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Any Conservatives still deny Trump is a racist? (1 Viewer)

Oh, yaaaaawwwwnnnn. You guys just mindlessly throw out the same crap over and over.

Most people that can afford a tourist visa are also the same people that often are not poor. Which means they generally have better health.
That isn't what he said. It could just as easily be that he was saying that some of the illegal aliens are bad and gave MS13 gang members as an example.

Actually, yes you do. You also need context.

The point has been bludgeoned home in this thread that yes, some immigrants are bad. Some whites are bad too. What would you say if you were denied an opportunity on the basis that you might be a member of the KKK?

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How so? Immigrants are not a race.

But he targets hispanics and Muslims, migrants and refugees who happen to be brown.

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Because context and comprehension.

We recently had a measles outbreak start from an infected Israeli tourist here in Rockland County, NY
Oh, yaaaaawwwwnnnn. You guys just mindlessly throw out the same crap over and over.

Yeah, facts are like that. They don't wear out.

"Very fine people" don't show up at a White Supremacist rally, where a stated goal is to unite White Supremacists from across the country, and people are chanting Nazi slogans, and carrying Nazi flags.

Of course, you may very well consider all of the above to be things "very fine people" do. You may very well consider supporting a White Supremacist rally to be a thing "very fine people" do. I don't.
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Because context and comprehension.

Yeah, let's look at the context:

1. It was a rally organized by a White Supremacist group.

2. The rally had a stated goal of uniting White Supremacists from across the country.

3. These guys were there:

And these guys were there chanting Nazi slogans:

What "very fine people" show up at a White Supremacist rally? And if they did accidentally show up, what "very fine people" wouldn't leave immediately? Unless of course one considers White Supremacists to be "very fine people," like Trump. Then sure, Trump is correct.

So do you agree with Trump that these people are "very fine people"?
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Yeah, facts are like that. They don't wear out.

Two points:

1. that is an awesome comeback. I plan to steal it.

2. The “decent people on both sides” comment referred to those in favor of tearing down the statue and those in favor of keeping up the statue. Not everyone who thinks such statues should be preserved is a Nazi. In fact, I doubt most of them are.
Two points:

1. that is an awesome comeback. I plan to steal it.


Trump was referring to the people at the rally. It was a White Supremacist rally, with a stated goal of uniting White Supremacists from across the country, and it was full of White Supremacists chanting Nazi slogans. IMO there were no "very fine people" there on the White Supremacist side.

This was very clear, many people quit committees in protest:

Trump's business advisory councils disband as CEOs abandon Trump

Donald Trump's entire arts council quits in protest
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This is true, and is the correct inference which anyone with an IQ above room temperature would discern. But, that doesn't fit the narrative, so the Left burned the "Nazis are fine people" straw man into their brains and seem incapable of deviating from the narrative, even though they look incredibly disingenuous and feckless when they employ their disinformation campaign.
It is truly pathetic.

If that's true, which is isn't, who was the other side? Antifa? Very fine Antifa people? Or was the other side those who want to tear down all Confederate monuments?

Well, I'm black, first of all. So I doubt I would be lumped in with the KKK. Secondly, they are being denied due to the fact that they are crossing to border illegally. If you don't want to be denied, stop breaking the law.
Well, I'm black, first of all. So I doubt I would be lumped in with the KKK. Secondly, they are being denied due to the fact that they are crossing to border illegally. If you don't want to be denied, stop breaking the law.

Then substitute the KKK for the Panthers

Also they are being denied not based upon illegal entry but status as a migrant

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I guess you never heard of the Muslim ban, or his desire to eliminate chain migration, temporary protected status, DACA, immigration lottery, and reduce immigration quotas

All of them are legal forms of immigration, but you know...



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What you said here doesn't make sense. Could you re-phrase it please?

Imagine if people wanted to keep people fleeing a war or large amounts of violence in Europe because the KKK exists.

The “white genocide” hysteria would be a sight to behold.
But he targets hispanics and Muslims, migrants and refugees who happen to be brown.

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Muslims are not a race, and the only ones he seems to have targeted are the ones from countries he and Obama both described as countries to watch for terrorism (so if he's a racist there, clearly so is Obama). And I don't see where he targeted "hispanics". He seems to be against any illegal immigration or anything that looks like it could be illegal immigration (and possibly against legal immigration too).

Immigrants are not a race.

Look, I don't agree with him in the slightest on his immigration policies (indeed, I suspect I'm probably even more liberal than you on that topic), but calling him a racist for being against immigration (legal or otherwise), just doesn't pan out as anything other than namecalling to namecall.
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He knows exactly what the decent people comment is referring to as it has been pointed out to him many times. Yet he continually posts. It just shipped that justhanging really doesn't care about the truth but only doing what ever he can to attack Trump.

It's why I pretty much scroll past anything he posts.
Dishonest posters are not really worth the time.
He even said recently "they are bringing diseases."

That would be true. IIRC that's one of the major reasons we still have significant numbers of TB cases in the US.

It's a reason why we need major overhaul to our immigration structure so we can keep people from feeling they need to sneak in, and so we can take care of such disease risks before they become a danger to citizens in the country, as they come in.

I disagree. I think the fact that more illegal immigrants overstay VISAs from Eastern Europe than cross illegally from Mexico, puts his motives in question. You don't hear him prattling on about Ukrainian and Moldovan immigrants as a problem. They are every bit as illegal as an undocumented worker. Where are their tweets accusing them of all manner of wickedness?

We do need some fixes. But, Trump has capped the # of Asylum seekers, because he's a racist. Which actually forces them to enter illegally. Since he has done everything in his power to stop them from coming over legally.
But they didn't enter the country illegally. They stayed illegally, which is a whole different creature and a whole different kind of illegal presence. (and note, people of all sorts of origin countries, creeds, races, and colors come and overstay visas, and he hasn't really said much of anything about any of them - you simply chose to focus on just Eastern Europeans - also not a race, by the way - who do it and ignore the rest that he didn't comment on)

Note, I don't think either of them should be illegal, and indeed support an Open Borders proposal.

But again, none of this seems to have much of anything to do with race. Just about people illegally crossing the border.
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We do need some fixes. But, Trump has capped the # of Asylum seekers, because he's a racist. Which actually forces them to enter illegally. Since he has done everything in his power to stop them from coming over legally.

That doesn't pan out either. Asylum seekers are not a race. I understand that 'racist' seems to be your go to insult, but really, you're making yourself look silly at this point.
Then substitute the KKK for the Panthers

Also they are being denied not based upon illegal entry but status as a migrant

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Which again, apply for citizenship/asylum the legal route. If your claim for asylum is legitimate, then they would accept you. There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America that have successfully applied for citizenship and became citizens.
Denying Trump is a racist is like denying the sky is blue: You can deny it, but it doesn't change the facts.

By all means, please list all of his " racist" actions here, along with these:


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