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Bad LIVE Bands! (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
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North Carolina
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Slightly Conservative
Let's begin this list of the bands who sound good on cd, but live they make you want to kill yourself.

I'll begin: Hawthrone Heights
Oh God. Avril Lavine or however you spell her name. Like a screeching cat live. No Doubt too.
APRIL 22--Claiming that lead singer Scott Stapp was drunk or drugged-up during a disastrous December concert, a quartet of Chicago-area Creed fans yesterday filed a class-action lawsuit claiming that Stapp & Co. owe refunds to the 15,000 fans who attended the ragged performance. The Allstate Arena gig was such a disaster, in fact, that the band circulated an e-mail apology acknowledging that, "there has been much concern about Scott's health and we want to assure everyone that he is doing very well and is taking a much needed break at home in Orlando."

Milli Vanilli and Ashley Simpson. They are terrible live...:mrgreen:
V.I. Lenin said:
Milli Vanilli and Ashley Simpson. They are terrible live...:mrgreen:

And on video...and vinyl....and CD...and laserdisc...and tape...
AC/DC is pretty bad in concert.
V.I. Lenin said:
Milli Vanilli and Ashley Simpson. They are terrible live...:mrgreen:
:rofl - funny
The Deftones are an awesome band, but when I saw them live I realized how all their songs are kind of behind the beat. I kind of dragging. I love their CDs though.
V.I. Lenin said:
Milli Vanilli and Ashley Simpson. They are terrible live...:mrgreen:

Does that mean you've seen them live? You've actually sat through a live performance? haha
I saw Jon Anderson (from Yes) when I was a teenager with a French foreign exchange student who kept trying to stick his tongue down my throat. Both were far from entertaining, lol.

The Pretenders, I am so sad to say, right after the release of their first album. It could have been an off night though.

I saw the B-52s get booed off the stage opening for The Who. Didn't get the chance to see if they sucked or not. I was embarrased for this dumbass city - they're coming along though.

All of mine are old, old, old. I haven't been to a live concert in YEARS.
Originally posted by mixedmedia:
I saw the B-52s get booed off the stage opening for The Who. Didn't get the chance to see if they sucked or not.
Are you refering to The Who?
Billo_Really said:
Are you refering to The Who?

No, the B-52s. They didn't get through their first song. The Who were incredible, of course.
mixedmedia said:
No, the B-52s. They didn't get through their first song. The Who were incredible, of course.

Remember...Jimi Hendrix got booed off of the stage when he opened for the Monkees...
cnredd said:
Remember...Jimi Hendrix got booed off of the stage when he opened for the Monkees...

Really? I've never heard that before. Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkees? And was booed off the stage - by swooning pre-teens no doubt. Good grief, what a world...

That may be comforting for the B52s to know but hey, I know and you know they're no Jimi Hendrix....as much as I like them both! It was really awful to watch though, people were throwing cups full of beer and soda at them and screaming terrible insults. Really a low moment for me as an Orlandoan.
mixedmedia said:
Really? I've never heard that before. Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkees? And was booed off the stage - by swooning pre-teens no doubt. Good grief, what a world...

That may be comforting for the B52s to know but hey, I know and you know they're no Jimi Hendrix....as much as I like them both! It was really awful to watch though, people were throwing cups full of beer and soda at them and screaming terrible insults. Really a low moment for me as an Orlandoan.

I think we're agreeing without agreeing...

The B-52s PROBABLY weren't booed off because of a "bad" show...More likely because they weren't "in their element"...Same with Jimi....

This thread is "Bad LIVE Bands"...There's a difference between that and playing to crowd that doesn't "adhere" to your style...

REO Speedwagon or The Moody Blues could put on a 2 hour show that dazzles and proves they can be among the best live shows around...

Have them open for Metallica and see how many of the band members make it out alive after 10 minutes...
cnredd said:
I think we're agreeing without agreeing...

The B-52s PROBABLY weren't booed off because of a "bad" show...More likely because they weren't "in their element"...Same with Jimi....

This thread is "Bad LIVE Bands"...There's a difference between that and playing to crowd that doesn't "adhere" to your style...

REO Speedwagon or The Moody Blues could put on a 2 hour show that dazzles and proves they can be among the best live shows around...

Have them open for Metallica and see how many of the band members make it out alive after 10 minutes...

I realize I went a little "off topic" by bringing it up. I didn't realize that this chatty sort of thread required such strict adherence. I am well aware that what I witnessed had nothing to do with the band's performance and everything to do with the audience's pre-conceived attitudes towards its members. I did provide two other relevant examples, though.
mixedmedia said:
I realize I went a little "off topic" by bringing it up. I didn't realize that this chatty sort of thread required such strict adherence. I am well aware that what I witnessed had nothing to do with the band's performance and everything to do with the audience's pre-conceived attitudes towards its members. I did provide two other relevant examples, though.

Strict adherance?...That better be sarcasm coming from someone who is currently having a discussion about food and closet partisans in the "Member Pic" thread!:doh :2wave:
cnredd said:
Strict adherance?...That better be sarcasm coming from someone who is currently having a discussion about food and closet partisans in the "Member Pic" thread!:doh :2wave:

Hey now, I didn't start that.....
The best gig I've been to was Motorhead on the Iron Fist tour way back in 82.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia:
No, the B-52s. They didn't get through their first song. The Who were incredible, of course.
The Who are a must see concert band. Or was. I saw them 5 times (only once with Keith Moon) and they kicked major ass!

I had a buddy that was at Monterey Pop and said after The Who finished their set, everbody started to leave thinking nobody could follow the act they just saw. Then Hendrix comes on and people were climbing the walls to get back inside!

If you have ever seen the documentary about Monterey Pop, notice the scene where Townsend is commenting on a conversation he had with Jimi as to who would go on first. He told Jimi, "Were ready to go on now, and were going on first!" Jimi replied, "If your going on first, then I'm going to pull out all the stops!"

I'm 5 years too young. Or I would have been there too.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia:
Really? I've never heard that before. Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkees? And was booed off the stage - by swooning pre-teens no doubt. Good grief, what a world...
Actually it was the pre-swooning teenage mommies that brought their 13 and 14 year olds to the concert and sat in horror as this black guy came out and started fuucking his guitar!

I think they say Jimi was the first black guy that appealed to white women.
Billo_Really said:
Actually it was the pre-swooning teenage mommies that brought their 13 and 14 year olds to the concert and sat in horror as this black guy came out and started fuucking his guitar!

haha, yeah that may have took 'em by surprise alright. I love those kinds of stories, though. He was a real oner, Jimi Hendrix was.

Billo_Really said:
I think they say Jimi was the first black guy that appealed to white women.

Well I seriously doubt he was the first. Maybe the first they were willing to admit appealed to them.
Billo_Really said:
The Who are a must see concert band. Or was. I saw them 5 times (only once with Keith Moon) and they kicked major ass!

Yes they were very good even though it was an arena show and I don't really enjoy those as much as smaller shows. But they're The Who, after all. It made the B52's seem an even odder choice as an opening act, because they are certainly not an arena band. At least not then.

I would have loved to see Keith Moon, he was an f-ing incredible drummer. One of the best ever - and I love to watch him play - like Gene Krupa's maniacal little brother. Brian Entwistle was a master, too. I don't know of a better bassist ever in rock music. The Who were way ahead of their time, in my opinion. I really do love them.
Only time I saw the Who, I didn't get to see a whole lot of Keith moon. He konked out, and they ended up asking the crowd if anybody played the drums, and so some unknown guy ended up playing their set with them. He wasn't all that bad.

I imagine he's telling his grand kids about it right now.

Probably the worst show I ever saw, though was the Greatful Dead. Yeah, I know that is almost sacrilege, but they sucked.

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