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Are you pro-life or pro-choice? (1 Viewer)

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Simple question

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

...and why?

Remember... Pro-Life means no exceptions. If you have any exceptions at all, you are Pro-Choice.
Simple question

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

...and why?

Remember... Pro-Life means no exceptions. If you have any exceptions at all, you are Pro-Choice.

That isn't what it means so I guess I can't vote in your poll.
Using your definition, my exception are rape incest and immediate risk of life to the mother/baby.

Of course, people's definitions of pro life/pro choice are different.
That isn't what it means so I guess I can't vote in your poll.
It is what it means. If you have an exception then you have a choice... that is Pro-Choice. *shrugs*

That isn't what it means so I guess I can't vote in your poll.
I've known some persons who were pro-life, with reservations, though I have never known anyone who claimed to be pro-choice with reservations. Perhaps that could be clarified.
Using your definition, my exception are rape incest and immediate risk of life to the mother/baby.

Of course, people's definitions of pro life/pro choice are different.
That would sound to me as being pro-life, with exceptions.
Simple question

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

...and why?

Remember... Pro-Life means no exceptions. If you have any exceptions at all, you are Pro-Choice.
I am both-------------and I disagree with your definitions.

Everyone is "pro-life" and "pro-choice"
See how much I can do with a few words? You make huge posts that are quite boring.
They form an archive. This forum has a search tool.

The 109 page Opt-Out thread is unreadable and almost none of the posts include resource details.
I am not saying you are to blame. You don't make anyone post anything.

You have a talent. If you attempted to put it to better use, you too would be reminded by posters how they
dislike to read. Maybe I've been late understanding the purpose of posting is to attract feedback numbers,
nothing more....
I am both-------------and I disagree with your definitions.

Everyone is "pro-life" and "pro-choice"
Good point, though a case for some being "pro-abortion" might also be made.
Simple question

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

...and why?

Remember... Pro-Life means no exceptions. If you have any exceptions at all, you are Pro-Choice.
I need an other option.

Actually I can see it this way I am very prochoice for both men and women
Simple question

Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

...and why?

Remember... Pro-Life means no exceptions. If you have any exceptions at all, you are Pro-Choice.

No, i don't let child murderers define me. Pro life.
It is what it means. If you have an exception then you have a choice... that is Pro-Choice. *shrugs*

What if you only want minorities to abort- i mean- "have a choice"? 🥸

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