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Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Hampshi (1 Viewer)


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Jun 6, 2010
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Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington And Concord In New Hampshire | TPMDC

Rep. Michele Bachmann got her Revolutionary War history a bit screwed up at an event in New Hampshire today, telling the crowd: "What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love for liberty. You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord."

The Battles of Lexington and Concord and the shot heard round the world took place in Massachusetts.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

So what, minor slip up. I hate gotcha games and I'd love to be rid of "See said NORTH KOREA" and "He said Fifty SEVEN states," but I imagine ill get an ear full of bull**** explanation as to why slip ups are just slip ups, but this one is much more than that!
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Honestly, this is just one of those things that really isn't that big of a deal. So she misspoke.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

So what, minor slip up. I hate gotcha games and I'd love to be rid of "See said NORTH KOREA" and "He said Fifty SEVEN states," but I imagine ill get an ear full of bull**** explanation as to why slip ups are just slip ups, but this one is much more than that!

I agree that it minor, but as the link points out, she made the same mistake the night before at a fundraiser. You would think somebody clued her in.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Hmm. I thought they were in New Hampshire too.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Must be a slow news day for the Bachmann haters.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Talk about a non-story considering all of the gaffs from Biden and Obama, among others. Being a native of the Granite State, all I want to know is if she pronounced Concord correctly or not...
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Another 15 miles north and part of the battle would have been in New Hampshire.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Another 15 miles north and part of the battle would have been in New Hampshire.

so, she celebrated a state's patriotic history ... only in the wrong state, which was at least 15 miles away
nice defense of recurring bachmann stupidity
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

I'm still waiting for full disclosure of the $6M in campaign contributions she has yet to account for.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Hmm. I thought they were in New Hampshire too.

Concord, the Capital City of New Hampshire

...On January 17, 1725, the Province of Massachusetts Bay, which then held jurisdiction over New Hampshire, granted it as the Plantation of Penacook.[3] It was settled between 1725 and 1727 by Captain Ebenezer Eastman and others from Haverhill, Massachusetts. On February 9, 1734, the town was incorporated as Rumford,[4] from which Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford would take his title. It was renamed Concord in 1765 by Governor Benning Wentworth following a bitter boundary dispute between Rumford and the town of Bow; the city name was meant to reflect the new concord, or harmony, between the disputant towns.[5] Citizens displaced by the resulting border adjustment were given land elsewhere as compensation. In 1779, New Pennacook Plantation was granted to Timothy Walker, Jr. and his associates at what would be incorporated in 1800 as Rumford, Maine, the site of Pennacook Falls....

At that point in time, New Hampshire wasn't a political entity, and Massachussetts extended over Concord.

So (again) Bachman is proven to be historically accurate, and her detractors laughably desperate to cling to any semantic that can bring her down a peg.

really. it's a capital city. you would have thought that would have picked at someone's memory.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

I want to see Palin, O'Donnell, and Bachmann compete on Jeopardy.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Why do republicans support every republican no matter how big of a fool that person is? If they had any brains they would cut her lose and start supporting those that have a chance to beat Obama.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Ya think Mark Twain had Bachmann in mind when he said - "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."..LOL!
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Concord, the Capital City of New Hampshire

At that point in time, New Hampshire wasn't a political entity, and Massachussetts extended over Concord.

So (again) Bachman is proven to be historically accurate, and her detractors laughably desperate to cling to any semantic that can bring her down a peg.

really. it's a capital city. you would have thought that would have picked at someone's memory.

While it is true there is a Concord in New Hampshire, the towns of Lexington and Concord of which she is referring to are both in Massachusetts.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

While it is true there is a Concord in New Hampshire, the towns of Lexington and Concord of which she is referring to are both in Massachusetts.

Of course.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning, so such a thing doesn't really concern me..

So I'm posting anyway.

Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Hmm. I thought they were in New Hampshire too.

New Hampshire needs to stop claiming credit.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Concord, the Capital City of New Hampshire

At that point in time, New Hampshire wasn't a political entity, and Massachussetts extended over Concord.

So (again) Bachman is proven to be historically accurate, and her detractors laughably desperate to cling to any semantic that can bring her down a peg.

really. it's a capital city. you would have thought that would have picked at someone's memory.

Give me a freaking break. I am a native of the Granite State and I have never heard of anyone claiming Concord and Lexington...
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Look, I'm from Minnesota myself. All those new england states are just a jumble of stuff that turns blue every 4 years.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

I will not defend Bachman here.

In fact, I think we'd be tremendously alarmed about how little basic hisotrical knowledge Barack Obama has, too.

I think we'd be sadly disappointed that this is the case with a pretty large percentage of our elected officials. And shame on many Americans for consistently voting based on personality and looks, rather depth and acumen. Bachman also said our "founding fathers ended slavery". Uh, no, sweetheart, that would be our 16th president.

I guarantee you Nancy Pelosi probably couldn't tell you with any specificity who Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Paine were. I'd bet my house on it. We'd be shocked at how little she knows about anything, particularly American history.

The reason so few of our politicians, especially blue-state Democrats, don't respect our Constitution is because they have virtually no grasp of the history of this country to begin with.

That's why I trust candidates like history fanatic Newt Gingrich (though their are other issues with him). If you could splice him and Romney into the same person, I'd vote for that candidate it a minute.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

Look, I'm from Minnesota myself. All those new england states are just a jumble of stuff that turns blue every 4 years.

I'm from Texas, where we could fit all those little puzzle piece states together and make a panhandle.


New England ruins a child's fun of putting together an United States puzzle. Ten minutes after taking it out of the box, no one can find Rhode Island in the carpet.
Re: Bachmann Muddles American History, Puts Battles Of Lexington & Concord In New Ham

I will not defend Bachman here.

In fact, I think we'd be tremendously alarmed about how little basic hisotrical knowledge Barack Obama has, too.

I think we'd be sadly disappointed that this is the case with a pretty large percentage of our elected officials. And shame on many Americans for consistently voting based on personality and looks, rather depth and acumen. Bachman also said our "founding fathers ended slavery". Uh, no, sweetheart, that would be our 16th president.

I guarantee you Nancy Pelosi probably couldn't tell you with any specificity who Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Paine were. I'd bet my house on it. We'd be shocked at how little she knows about anything, particularly American history.

The reason so few of our politicians, especially blue-state Democrats, don't respect our Constitution is because they have virtually no grasp of the history of this country to begin with.

That's why I trust candidates like history fanatic Newt Gingrich (though their are other issues with him). If you could splice him and Romney into the same person, I'd vote for that candidate it a minute.

It's a damn good thing she didn't pick the 57th state.

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