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Another day another dementia moment for the big guy (1 Viewer)

A Linoge

Apr 3, 2023
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Political Leaning

You have to wonder what is wrong with mind , seems like he has a real problem saying he was a professor and actually taught classes .
Joe seems to be living in a made up world .
Had to say what tall tale he will come up with,.

Something is wrong with him, his mind is going south ,
Another day another e SPAM offering….
Biden's cognitive decline worsens each day. He'll be drooling in his lap by this time next year.
He's a psychopathical liar
sorAnother day another e SPAM offering….
Why? because it was in FOX news? It's reported on numerous media sources, it's either another memory failure or a lie. He served as an honorary professor for two years, never even took a single class than alone taught a class.
Another day another e SPAM offering….
So any posts about Joe are spam . So telling the truth about the big guy is spam.Interesting claim I guess its fake news hey and the link is not good also.

I can see why a liberal would think that After all no need in telling the truth about Joe made up world he lives in . Many liberqls libe in a made up world like the big guy .
So any posts about Joe are spam . So telling the truth about the big guy is spam.Interesting claim I guess its fake news hey and the link is not good also.

I can see why a liberal would think that After all no need in telling the truth about Joe made up world he lives in . Many liberqls libe in a made up world like the big guy .
It’s more a reflection on the poster, you knew that.
So any posts about Joe are spam . So telling the truth about the big guy is spam.Interesting claim I guess its fake news hey and the link is not good also.

I can see why a liberal would think that After all no need in telling the truth about Joe made up world he lives in . Many liberqls libe in a made up world like the big guy .
Your BDS is showing
At least he hasn't started WWII yet... Or said he saw 1,000s of Muslims celebrating 9/11.. Or Americans over running British Airports in 1776...

That would be really embarrassing...
Wasn't raiding Trump for classified documents while having classified documents of his own in his garage and other places embarrassing enough?

You have to wonder what is wrong with mind , seems like he has a real problem saying he was a professor and actually taught classes .
Joe seems to be living in a made up world .
Had to say what tall tale he will come up with,.

Something is wrong with him, his mind is going south ,
Starter of insanely stupid and oft-demented threads mocks Biden for having dementia. Par!

I love how Trumpists have to pretend Trump didn't get splattered in the 2020 election when they're running their mouths about Biden.
Starter of insanely stupid and oft-demented threads mocks Biden for having dementia. Par!

I love how Trumpists have to pretend Trump didn't get splattered in the 2020 election when they're running their mouths about Biden.
Typical, when it becomes difficult to defend Biden change the subject to Trump.
Well, at least he isn't a rapist., I love it when people do t
O yes the what about Trump ply , seems Joe was alleged to have been a bad boy to with women
Starter of insanely stupid and oft-demented threads mocks Biden for having dementia. Par!

I love how Trumpists have to pretend Trump didn't get splattered in the 2020 election when they're running their mouths about Biden.
So what's any of that got to do with Biden claiming he was a teacher for 4 years .
O yes the what about Trump ploy.
I am sorry you do not like reading the truth about the big guys mind slipping.
Typical, when it becomes difficult to defend Biden change the subject to Trump.
Yes it's a old ploy when you hate the truth.
But small minded people can not help it.Its all they got
Starter of insanely stupid and oft-demented threads mocks Biden for having dementia. Par!

I love how Trumpists have to pretend Trump didn't get splattered in the 2020 election when they're running their mouths about Biden.
You don't like the message so you attack the messenger. Pretty much all you ever do, Mr Person.
Yes it's a old ploy when you hate the truth.
But small minded people can not help it.Its all they got
Says the guy who starts the same thread twice daily, with a slightly different title and claims to be disseminating new information.

You have to wonder what is wrong with mind , seems like he has a real problem saying he was a professor and actually taught classes .
Joe seems to be living in a made up world .
Had to say what tall tale he will come up with,.

Something is wrong with him, his mind is going south ,
The malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist and seditionist post another load of crap on untruth social?
The malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist and seditionist post another load of crap on untruth social?
So what has that got to do with Joe claiming he taught classes as a professor.
By the way Trump is a asshole I agree on that But it has nothing to do with Biden living in a fantasy world .Who knows he might claim he's super man or he talks to God next week..I see you do not like truth.Why is that.
Says the guy who starts the same thread twice daily, with a slightly different title and claims to be disseminating new information.
Another liberal who hates the truth
Another liberal who hates the truth
Yep, you nailed it! Once again. Despite being educated, and presumably fairly bright- it pains me that only folks like you can ever discern the real truth.

I feel cheated.

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