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Barron Trump declines invitation to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention (1 Viewer)

I hope that the kid gets to choose his own path. I also hope that he makes different choices than his father made, but that's up to him.
Yeah, so far he seems to be (wisely) choosing the Tiffany plan. Kids got a hard future to navigate, hopefully he doesn't turn out as shitty as his parents and most of his older siblings.
If, God forbid, Trump should win I don't think either of them will move into the WH.
I think you're spot on about this. Donald would be miserable banging around the WH by himself.
Yeah, so far he seems to be (wisely) choosing the Tiffany plan. Kids got a hard future to navigate, hopefully he doesn't turn out as shitty as his parents and most of his older siblings.
I was lucky enough to have great parents. They are definitely the best parents in the world for me. Some kids don't get that, and I wish them the best.
Any photo I've seen that includes Barron shows him looking serious and self absorbed, if not intense. He's never smiling, rarely talking and seems to be processing his environment and setting. When he's walking he's typically looking down in an uncertainty of what's in front of him.
Any photo I've seen that includes Barron shows him looking serious and self absorbed, if not intense. He's never smiling, rarely talking and seems to be processing his environment and setting. When he's walking he's typically looking down in an uncertainty of what's in front of him.
That is typical for people on the autism spectrum.
if your mother does not speak for you, an emancipated adult
then why should emancipated adult's, barron trump's mother speak for him?

as a legal adult, he may have given his mother agency to speak on his behalf
we do not yet know
but mom was used to speaking for her child
she was protecting him
still is, it appears
but without his expressed agency, has no right to do so

that is the potential problem

That's up to the son - whether he's an adult or not - if he wants his mom to have the say! 🤷
Maybe, he left it to his mom to issue the statement!

Btw, it was his mom's office that gave the comment.

I'm wondering why this is a big deal?
That's up to the son - whether he's an adult or not - if he wants his mom to have the say! 🤷
Maybe, he left it to his mom to issue the statement!

I' wondering why this is a big deal?
It's a big deal because the announcement was made with bigly fanfare prior to clearing it within the family first.

Amateur hour.
It's a big deal because the announcement was made with bigly fanfare prior to clearing it within the family first.

Amateur hour.

Well - I misunderstood the OP.
I thought it was Melania who's being rebuked by the OP's author!

I suppose they jumped the gun. 🤷 Big deal. 😁

What a boring life we must be living.............if a snafu can cause such an excitement! :ROFLMAO:
Oh boy, I mean - why would the fanfare that went south :ROFLMAO: ............................be a big deal for some..............:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Speaking of Barron - how time flies.
And he's.........................

I remember the time when Chelsea Clinton came to his defense.........................and apparently, still, is.

When asked on ABC’s “The View” how the press should cover former President Trump’s son after he turned 18 this week, Clinton argued he had an “unimpeachable right to privacy.”

“Yesterday, Barron Trump turned 18. There was a debate on social media, I saw it on TV, where some people are saying, ‘OK, he’s now an adult, he’s now 18, he’s now fair game. He’s no longer a child.’
He’s largely stayed out of the spotlight. He is not involved, so different from his siblings,”
“The View” co-host Ana Navarro said, before asking Clinton, “How do you feel about it?”

Clinton pushed back that the media should “leave him alone.”

Hats off to Chelsea.
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That's up to the son - whether he's an adult or not - if he wants his mom to have the say! 🤷
Maybe, he left it to his mom to issue the statement!

Btw, it was his mom's office that gave the comment.

I'm wondering why this is a big deal?

His dad was all for it while his mom forbade it
Minor clash in Paradise
Barron Trump WILL NOT be a delegate to RNC.

Melania apparently said "Oh hell to the NO!"
I believe she is being overly protective.
But after associating with Trump over these year I am not surprised.
But Barron's exposure to the world could be stifled.
Reminds of when Gen Douglas MacArthur went to West Point, his mother followed him there and lived very close to the academy.
Just to me sure he was doing all right.
That's up to the son - whether he's an adult or not - if he wants his mom to have the say! 🤷
Maybe, he left it to his mom to issue the statement!

Btw, it was his mom's office that gave the comment.

I'm wondering why this is a big deal?

18 years old. My mommy needs to talk for me? He thumbs up like his dad, but doesn’t want to be political. Yeah….that’s a typical kid. Sure.
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It’s all good then. Not a single negative response in regards to Barron on this thread??? LOL. He has the exact same respect the Melania has been given.

Respect is earned. What has Melania done to earn respect?
That is typical for people on the autism spectrum.
My take as well. I feel sorry for the younger children of this family. They and their descendants will carry the shame of the former guy forever.
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if your mother does not speak for you, an emancipated adult
then why should emancipated adult's, barron trump's mother speak for him?

as a legal adult, he may have given his mother agency to speak on his behalf
we do not yet know
but mom was used to speaking for her child
she was protecting him
still is, it appears
but without his expressed agency, has no right to do so

that is the potential problem
If Trump tries to override her, it will become a problem. After all, she heard in the media from the trial in New York the past week are you kidding me? She's very protective of Barron. Melania does not want Barron to become as indoctrinated and dominated by his father's beliefs as Don Jr, and Eric. She wants him to have his own space to be who he is and not allow her husband to push him into being what he wants him to be.
It's a big deal because the announcement was made with bigly fanfare prior to clearing it within the family first.

Amateur hour.
I'm sure the two of 'em fought it out before the delegate announcement while Barron had been hoping Melania would prevail. And that the willful Trump just went ahead and approved the announcement of Barron as a delegate. Trump's comments to the press on the FL delegate announcement were jittery, nervous, uncomfortable and he got Barron's age wrong. It's clear now Melania and Barron haven't ever been for the delegate thing.

Trump's been hybrenating on it since Melania's statement that Barron has declined. I mean, the pretense is transparent, ie, Barron has had a "prior commitment" ahead of the convention that's going to nominate daddy for Potus again. That's really weak given neither Melania nor Barron have said what the "prior commitment" is that would override the nominating convention. So I submit that this has been a family fight since before the announcement of Barron becoming a delegate.

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