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Another day another dementia moment for the big guy (1 Viewer)

Ironic, in a thread about Biden lying about his academic credentials and prefessirships, claiming Biden is a liar who can't be trusted....

MAGA brings forth as evidence, a Russian defector who... checks notes.... lied about her academic credentials and professorships
Believe all women
Really now you say, I know a lot of big words also like , imbecile, ninnyhammer .ignoramus,nincompoop,schlump,and others I mainly associate with liberals , along with smalller words such as thives liars perverts waste of skin and overbearing also.
I got two new words for you.


You have to wonder what is wrong with mind , seems like he has a real problem saying he was a professor and actually taught classes .
Joe seems to be living in a made up world .
Had to say what tall tale he will come up with,.

Something is wrong with him, his mind is going south ,
So he was adjunct faculty who lectured over the time period mentioned. Then he said he taught. That is your idea of fantasy?

You have to wonder what is wrong with mind , seems like he has a real problem saying he was a professor and actually taught classes .
Joe seems to be living in a made up world .
Had to say what tall tale he will come up with,.

Something is wrong with him, his mind is going south ,
Good riddance.

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