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Barron Trump declines invitation to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention (1 Viewer)

None of the examples you posted is an attack on Barron Trump.

The kid is easily 6 1/2’ tall. The NBA remark was based on that obvious visual cue.

The NAMBLA remark is gross, but still not an attack on Barron.

I don't know where I saw it, but Trump (in one of his moments) said he mentioned BB to Barron and Barron told him, no, he liked soccer.
I would seriously like to say I am surprised by the posts regarding Barron. Sadly, I am not. Would love for some of you to go back and read your responses. Our Country deserves better than the BS I am seeing. It is pathetic.
Instead of blaming people for their posts in this thread, where is your outrage against the Florida Republican Party who thought it was a good idea to name an 18-year-old kid as a delegate to the national convention? Are there not enough Trump coattail riders in the Florida Republican delegation already?

You want to know what our country deserves? It deserves a Republican party that doesn’t pull stunts like this and doesn’t bow down to worship and nominate an indicted, authoritarian loser.
when i read this the other day i was apprehensive for the kid:
... Barron reportedly made clear the media can start scrutinizing him.

"It's officially fair game to come after me," he apparently told him, The Mail reported. "I don't care. Good, do it. They've gone and done it to every kid." ...
his dad's bravado
appears melanie may have placed him in check
preventing the paternal side of the family from exploiting him politically

Yeah, I wonder why? I have a theory, but people seem to have a problem with it so I’ll just leave it at that.

Shortest delegate reign in history! Maybe he is only 17 as his Dad thinks and he’s not eligible
Actually, he is 18. But 'family man' Trump forgot that he is 18.
What the ****?
The GOP has the highest concentration of child predators. Anyone that joins them, whose Father was a friend of Epstein. Is clearly going to lean that way. GOP needs to be investigated by the FBI and NSA together with the department of justice to sever all the pedophiles in that party. A lot of big names would come out.
That's a drudge job. Can anyone here name a member of the RNC, other than the chair or vice-chair?

If Trump is elected, he should offer Barron the Education Secretary spot. Couldn't be worse than Betsy DeVos.
Leave the dude alone. 100% guarantee he wants none of the publicity he is getting.

If he chooses to enter the political arena, fine - let him live with it.

If he chooses to stay out of his fathers politics - leave him alone. Let him try to have as normal a live as possible. It's not his fault the rest of his family is dysfunctional.


Barron is only one of Trump's five children. But he's Melania's only child. Trump should have at least asked Melania first.

Trump is fake tough, after years of getting everything his way because he was rich. But politics has taken a toll on him. He's not funny any more, he can't speak his mind but only chant stupid slogans, and you can see in his face that he's had a hard time. Why would he wish politics on his youngest son?

I used to say that Trump was loyal only to his family, but now I'm not so sure about that. All he wants is a dynasty.

The quotes attributed to "the source" read like a Donald Trump Truth Social post. I suspect that David Dennison was the source.

This one in particular has Donald's tiny fingerprints all over it...

"I see all the attributes of a future President if he has the appetite for it. And why not? He has the Trump genes."
Trump is loyal to himself only. He didn't have anything to do with his first three kids as they grew up, and had nothing to do with Tiffany, and by all measures, he's had nothing to do with Barron. The only person Trump cares about is in his mirror.
How is it that Donald Trump could sign his son up for this and take it this far without running it by his wife and son?
I have little doubt they fought over it, that Trump went ahead on his willful own to make it a fact, then the defiant Melania issued her statement on the behalf of Barron that has put an end to it.

When Trump had been asked by the MSM about it he was jittery and tentative while he also got Barron's age wrong. This is another Donald Disaster.

It is significant Barron hasn't said a word about any of it. Barron hasn't said he's pleased to be a delegate, nor has he said how he might feel about his mother withdrawing him from being a delegate. I have little doubt Melania told her son to lay back about the whole thing, that she would take care of it, and that that Barron wouldn't have to speak about it to the MSM or to anyone. I'd be confident too Baron is relieved Melania is running interference for him against the reckless and thoughtless political animal father he has.

The bottom line is that Trump is about politics first while Melania is about Barron first. There's just no indication Barron has any interest in politics or has participated in anything political. There's no indication he's gone under his father's wing -- or that he wants to go there.
She's the mother!
What's the problem?
if your mother does not speak for you, an emancipated adult
then why should emancipated adult's, barron trump's mother speak for him?

as a legal adult, he may have given his mother agency to speak on his behalf
we do not yet know
but mom was used to speaking for her child
she was protecting him
still is, it appears
but without his expressed agency, has no right to do so

that is the potential problem
I think given what we know of them both its likely very she was speaking as his mother, on his behalf and with his consent. Barron has shyed away from the spotlight and been very private as has Melania. I am certain this must be a very trying time for them both. It can't be easy.
The possibility of leaving the warm confines of resort lifestyle to the sterile environment of the White House must fill them with dread.
The possibility of leaving the warm confines of resort lifestyle to the sterile environment of the White House must fill them with dread.
If, God forbid, Trump should win I don't think either of them will move into the WH.

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