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  • Now that I can contact you again, I was wondering if you happen to be on other forums - ones that don't suck like this one and DTT. Are you on other forums?
    The reason I vanished is because I got a BS warning for posting scientific truth from actual subject matter scientists & experts on climate change. I wasn't willing to ever click on that "I understand" BS agreement, but I did because I wanted to post a condemnation of cryptocurrencies.
    Hey SkyChief, remember me? I have no desire or intention to ever post anything again on this forum, with the exception of what I just now posted.
    I wondered where you went . . . it was years ago. . . I just figured you got tired of all the nonsense on this forum! hah ha..

    Anyways, no, I'm not on any other forums. This is it for me. I get a lot of BS warnings too. Especially as of late. about one every couple weeks. For really penny-ante crap.

    Sad. 😞 Too bad you won't be posting, but I completely understand why you're done here.
    Ok, well I'll check from time to time to see if anything changes - let me know if you discover a good place online. BTW do you ever talk to NatMorton? I also tried contact him, but he didn't respond.
    I don't talk with NatMorton directly. I comment on his posts every now and then, but no direct conversations.
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