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Are There More Liberal Lobbyists Or Conservative Lobbyists? (1 Viewer)

Are There More Liberal Lobbyists Or Conservative Lobbyists?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Curious as to what everyone thinks.
And I think the Liberal lobbyists and liberal organizations lobbying spend more money as well.
There are many ways to lobby, so not sure what standards apply to the question. "K" street alone, or effort combined?

If money buys influence, and influence results in lobbying for effect, there are far more "lobbyists" on the left, that the right.
Curious as to what everyone thinks.

As best I can tell, most lobbying is neither, being directed by business and industry. Further, the big lobbying firms work for clients, and do not have an ideology as such. They lobby for whoever pays them.
My guess is that there are about the same numbers of both of them.

But it's just a guess.
Political Spending by Unions Far Exceeds Direct Donations - WSJ
If a lobbyist wants both a more generous safety net and a low minimum wage are they liberal or are they conservative?

My guess is that most lobbyists want government policy to give them an advantage - whether that is by taking less from them or giving more to them matters little.
As best I can tell, most lobbying is neither, being directed by business and industry. Further, the big lobbying firms work for clients, and do not have an ideology as such. They lobby for whoever pays them.
IMO, the truth ...
Also, I think lobbyists have to be registered ..IS their political affiliation a question ??
Curious as to what everyone thinks.

In which category would you put the US Chamber of Commerce? (also referred to as the Chamber of Crony Capitalists by Mark Levin)
Don't know...don't much care.

It's like asking how many maggots there are...too many is the only answer.
I originally voted 'conservative' but I would switch my answer to 'neither' if that were an option. Lobbyists either seek change/keeping status quo, whatever benefits the organizations they represent.
Lobbying Client Total
US Chamber of Commerce $1,248,040,680
National Assn of Realtors $363,246,628 <<<<NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION TO THE LAND SPECULATORS
American Medical Assn $338,642,500
General Electric $336,680,000
American Hospital Assn $301,548,726
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $294,890,300
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $277,811,849
AARP $257,951,064
Northrop Grumman $236,102,213
Boeing Co $230,403,310
Business Roundtable $221,160,000
Exxon Mobil $218,286,942
Lockheed Martin $217,171,304
Verizon Communications $215,480,043
Edison Electric Institute $201,956,789
AT&T Inc $201,315,644
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $197,110,000
National Assn of Broadcasters $187,878,000
Southern Co $187,630,694
Altria Group $169,355,200


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