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Beck: Obama won't meet with Hayward because "he's a white CEO" (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Political Leaning
From the liberal slime at Media Matters.
(Video above)

I've been listening to talk radio a lot lately due to the fact that I took a summer job 45 minutes away, and i've noticed many of the commentators constantly accusing liberals in this country of provoking racial tension. I'm not one to baselessly accuse people of racism, I will come to the defense of tea party when people accuse them of this, but that doesn't doesn't mean their cheerleaders feel the same way.

Glenn Beck has gotten in some trouble for saying things like this recently, including the infamous "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people" quote, and more recently, promoting a 70 year old book from an anti-semite nazi sympathizer. These instances just make Beck, and by extension, the Tea Party look bad.

It is funny that he knows his detractors will simply jump on this, as they rightfully should. This isn't journalism, I imagine if McCarthy had a television show in his day, it would feel eerily similar to the daily circus at the Glenn Beck Show.
From the liberal slime at Media Matters.
(Video above)

I've been listening to talk radio a lot lately due to the fact that I took a summer job 45 minutes away, and i've noticed many of the commentators constantly accusing liberals in this country of provoking racial tension. I'm not one to baselessly accuse people of racism, I will come to the defense of tea party when people accuse them of this, but that doesn't doesn't mean their cheerleaders feel the same way.

Glenn Beck has gotten in some trouble for saying things like this recently, including the infamous "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people" quote, and more recently, promoting a 70 year old book from an anti-semite nazi sympathizer. These instances just make Beck, and by extension, the Tea Party look bad.

It is funny that he knows his detractors will simply jump on this, as they rightfully should. This isn't journalism, I imagine if McCarthy had a television show in his day, it would feel eerily similar to the daily circus at the Glenn Beck Show.
I just watched the goddamn show on dvr an hour ago. That was a joke, he was making a greater and different point. Shame on mediamatters for lying.

Does this surprise anyone any more? The man is a nut job, and I am to detracted from laughing at him trying to imitate a Tyrannosaurus rex in that clip.
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I just watched the goddamn show on dvr an hour ago. That was a joke, he was making a greater and different point. Shame on mediamatters for lying.
Well, I don't know if it really counts as a joke when it was predicated by a clip of Obama from 1995 talking about "white executives". He was pushing a narrative. Now if he just said that randomly, I would more inclined to not think anything of it really because it would come off as a joke. He has implied (not so subtly) that Obama is a racist before, and this is just another example.
Obama does seem to have a prejudice about white people. His "typical white person" comment about his grandmother having racism "bred into her". And the one that's being talked about here where Obama was giving a hypothetical situation and said, "And I really want to emphasize the word responsibility. I think whether you are a white executive living out in the suburbs who doesn't want to pay taxes to inner city children..."

Why does he make this comment? Does he know white executives that don't want to pay taxes to inner city children? Is this the norm? Or is he just generalizing and showing his prejudice again?
I just watched the goddamn show on dvr an hour ago. That was a joke, he was making a greater and different point. Shame on mediamatters for lying.

Well, if you want to post a transcript from the show with relevant quotes and context... you might have a point.

Otherwise, you look like a far-rightie running from a truth that doesn't fit your world view... run, run away...

I watched that show, and after he said it, he predicted that far leftys like MM would attack him for it.

If you boobs would bother to watch the show, instead of believing those morons at MM, you might just realize that MM is full of ****.
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I literally cannot understand why people throw around "far" prefixes when they denegrate opposition view. Talk about a warped paradigm. My god.

Media Matters Far-Left? For god's sake..
I literally cannot understand why people throw around "far" prefixes when they denegrate opposition view. Talk about a warped paradigm. My god.

Media Matters Far-Left? For god's sake..

If not far-left, then you can't call it a fact-checking website, which is it's base. Last time i checked, you can't fact check an opinion, so why is MM trying to do that with Beck here?

I watched that show, and after he said it, he predicted that far leftys like MM would attack him for it.

If you boobs would bother to watch the show, instead of believing those morons at MM, you might just realize that MM is full of ****.

Media Matters just posts clips, how are they full of **** exactly? From what i've seen, they are careful to keep the clips in context as well. I think Beckerheads just get pissed when someone documents all the crazy **** he says.
Media Matters posts clips out of context, then comments on the out of context statements. :shrug:

and before you all mouth foam, I am not a beck fan, never watch him. don't care.
Obama won't meet with Hayward because "he's a white CEO"?

and here I was thinking that he's the president of the freaking United States of America for goodness sakes, so just MIGHT more important matters to attend to than dealing with stupid partisan squabbles by meeting up with any complete nobody who challenges him to a duel.
Well I work in video production for a living, and whenever I watch MediaMatters clips, IF they do make a cut, they make sure not to lose the context. Name one instance where they've posted something that was out of context? I think a lot of conservatives immediately dismiss mediamatters because the conservative media constantly berates them (which they have every right to do). If you compare MM to conservative outlets like Parents TV Council, or Media Research Center, MM has a more mature approach, and isn't as blatantly partisan (as soon as you go to MRC's site a little box with Mark Levin pops up saying "DONT BELIEVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA!" for christ's sake!).
Obama, demanding action, meets with BP execs
Wednesday, June 16, 2010; 11:59 AM

President Obama launched a White House meeting with BP executives Wednesday morning as oil continued to gush from the ocean floor in the Gulf of Mexico, the latest effort by the administration to seize control of the response to the nation's worst-ever environmental disaster.

BP officials expected to participate in the Roosevelt Room session included chairman Carol-Henric Svanberg, chief executive Tony Hayward and managing director Bob Dudley, the White House said.

Beck fail. Again. :lamo
Media Matters just posts clips, how are they full of **** exactly? From what i've seen, they are careful to keep the clips in context as well. I think Beckerheads just get pissed when someone documents all the crazy **** he says.

Then you haven't seen much of media matters if you think context means a damned thing to them. I am NOT a supporter of Glenn Beck but I still recognize where Media Matters has a hard on for him and does everything it can to take anything he says completely out of context.
Then you haven't seen much of media matters if you think context means a damned thing to them. I am NOT a supporter of Glenn Beck but I still recognize where Media Matters has a hard on for him and does everything it can to take anything he says completely out of context.

How can you argue that its taken out of context when they posted over 3 minutes of Beck speaking in his own words. Media matters is a thorn in the side of the right-wing because they don't let people hide from the stupid things that they say. They post their own words in context and let the stupidity of the people speak for themselves.
Many people used to be able to run and hide from the things that they would say...but in todays technological age you can't do that....

Idiots like Beck contribute nothing positive to our society...all they do is spew their hatred propoganda and the fools that listen to them eat it up and buy into every word. They are a plague on this great country.
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How can you argue that its taken out of context when they posted over 3 minutes of Beck speaking in his own words. Media matters is a thorn in the side of the right-wing because they don't let people hide from the stupid things that they say.

First of all, never made a value judgment about this particular instance; I made an assertion about Media Matters in general.

And Media Matters is not a thorn in the side of anyone except those who expect a fact checker organization to actually adhere to...you know...facts.

They post their own words in context and let the stupidity of the people speak for themselves.
Many people used to be able to run and hide from the things that they would say...but in todays technological age you can't do that....

No, they do not post in context every time. There are countless threads right here at DP where Media Matters was exposed as having lifted a small clip out of a much larger dissertation and colored the person quoted as having said something completely different from what they actually said.

Idiots like Beck contribute nothing positive to our society...all they do is spew their hatred propoganda and the fools that listen to them eat it up and buy into every word. They are a plague on this great country.

Well now you know how I feel about most extremists of any stripe (but especially liberal extremists), though I can't for the life of me understand the confusion so many people have when it comes to differentiating Beck from real journalists.
Simple. Liberals hate successful conservatives. It's jealousy. I watched the entire episode and beck was pointing out that Obama would meet with Irans imanitjob but not heyward. He put more trust in imanutjob than heyward saying heyward would just tell him what he wants to hear. So imanutjob won't? Obama is a disgrace to this country. His own "white executives" quote came back 15 years later and bit him in the ass. Now the libs are backpedaling like a crawfish. You can't deny he said it, he was caught on tape saying it. Imagine the outrage had bush talked about black executives not paying for schooling for white inner city kids. Oh god it would have been all over the news. Obama says it and gets a free pass of course. Typical lib.

First of all, never made a value judgment about this particular instance; I made an assertion about Media Matters in general.

And Media Matters is not a thorn in the side of anyone except those who expect a fact checker organization to actually adhere to...you know...facts.

No, they do not post in context every time. There are countless threads right here at DP where Media Matters was exposed as having lifted a small clip out of a much larger dissertation and colored the person quoted as having said something completely different from what they actually said.

Well now you know how I feel about most extremists of any stripe (but especially liberal extremists), though I can't for the life of me understand the confusion so many people have when it comes to differentiating Beck from real journalists.
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I watched the entire episode and beck was pointing out that Obama would meet with Irans imanitjob but not heyward.
Well that was one of the poorest excuses I've heard since "the dog ate my homework". I mean, just... down right embarassingly bad. Even the interviewer did a double take with a follow up and Matt Lauer couldn't even believe his own ears.
Well now you know how I feel about most extremists of any stripe (but especially liberal extremists), though I can't for the life of me understand the confusion so many people have when it comes to differentiating Beck from real journalists.

I feel the same way about left-wing media extremists as I do about right-wing media extremists, they all spew their garbage for money...but hey....welcome to Capitalism.
Media Matters just posts clips, how are they full of **** exactly? From what i've seen, they are careful to keep the clips in context as well. I think Beckerheads just get pissed when someone documents all the crazy **** he says.

I can't comment on this specific one as I'm at work so can't watch the clip.

I have seen a number of times in the past where Media Matters does one of two things. They either take something completely out of context or relatively out of context OR they work at CHANGING the context.

What I mean is that they use their own individual commentary, headlines, and other such things to precondition the viewer (who, if they're reading Media Matters in and of itself generally already has some form of precondition) to what they want to see. As it was once put, the eyes see what the brain hears.

For example, lets say I tell you I have this neat black and white image of this young french lady circa the 1700's with a nice fur coat and two toned hair and ask you to tell me what details you like and then show you this:


Then you're far, far more likely to see that particular image out of this picture then the other image that is equally easy to see...that of the elderly native american woman in a hood.

If I talk about this neat abstract picture of Marilyn Monroe done in black and white and ask you to tell me if its a good depiction you're likely to see the woman in this one...


Instead of the long nosed man that could almost be bill clinton playing the sax.

Now, it doesn't mean you DEFINITELY will see one image over the other. And if you go into it knowing or having a good hunch there's more than one way to view it then it decreases it affect. But that's essentially what they're doing.

Beck, and any entertaininer or speaker or person really, caters to their audiance generally. They state things or do things with a bit of a predetermined understanding that those that watch them "get them". This is akin to how many people may act different, say things differently, when in the midst of a group of friernds and aquaintences then they would a group of strangers. So if Beck says something that is essentially his version of humor, a version of humor that his audiance has grown to know and understand as such, with proper prompting and casting prior to or immedietely after the clip to a person that either is unfamiliar with how Beck is or even better is predisposed to distrust and dislike Beck then it becomes far easier to paint a completely different picture of what his words mean.

The above, even more than the context thing, is one of Media Matter's favorite tricks with these kind of things. They are illusionists of the highest order. Rather than take something out of context they use their own words and the biases of most of those reading to rearrange the context to fit what they want to present.

I would actually say a key example of this on the other side would be how conservatives grasped onto the "Guns and Bibles" thing by Obama. Obama was speaking to a bunch of like minded liberals who, viewing that statement in a stereotypical liberal mindset, saw it clearly as Obama suggesting that these people were afraid that democrats would take these thinsg away so were clinging to them due to fear. Republicans grasped this and using the full statement but adding their own commentary before and after were able to present their own context and image to it to their predisposed listeners that what Obama was truly doing was belittling and insulting people for being religious or pro-second amendment. In both instances you could give the exact wording in the exact same way and based on the individual hearing its predisposition to the person mixed with the commentary given before and after it by those presenting the information two very different pictures can be painted.

Is that what happened in this particular case with Beck? I don't know, can't know till I get home and watch the video. But the vast majority of Beck or Limbaugh threads I've seen in this forum tend to be that or something taken out of context.
I feel the same way about left-wing media extremists as I do about right-wing media extremists, they all spew their garbage for money...but hey....welcome to Capitalism.

Who do you consider a left wing extremist?
From the liberal slime at Media Matters.
(Video above)

I've been listening to talk radio a lot lately due to the fact that I took a summer job 45 minutes away, and i've noticed many of the commentators constantly accusing liberals in this country of provoking racial tension. I'm not one to baselessly accuse people of racism, I will come to the defense of tea party when people accuse them of this, but that doesn't doesn't mean their cheerleaders feel the same way.

Glenn Beck has gotten in some trouble for saying things like this recently, including the infamous "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people" quote, and more recently, promoting a 70 year old book from an anti-semite nazi sympathizer. These instances just make Beck, and by extension, the Tea Party look bad.

It is funny that he knows his detractors will simply jump on this, as they rightfully should. This isn't journalism, I imagine if McCarthy had a television show in his day, it would feel eerily similar to the daily circus at the Glenn Beck Show.

You'd be wise not to believe everything you think.
Yep, he met with them for 20 whole minutes.

Didn't Mr. Beck insist that Obama wouldn't meet with Hayward?

Beck was wrong. AGAIN!



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