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Barackbar Obama Refuses to Say 'Radical Islam' is He a Closet Muslim? (1 Viewer)

People inclined to kill tend to kill the people around them, so yes, in countries where Muslims are the large majority, the people killed will likely be other Muslims, just like I bet you could find a lot of Christians murdered by folks who also consider themselves Christian in the US.

Whatever dude. Muslims kill each other in large numbers due to differing ideologies, Christians, not so much.
Whatever dude. Muslims kill each other in large numbers due to differing ideologies, Christians, not so much.

Northern Ireland.

Thirty Years War.

Those are just the two most blatant examples
Y'know, I'm surprised more people don't have a problem with your obviously Islamaphobic pic. It's pretty clearly saying that being pro-woman, pro abortion rights and pro gay rights makes someone a terrible Muslim. Basically you're saying that being all those positive things run completely contrary to what it means to be a good Muslim.
Hmm, I didn't think of that. But then, perhaps that's the point....If Obama is Islamophobic then how could he possibly be a good Muslim???

Meh, I give you the pro-woman and pro-gay for the sake of argument...but I think "doesn't shave, eat bacon or drink beer" are part of being a good Muslim.
Was Northern Ireland over four centuries ago?

Does that negate the fact that Muslims are killing each other in large numbers right now, today?

Why is it you cannot mention Muslim violence without someone wailing, "but but, Christians kill each other too!" :roll:
Because violence is everywhere, and singling out one group when yours does it too is hypocrisy.
Does that negate the fact that Muslims are killing each other in large numbers right now, today?

Why is it you cannot mention Muslim violence without someone wailing, "but but, Christians kill each other too!" :roll:

Because, frankly, the holier than thou attitude annoys me.

Not to mention its historically ignorant to simply focus on Islam like its some kind of statical outlier when pretty much every other religion has done it at one point or another.
Because, frankly, the holier than thou attitude annoys me.

Not to mention its historically ignorant to simply focus on Islam like its some kind of statical outlier when pretty much every other religion has done it at one point or another.

There is no "holier than thou" attitude from me, I can't help you with your false biases.

Um, the subject of this thread is radical Islam, that okay with you? :roll:

We are not discussing history, we are talking about what is going on right now, today.
More importantly. Those who can't spell our leaders' and potential leaders names correctly can't possibly form a logical debate.
I think most of us refer to terrorist acts as terrorist acts instead of radical Islam attacks. Does that mean most of us are closet Muslims? No, it doesn't.
There is no "holier than thou" attitude from me, I can't help you with your false biases.

Um, the subject of this thread is radical Islam, that okay with you? :roll:

We are not discussing history, we are talking about what is going on right now, today.

No, the subject of this thread is some moron claiming president Obama is a "secret Muslim".
No, the subject of this thread is some moron claiming president Obama is a "secret Muslim".

Okay. What then, does that have to do with a war four centuries ago?

BTW, the words "radical Islam" are actually in the title of this thread.
Okay. What then, does that have to do with a war four centuries ago?

BTW, the words "radical Islam" are actually in the title of this thread.

In between "Barackbar Obama" and "Closet Muslim".

You claimed Christians don't kill each other over differences in ideology like Muslims do. That's blantantly false. The Thirty Years War absolutely devastated Central Europe, and it was Christian on Christian violence.
Welllll, since neither you or I know Obama personally, lets see what his half-brother, Malik Obama says about the character of Barack:

"He says one thing and he does another,” said Malik Obama, speaking from his home in Kisumu, Kenya, via Skype with filmmaker Joel Gilbert.

“He’s not been an honest man, as far as I’m concerned, in who he is and what he says and how he treats people,” Malik said of his half-brother, noting their relationship was once “very close.”

And, “In the beginning, I didn’t think he was a schemer. His real character, the real personality, the real him, is coming out now.”

Maybe you should delve deeper into who your president is, rather than who I am.

Yes, delving deeper is only for Liberals. Don't dig deep on his Holiness. That's bad.
It's stemming from a global strategy from the early 2000s.

A number of Islamic scholars issued fatwas back then to disparage terrorist groups as un-Islamic and called upon community leaders to not use the terminology so that it would distance terrorists from the religion. It was an effort to hurt the terrorist group's credibility and recruiting tactics. If the terrorist groups were publicly disassociated from Islam in Islamic-majority countries that young, uneducated, religious teens would stop being swayed by the group's appeals to faith.

Obama's administration has carried over that strategy.
Y'know, I'm surprised more people don't have a problem with your obviously Islamaphobic pic. It's pretty clearly saying that being pro-woman, pro abortion rights and pro gay rights makes someone a terrible Muslim. Basically you're saying that being all those positive things run completely contrary to what it means to be a good Muslim.

i just got done watching "mississippi burning" for the first time and it was hilarious watching the racists call Hoover a 'commie' over and over. Idiots who demonize specific groups try to accuse supporters of *one* of them as supporting *all* of them, even if those groups don't get along

back to obama, a college kid interviewed at a 'tea party' rally and they took turns calling him fascist/muslim/commie/nazi, like these identities are all compatible

the reality is they don't know what any of those ideologies actually stand for, they just know they hate them all
Whatever dude. Muslims kill each other in large numbers due to differing ideologies, Christians, not so much.

it's probably both proximity and belonging to ancient sects that split at the dawn of islam over the most trivial unholy ****, like who would be their next leader
You didn't quote or misquote anything. You made a claim about what had been said. You could not substantiate it like pretty much everything you say when you simply are trying to evade. You knowingly do this when you have nothing else to add. It's a pattern.

Your pop wasn't a very wise person. He lied to you and put himself in a illogical circle where his statement by default is a lie no matter how many times he told you it.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.

Now that I've provided the bolded text you requested, how are you "above" Malik Obama?
Enough trying to spin your way out of the quote you made.
My pop was dead on...you're not the first guy constantly accusing people of some flaw who turns out to be the living embodiment of that flaw.
I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I freely admit it.
that's too bad for you

because while you may assess yourself of having fallen short of the glory of God, you didn't learn a single thing from it and it didn't make you less judgemental of your fellow man at all

not humble and sooooooooooo quick to judge others...not Christ like at all

thus your...."I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I freely admit it." empty words signifying nothing

and the defining proof...your quick judgement of me as well as Obama, so quick to knife me yet for all you know of me, I might perform amazing things daily
Now that I've provided the bolded text you requested

You have done no such thing. You just admitted you "misquoted" me. When you continue to repeat a lie, it doesn't become true.

Sent from a flower watered by the tears of Trump supporters and crazy newb liberals.
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

I vote this as the most stupid post of the week.

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