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Barackbar Obama Refuses to Say 'Radical Islam' is He a Closet Muslim? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

I can't see a poll
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

No, he isn't.

You, however, are sounding like a moron
People in here who claim to be Christian don't sound that way either

so there ya go

"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"

We're all in the same boat.

The question is if Obama is a closet Muslim, as his track record seems to suggest.
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

No, but clearly a Muslim sympathizer. Obama is an America hating atheist, and most likely a closet queer.
"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"

We're all in the same boat.

The question is if Obama is a closet Muslim, as his track record seems to suggest.
I haven't fallen short of the glory of god at all...we are NOT all in the same boat

it doesn't matter what Obama believes...it matters what is in your heart...hate or love

and that includes your feelings on Obama

there is no middle ground on being a part of the solution or a part of the problem

hate produces hate
I haven't fallen short of the glory of god at all...we are NOT all in the same boat

it doesn't matter what Obama believes...it matters what is in your heart...hate or love

and that includes your feelings on Obama

there is no middle ground on being a part of the solution or a part of the problem

hate produces hate

Then you're not a Christian. Which is your choice.

Obama is definitely a part of the problem, we can agree on that.
Obama is not a Muslim, he is a leftist. As a leftist he sees Muslims as an oppressed minority with legitimate grievances--particularly against the West. He excuses and apologizes for their violent behavior the way he excuses and apologizes for the violent behavior of other members of the grievance industry like BLM
Given all the drone strikes and dead Muslims that have occurred under this administration (justified or not is a topic for another thread) including Bin Laden, if he's a Muslim he's a really sucky one.
Given all the drone strikes and dead Muslims that have occurred under this administration (justified or not is a topic for another thread) including Bin Laden, if he's a Muslim he's a really sucky one.

Muslims kill each other all the time.
I dunno. Not sure I care. I do know he picks his nose. That's disturbing.
i remember when that nut at mccain's campaign accused him of being arab, mccain took the mic and said "no he's a good family man," like arabs cannot be good family men lol

but even halfway to senile mccain knew better, come on
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

Err. No.

I think it makes him a slave to politically correct and spin.

In all fairness and accuracy that sub-segment of the Islamic religion, those that engage in these horrible acts, are Radical Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.
Muslims kill each other all the time.

no they kill specific ancient sects, kind of like how catholics and protestants used to war

since obama's drones target sunni ISIS, i guess he must be shia? But wait, i thought he was kenyan too....not many of those in kenya that's for sure
Yes or No, is Barackbar Obama a closet Muslim?

He certainly doesn't sound like the Christian he claims to be.

I say Yes, Barackbar Obama is a closet Muslim.

Let's get those Yes votes in.

I suggest changing your username.
no they kill specific ancient sects, kind of like how catholics and protestants used to war

since obama's drones target sunni ISIS, i guess he must be shia? But wait, i thought he was kenyan too....not many of those in kenya that's for sure

As usual, you missed the point entirely. Muslims kill each other all the time, that is an undeniable fact. Over analyze it all you want if it makes you feel better. :shrug:

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