more important. (Or has he not started reading yet?)

I'm glad I haven't tuned in.
I'm watching Biden giving the State of the Union address, and he just said:

"Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the IRANIAN people" :rolleyes:

Joe, can you STAHP being so ****ing sleepy all the time, especially when you're on national TV?
McConnell looks like he's trying not to barf. McCarthy and Scalise looking like the arrogant pigs they are.
There she is. She either came back or changed seats.
Not the best SOTU if I am being honest, but he is getting there... one way or another.
So. Nobody cares about what Biden is saying. The color of the clothes is more important. (Or has he not started reading yet?)

I'm glad I haven't tuned in.
It’s like any other SOTU the president trying to take credit for all the good pass off the blame on someone else and getting a lot of annoying applause after every few sentences. If you think Biden is doing a good job you’ll think it’s a good speech if you realize he isn’t then you’ll just see it as fluff
Lots of DEMs in Blue and Yellow. It appears that MTG made her appearance in Red and checked out. She no longer appears in the chamber from what I can tell.
Plenty in just blue. She’s sitting but as far as i can tell Pelosi is just wearing blue. In one early shot wide shot there were probably a half dozen of each.
So. Nobody cares about what Biden is saying. The color of the clothes is more important. (Or has he not started reading yet?)

I'm glad I haven't tuned in.
I can do both. Actually I can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time too. I know that is tough for some to do.
Plenty in just blue. She’s sitting but as far as i can tell Pelosi is just wearing blue. In one early shot wide shot there were probably a half dozen of each.
Pelosi...crossed Ukraine and American flags on her jacket.
We should have closed off US Airspace to Russian airlines before this IMO.
Damn, we forgot the drinking game... start now, every time Biden starts a statement with "Look!"

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