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Biden no comment on supreme court leak (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Biden seems to think this leak is just fine and poses no threat whatsoever to the long held "sanctity" of SCOTUS which has historically been the only boat in DC that doesn't leak. This is essential for justices to stay above the political bickering and make decisions without any outside pressure. All Biden sees is a political victory for him at a time when he desperately needs to change the subject from inflation and the coming recession. His presidency is in fail mode and a change in narrative takes the spotlight off of that fact so he's all smiles.
Biden seems to think this leak is just fine and poses no threat whatsoever to the long held "sanctity" of SCOTUS which has historically been the only boat in DC that doesn't leak. This is essential for justices to stay above the political bickering and make decisions without any outside pressure. All Biden sees is a political victory for him at a time when he desperately needs to change the subject from inflation and the coming recession. His presidency is in fail mode and a change in narrative takes the spotlight off of that fact so he's all smiles.

Link to what Biden "thinks" about the leak and where he said it's just fine and poses no threat.
HTF can the PRESIDENT say no comment on an important issue like this?

Link to what Biden "thinks" about the leak and where he said it's just fine and poses no threat.
No comment means exactly that and he seems absolutely gleeful about the leak.
HTF can the PRESIDENT say no comment on an important issue like this?


Remember when I said this to you in another thread where you showed up in the first few comments to spew a Trumpist bumper sticker?

Isn't it amazing? They're programmed to show up and dismiss the thread because, were it true, it would reflect negatively on some random person he might consider on his "team" And of course because of the name involved.

Ok, that's not amazing. That's just sad. But the amazing thing is that the comment could equally be made by any Trumpist. There's no difference when Hypothetical says it and say, when, the person who "liked" his comment says it. It's the same damn bumper sticker, all day, every day, presented in the same words and at the same time, by all of them.

And they pretend to get huffy about "Trump ist" rather than "Trump supporter". Don't like it? Be less obediently uniform. Sheesh.

Well, there you go again. Post 3. No content. You saw that a Democrat did not do a thing, so your knee-jerk complaint is he should have done some thing. You will not and in fact cannot say what thing he should have done. It really is just as simple as saying that whatever course of action the Democrat took, it was bad.

Again, this is how a term like "Trumpist" comes about. You all do this exact thing in the same way, at the same time, for the same reason.
Guaranteed it was leaked by one of the political hack justices, leak it early further away from midterms, and to whip up the scumbag taliban base of republican low lifes to repeat the same conspiracy and we are victims bullshit. Conservative are pure scum, plain and simple
Link to what Biden "thinks" about the leak and where he said it's just fine and poses no threat.

You see, Biden is a Democrat, so whatever he did or did not do must have been the very worst thing anyone could have done or not done, so they don't actually need to know what he did or did not do to comment.
Remember when I said this to you in another thread where you showed up in the first few comments to spew a Trumpist bumper sticker?

Well, there you go again. Post 3. No content. You saw that a Democrat did not do a thing, so your knee-jerk complaint is he should have done some thing. You will not and in fact cannot say what thing he should have done. It really is just as simple as saying that whatever course of action the Democrat took, it was bad.

Again, this is how a term like "Trumpist" comes about. You all do this exact thing in the same way, at the same time, for the same reason.
He could have should have expressed his outrage at the leak and his determination to find out who leaked so they could be dealt with appropriately.
Man, some on the right sure seemed terrified that the news that Roe is gone after 50 years because of the direct actions of the GQP got out a month early. Why the concern?
Man, some on the right sure seemed terrified that the news that Roe is gone after 50 years because of the direct actions of the GQP got out a month early. Why the concern?
Concern is the leak itself. As you said the ruling will be out soon anyway so that's no real concern. Whoever leaked needs to be dealt with harshly and Biden should be leading the charge.
Biden seems to think this leak is just fine and poses no threat whatsoever to the long held "sanctity" of SCOTUS which has historically been the only boat in DC that doesn't leak. This is essential for justices to stay above the political bickering and make decisions without any outside pressure. All Biden sees is a political victory for him at a time when he desperately needs to change the subject from inflation and the coming recession. His presidency is in fail mode and a change in narrative takes the spotlight off of that fact so he's all smiles.
Do yo actually think that this is the first time that the court has leaked, really? And since Biden believes in Roe, why would he be smiling about what was leaked. I suspect tht this was leaked by the cons on the court or one of their people.
Remember when I said this to you in another thread where you showed up in the first few comments to spew a Trumpist bumper sticker?

Well, there you go again. Post 3. No content. You saw that a Democrat did not do a thing, so your knee-jerk complaint is he should have done some thing. You will not and in fact cannot say what thing he should have done. It really is just as simple as saying that whatever course of action the Democrat took, it was bad.

Again, this is how a term like "Trumpist" comes about. You all do this exact thing in the same way, at the same time, for the same reason.
not sure what you are going on about.. mine was an honest question.

and appropriate. I do not find it necessary to bloviate full paragraphs every time I post to get my point across.
Biden seems to think this leak is just fine and poses no threat whatsoever to the long held "sanctity" of SCOTUS which has historically been the only boat in DC that doesn't leak. This is essential for justices to stay above the political bickering and make decisions without any outside pressure. All Biden sees is a political victory for him at a time when he desperately needs to change the subject from inflation and the coming recession. His presidency is in fail mode and a change in narrative takes the spotlight off of that fact so he's all smiles.

Funny. I watched news on two different channels and they had clips of Biden commenting on the leak.
Try not using Newsmax, OAN, or Tucker for your news.:giggle:
He could have should have expressed his outrage at the leak and his determination to find out who leaked so they could be dealt with appropriately.
Roberts immediate ordered a marshal to investigate.
Concern is the leak itself. As you said the ruling will be out soon anyway so that's no real concern. Whoever leaked needs to be dealt with harshly and Biden should be leading the charge.

Has a federal law been broken? The Supreme Court has the Supreme Court of the United States Police to investigate matters in the Supreme Court.
Concern is the leak itself. As you said the ruling will be out soon anyway so that's no real concern. Whoever leaked needs to be dealt with harshly and Biden should be leading the charge.

Why does Biden need to be leading the charge? Biden is not in charge of SCOTUS.
He could have should have expressed his outrage at the leak and his determination to find out who leaked so they could be dealt with appropriately.

Why do you have no clue about how our government works?

The President is not in charge of SCOTUS. Roberts will engage the appropriate investigative bodies with jurisdiction over these matters. You really couldn't sleep until Biden addressed you about the leak?
SCOTUS was never a sacred organization, this leak is no different than any other.
Concern is the leak itself. As you said the ruling will be out soon anyway so that's no real concern. Whoever leaked needs to be dealt with harshly and Biden should be leading the charge.
Chief Justice Roberts has jurisdiction over that investigation, not President Biden. Were you not aware of this?
Has a federal law been broken? The Supreme Court has the Supreme Court of the United States Police to investigate matters in the Supreme Court.
apparently they believe a federal marshal has jurisdiction to investigate at their behest. That a problem? If it is, you can always... take it to the Supreme court! :)

the SCOTUS is a different yet equal pillar of our democracy from the POTUS , you know.
Nobody should give a shit about this being leaked.

Let's not feign concern about the sanctity of this court when we have people like Ginny Thomas openly supporting insurrection while her husband runs cover for her and her allies. Or when we have multiple Republican appointed justices who blatantly lied to Senators and the public when they claimed Roe was settled law.

Hundreds of millions of American women are about to lose a basic right they have had for more than half a century. That is the problem...not that we know about it.
I guess that fans of the orange precious won't vote for Biden now that he didn't comment. I wonder how many Tweety voters this omission will cost him.

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