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Another day another dementia moment for the big guy (1 Viewer)

Too bad.. Trump is running for president.. Every day he's on social media calling people names and lying..

He's fair game...
You know something we don't? I have not heard him declare he is running. Who cares what is said on social media, not much of a valid source, more of a gossip space. But, he has been out of office now for more than a day or two and the TDS people keep giving him free rent for several years now. It seems to be only the left that keeps him front and center on the social media forums.
You know something we don't? I have not heard him declare he is running.
Will you Trumpsters for once grow up... Everyday he brags about how far ahead he is in the polls...

Just for once admit to what he is saying and doing..
Will you Trumpsters for once grow up... Everyday he brags about how far ahead he is in the polls...

Just for once admit to what he is saying and doing..
First, don't label me, just because I don't want Biden does not mean I am what you label a Trumpist. Second, I admit it, Trump brags, so what.. they all do, they are politicians after all.
First, don't label me, just because I don't want Biden does not mean I am what you label a Trumpist. Second, I admit it, Trump brags, so what.. they all do, they are politicians after all.
Yeah I know.. There's no Trumpsters on this site..

Trump is running.. He's miles ahead on the other Republicans.. He mentions it daily...

He's running.. That makes him open for for criticizism..
Yeah I know.. There's no Trumpsters on this site..

Trump is running.. He's miles ahead on the other Republicans.. He mentions it daily...

He's running.. That makes him open for for criticizism..
I am sure there are, but I'm not one so drop the label unless you just can't help yourself. He mentions he is miles ahead of other Republicans? So what. He has been open for criticism as far back as I can remember hearing of him, nothing new.
I am sure there are, but I'm not one so drop the label unless you just can't help yourself. He mentions he is miles ahead of other Republicans? So what. He has been open for criticism as far back as I can remember hearing of him, nothing new.
Most of the criticisms are his doing.. That's why I'm here.. Lol

I live in NY.. I've known what a PoS he's been since the early 90s... I know contractors and vendors who worked on his properties who never saw a dime in payment..

My dislike for him goes Loooooong before he went into politics...

He's a narcissist, egomaniac, lying conman...

It bothers me he's fooling so many people..
O yes the what about Trump ply , seems Joe was alleged to have been a bad boy to with women

So what's any of that got to do with Biden claiming he was a teacher for 4 years .
O yes the what about Trump ploy.
I am sorry you do not like reading the truth about the big guys mind slipping.
Is the whole point whether we should vote for Biden or Trump at the end of the day?
Is the whole point whether we should vote for Biden or Trump at the end of the day?
No we do not support either of them.
Also many liberals have no clue about Joe . The media protects him..
No we do not support either of them.
Also many liberals have no clue about Joe . The media protects him..
Ahh so you're just being a patriot by letting people know about a lyin politician! Go get em!
Wasn't raiding Trump for classified documents while having classified documents of his own in his garage and other places embarrassing enough?
Once again a poster ignores the obvious difference between Biden (or Pence) and documents and Trump and documents. Hint: one of the three above lied to his attorney and ignored a subpoena. Hint numero dos: two of the above returned documents when their presence was discovered.
Once again a poster ignores the obvious difference between Biden (or Pence) and documents and Trump and documents. Hint: one of the three above lied to his attorney and ignored a subpoena. Hint numero dos: two of the above returned documents when their presence was discovered.
Regardless of difference it was still a bonehead move not to check to see if you have classified documents.
Regardless of difference it was still a bonehead move not to check to see if you have classified documents.
Of course it was. But the difference in character between Biden/Pence and Trump shows through in the formers’ reactions, which were sort of an “Oops!” followed by making things right. Trump’s reaction was more of his “I never make mistakes, I have nothing to ask God forgiveness for” themes.

That part of The Donald’s personality is what scares me the most, with a minor but telling incident a good example: how he obviously adjusted a map to suggest he was actually right about the presumed path of a hurricane. Anyone else would have said “my bad” and moved on. Not Trump, who clumsily put his sharpie to work.
Ahh so you're just being a patriot by letting people know about a lyin politician! Go get em!
In a way yes Many liberals have no clue about Joe and his fairy tale world
People need to know it because he is the president and he has issue that could affect his decisions.
Also when other world leaders hear about his claims you know what they would think of him.
Neither Biden or Trump are fit to be president.
we did like some of Trump's policy's. However we do not like his massive ego the lies or all the document scandal.
And Some of his business dealing.
With Biden it's his weird policy's his mind slipping and the Hunter scandal as I do think he helped him make money.
Not sure he took money but several of his family has clearly benefited.
And Joe has a shady past with several allegations of family members in trouble with the law and Joe using his influence as a government official to help them
I'll take him over this idiot any day. This is an American president screwing up his own country's history in front of the world.

So what has that got to do with Joe claiming he taught classes as a professor.
By the way Trump is a asshole I agree on that But it has nothing to do with Biden living in a fantasy world .Who knows he might claim he's super man or he talks to God next week..I see you do not like truth.Why is that.
Your posts have EVERYTHING to do with Trump. It's why you spew these hit pieces every day, over and over like a broken record. We get it, Joe's a bit off and you hate him but he's still better than the alternative we had in 2020.
Biden's cognitive decline worsens each day. He'll be drooling in his lap by this time next year.
Let's talk about drooling.......
Wasn't raiding Trump for classified documents while having classified documents of his own in his garage and other places embarrassing enough?
If you don't know the difference, that is called "ignorance". I would study the difference of the two cases instead of listening to Fox, but then again, I have half a brain unlike some people.
In a way, yes many liberals have no clue about Joe and his fairy tale world(insert period).
People need to know it because he is the president and he has issues that could affect his decisions.
Also, when other world leaders hear about his claims you know what they would think of him.
Neither Biden or Trump are fit to be president.
We did like some of Trump's policy, however we do not like his massive ego, the lies or all the document scandal.
Also, some of his business dealing.
With Biden it's his weird policies, his mind slipping and the Hunter scandal as I do think he helped him make money.
Not sure he took money but several of his family have clearly benefited.
(don't start a sentence with and) Joe has a shady past with several allegations of family members in trouble with the law and Joe using his influence as a government official to help them(insert period).
Fixed, your posts are so painful to read. Ironic that your thread is about dementia, the irony is laughable.

Again, who is this "we" you keep talking about?
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If you don't know the difference, that is called "ignorance". I would study the difference of the two cases instead of listening to Fox, but then again, I have half a brain unlike some people.
I know the difference. Regardless he had classified documents as VP with no authorization to have them and kept them in an unsecured place. Its every bit as irresponsible as he claimed Trump was. I don't call you ignorant, I call you willfully obstinate.
Your posts have EVERYTHING to do with Trump. It's why you spew these hit pieces every day, over and over like a broken record. We get it, Joe's a bit off and you hate him but he's still better than the alternative we had in 2020.
Yes yes are right. Why we should we complain about eating horse poop when we can have cat poop instead.
You clearly do not get it.
We do not care for either of them .I do not buy a bottle of 12 dollar bourbon I don't like and drink another brand that cost the same and is just about the same quality.
We rarely spend under 40 on a bottle and some times as much as a 100 on our daily sipping whiskey.
Fixed, your posts are so painful to read. Ironic that your thread is about dementia, the irony is laughable.

Again, who is this "we" you keep talking about?
I'm very sure you can read our posts.
We also see that you respond to a lot of them
If you do not like them it would be beneficial for you to not respond to them.
But we know and you know you can not do that, now can we😁
In a way yes Many liberals have no clue about Joe and his fairy tale world
People need to know it because he is the president and he has issue that could affect his decisions.
Also when other world leaders hear about his claims you know what they would think of him.
Neither Biden or Trump are fit to be president.
we did like some of Trump's policy's. However we do not like his massive ego the lies or all the document scandal.
And Some of his business dealing.
With Biden it's his weird policy's his mind slipping and the Hunter scandal as I do think he helped him make money.
Not sure he took money but several of his family has clearly benefited.
And Joe has a shady past with several allegations of family members in trouble with the law and Joe using his influence as a government official to help them
Sounds like you're all in on the rapist under multiple federal indictments who tried to undermine the peaceful transfer of power.

But hey Biden told a small fib about his honorary position at a university.
Yes yes are right. Why we should we complain about eating horse poop when we can have cat poop instead.
You clearly do not get it.
We do not care for either of them .I do not buy a bottle of 12 dollar bourbon I don't like and drink another brand that cost the same and is just about the same quality.
We rarely spend under 40 on a bottle and some times as much as a 100 on our daily sipping whiskey.
"We"? Who is that
Yes yes are right. Why we should we complain about eating horse poop when we can have cat poop instead.
You clearly do not get it.
We do not care for either of them .I do not buy a bottle of 12 dollar bourbon I don't like and drink another brand that cost the same and is just about the same quality.
We rarely spend under 40 on a bottle and some times as much as a 100 on our daily sipping whiskey.
I don’t know if Biden has dementia, but reading this unintelligent garbage makes me feel like I have it.

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