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An Economist Explains Why America Is Moving Toward Totalitarianism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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PHILADELPHIA—“We’re heading toward totalitarianism,” economist Walter Williams tells The Daily Signal in an interview at The Heritage Foundation’s annual Resource Bank meeting. The famed George Mason University professor says the government is gradually gaining more control over the lives of the American people. What can be done about it? Williams explains why it’s hard to change course, especially in regards to young people who embrace socialist ideas.

Economist: America Is Moving Toward Totalitarianism
And those young people with socialist ideas.....will ruin America forever, if allowed to do so.
Moving towards?
and GWB is going to throw us all into Amtrak camps during his third term.
PHILADELPHIA—“We’re heading toward totalitarianism,” economist Walter Williams tells The Daily Signal in an interview at The Heritage Foundation’s annual Resource Bank meeting. The famed George Mason University professor says the government is gradually gaining more control over the lives of the American people. What can be done about it? Williams explains why it’s hard to change course, especially in regards to young people who embrace socialist ideas.

Economist: America Is Moving Toward Totalitarianism

Were doomed I tell you, just like the Romans, the Brits, the French, the Spanish..... Get rid of the minimum wage and occupational licensees and all will be well. Oy gevalt!
And those young people with socialist ideas.....will ruin America forever, if allowed to do so.

Your kind has been saying that for 50+ years. When is it going to happen?
Your kind has been saying that for 50+ years. When is it going to happen?

That's about as long as we've been waiting for those Cuban sanctions to take effect! :mrgreen:
Your kind has been saying that for 50+ years. When is it going to happen?

It's happening as we speak....been happening. This ridiculous decision on school bathrooms, by obama, is but one example.

Calls for gun and magazine bans, another. Gay marriage and gay rights, another. The US is being brainwashed by liberal, Communists professors(Angela Davis, Bill Ayers, and Ward Churchill, to name a few) and it's been going on for at least 40 years!
Forcing young minds to think that guns are bad and gayism is normal....is ruining America. The country is out of whack and the common sense folks are dying off, leaving mush for brains, idiots!


That's about as long as we've been waiting for those Cuban sanctions to take effect! :mrgreen:

I think the CIA should have taken care of Castro long ago....as sanctions on any country are usually a frivolous gesture.
I think the CIA should have taken care of Castro long ago....as sanctions on any country are usually a frivolous gesture.
And worst case, they could simply contract the job out to Sam Giancana and the boys from Taylor street! ;)
It's happening as we speak....been happening. This ridiculous decision on school bathrooms, by obama, is but one example.

Calls for gun and magazine bans, another. Gay marriage and gay rights, another. The US is being brainwashed by liberal, Communists professors(Angela Davis, Bill Ayers, and Ward Churchill, to name a few) and it's been going on for at least 40 years!
Forcing young minds to think that guns are bad and gayism is normal....is ruining America. The country is out of whack and the common sense folks are dying off, leaving mush for brains, idiots!

I think the CIA should have taken care of Castro long ago....as sanctions on any country are usually a frivolous gesture.


Way to date yourself right there :roll:

And the CIA has tried to kill Castro before. Didn't end well:lamo
Stolen from Chomsky:

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in tolerance of every imaginable perversion and intolerance of any dissent."
"The Heritage Foundation" has a manufactured political interest in claiming all things as left, socialist, "totalitarian," and a dozen other words with the full intention to frighten their audience.

No need to panic just yet...
Thankfully, Socialism has a built in self defeating self regulating feedback mechanism.

Liberalism has this too. The more its implemented the more damage it does. Its the fertilizer that grows the Conservative ideology
Thankfully, Socialism has a built in self defeating self regulating feedback mechanism.

Liberalism has this too. The more its implemented the more damage it does. Its the fertilizer that grows the Conservative ideology

Words of wisdom. This is how the USSR collapsed and fell apart - from an internal rot. We are next.
Your kind has been saying that for 50+ years. When is it going to happen?

more and more people are more addicted to government. we are creating a nation of dependents.
Your kind has been saying that for 50+ years. When is it going to happen?

Within your lifetime.

There is not a single indicator that is in the nation's favor. Unpayable federal debt, unfunded pension funds, decaying infrastructure, disappearing manufacturing jobs, immigration, whites becoming a minority, China getting militarily stronger, the US getting weaker, Muslims overrunning Europe, etc.

Arnold Toynbee, a British historian and philosopher, said this: “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” Consistently with this prophesy, yours is already irreversibly past the point where the end is imminent.

If you are lucky, after the collapse, the new system will be autocratic - if not dictatorial - and, like in China and Russia, sustainable and on the road to recovery, but not before the government debt is repudiated, and your savings wiped out by inflation or confiscation when a future Commander-in-Chief decides to declare a national emergency to legally grab your money. The current one already told you that he has a phone and a pen, and that he can do whatever he wants because, to him - and the morons who elected him twice - he is king.

With less luck, the U.S. will become what the Latino hordes are bringing with them - a crime-ridden, corrupt, one-party narco-state, with the whites as a vanishing minority. While invading your country, they already get all the assistance from your worst enemy - your government. To add an insult to the injury - at your expense.
And worst case, they could simply contract the job out to Sam Giancana and the boys from Taylor street! ;)

:lamo Probably woulda got done...and da boys would be back in time for cannoli!


Way to date yourself right there :roll:

And the CIA has tried to kill Castro before. Didn't end well:lamo

I don't give a rats ass or tinker's damn about dating myself...I'm old school, hard knocks and kick ass! None of this girlie men stuff, for me. :2mad:

The public education system is graduating momma's boys and goofy girls, where Twitter and Facebook are their greatest achievements....what a future!
:lamo Probably woulda got done...and da boys would be back in time for cannoli!

I don't give a rats ass or tinker's damn about dating myself...I'm old school, hard knocks and kick ass! None of this girlie men stuff, for me. :2mad:

The public education system is graduating momma's boys and goofy girls, where Twitter and Facebook are their greatest achievements....what a future!

Uh-huh. :roll:

Only problem with that analysis is that it's total bull****.
Thanks for the warning. I totally agree with the concern. I totally disagree with the diagnosis. It is, however, a very good example of the Reversal technique employed by propagandists everywhere.

Thanks for the warning. I totally agree with the concern. I totally disagree with the diagnosis. It is, however, a very good example of the Reversal technique employed by propagandists everywhere.


Communism is pretty ****ty tho.....

That's the one that bugs me. Other then that I think the rest have more or less worked out well.
Uh-huh. :roll:

Only problem with that analysis is that it's total bull****.

Not from what I am witnessing everyday! Look at all the young clueless dopes, who support Bernie Sanders!

8 years ago, the Demos where raising a stink about how old John McCain was....way too old to run for President...wayyyy too old.

Bernie is 2 years older today, than John McCain was back then.....and not a peep from the Left about Bernie's age! Hypocritical mo'fers! The BS is mostly from the Left!

Thanks for the warning. I totally agree with the concern. I totally disagree with the diagnosis. It is, however, a very good example of the Reversal technique employed by propagandists everywhere.

Is that plausible deniability?
Communism is pretty ****ty tho.....

That's the one that bugs me. Other then that I think the rest have more or less worked out well.

No it hasn't. The downward slide, has just gotten a bit steeper. Most of that list has been real bad for American morality.
Not from what I am witnessing everyday! Look at all the young clueless dopes, who support Bernie Sanders!

8 years ago, the Demos where raising a stink about how old John McCain was....way too old to run for President...wayyyy too old.

Bernie is 2 years older today, than John McCain was back then.....and not a peep from the Left about Bernie's age! Hypocritical mo'fers! The BS is mostly from the Left!

Is that plausible deniability?

The older generation has been thinking the younger generation is clueless since the beginning of time.

That's nothing new.

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