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Barron Trump declines invitation to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention (2 Viewers)

Stealers Wheel

DP Veteran
Apr 5, 2018
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A dank, dark cocktail lounge
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No Donald! You know Barron doesn't go out in public!!
Yeah, I wonder why? I have a theory, but people seem to have a problem with it so I’ll just leave it at that.

Shortest delegate reign in history! Maybe he is only 17 as his Dad thinks and he’s not eligible
Barron Trump WILL NOT be a delegate to RNC.

Melania apparently said "Oh hell to the NO!"
Good. I read an interview with a few of his classmates last year. He's apparently nothing like his father. He has a good sense of humour and never discusses politics.

He doesn't need to be on the "everything Donald touches turns to shit" list.

And btw GOP good job vetting this.
I hope that the kid gets to choose his own path. I also hope that he makes different choices than his father made, but that's up to him.
Yeah, I wonder why? I have a theory, but people seem to have a problem with it so I’ll just leave it at that.

Shortest delegate reign in history! Maybe he is only 17 as his Dad thinks and he’s not eligible

No it is...this is Trump we're talking about.

What an empty existence he must experience.

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