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Apple Pencil (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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IOS users: What good is the Apple “Pencil?”
....and why do I need one; I use the IPad Pro
IOS users: What good is the Apple “Pencil?”
....and why do I need one; I use the IPad Pro

Depends on your needs and compatible apps. My nephew uses it for quick design sketches, his daughter to practice calligraphy, I've used to leave dirty stickies for my wife to find. Otherwise, I don't need it.
Depends on your needs and compatible apps. My nephew uses it for quick design sketches, his daughter to practice calligraphy, I've used [the pencil] to leave dirty stickies for my wife to find. Otherwise, I don't need it.
i believe the term you were looking for is "indispensable"
IOS users: What good is the Apple “Pencil?”
....and why do I need one; I use the IPad Pro

My husband loves his. He's a photographer, and uses it to edit pictures. There are thousands of uses for it, though. It's a pain to charge, because it juts out of the end of your iPad, but he bought a "stand up" charger on Amazon, so that makes it alot better.
Depends on your needs and compatible apps. My nephew uses it for quick design sketches, his daughter to practice calligraphy, I've used to leave dirty stickies for my wife to find. Otherwise, I don't need it.

Now I am wondering if pencil and dirty stickies is some kind of euphemism
Now I am wondering if pencil and dirty stickies is some kind of euphemism

Nope, strictly literal, and easier to clean than sticky jam in the sheets.
I hear it is a good back scratcher...

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