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Barron Trump declines invitation to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention (1 Viewer)

Good. I read an interview with a few of his classmates last year. He's apparently nothing like his father. He has a good sense of humour and never discusses politics.

He doesn't need to be on the "everything Donald touches turns to shit" list.

And btw GOP good job vetting this.
Good for him. I don't think much of his mother, but I hope he can avoid his father's shit show.
He's old enough to understand that being associated with a halfwit like his father could ruin his life and reputation.
we have one-third of our nation's voters who are unable/unwilling to take an objective look at his father's evil incompetence; it is not surprising an 18 year old young man, cloistered in the affluent bubble of the elite, is also unable to perceive what they do not
I imagine Melania is of a similar mindset.
That is typical for people on the autism spectrum.
I have long wondered if he is on the spectrum and I believe he probably is. I know he is functional, as are many people on the spectrum, but he definitely shows signs of autism...(it very well could be just really hating the spotlight, but I don't think it is).
(for those thinking that I am degrading him by observing signs of autism, I am not...many, many, very intelligent people are on the spectrum)
I'm sure the two of 'em fought it out before the delegate announcement while Barron had been hoping Melania would prevail. And that the willful Trump just went ahead and approved the announcement of Barron as a delegate. Trump's comments to the press on the FL delegate announcement were jittery, nervous, uncomfortable and he got Barron's age wrong. It's clear now Melania and Barron haven't ever been for the delegate thing.

Trump's been hybrenating on it since Melania's statement that Barron has declined. I mean, the pretense is transparent, ie, Barron has had a "prior commitment" ahead of the convention that's going to nominate daddy for Potus again. That's really weak given neither Melania nor Barron have said what the "prior commitment" is that would override the nominating convention. So I submit that this has been a family fight since before the announcement of Barron becoming a delegate.
I believe that young Mr Trump is scheduled for "Blackhead Surgery" when the RNC is being held. (Or was that when he was supposed to be cleaning his cat's anal glands?)
He's old enough to understand that being associated with a halfwit like his father could ruin his life and reputation. I imagine Melania is of a similar mindset.

It would be hilarious to find out they both voted for Biden in hopes of Melania not having a do repeat at the WH.
It would be hilarious to find out they both voted for Biden in hopes of Melania not having a do repeat at the WH.
If Mr. Trump is elected again in November, Melania immediately becomes disposable. She will be tossed aside like a used ragdoll by Mr Trump and will tell her that she can suck rocks in her efforts to enforce her pre-nuptial agreement with him.

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