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Alec Baldwin using gay slurs (1 Viewer)

It's ok. Alec Baldwin is the President of the Film Actors Guild. He can say that.
I just found out that was 27 years ago, these ****ing bithes compllaining about her need to get a life!

It was not 27 years ago. It was 6 years ago as she was planning her brother's wedding. It also happened 27 years ago, which suggests a pattern, which means it didn't only happen once. When she was asked if she used that word, she said, "Of course."
people like you have a way of being heard by the people you insult. being a drag queen i have seen enough of the pretend private insult to know you are pretty much wanting the people you insult to get the message. There is a big difference between you and me, and that is i own my offensive behavior.

Will you listen to me for a change? The target of the insult was a straight man and it was used to suggest he was gay. Actual gay people that might be floating around reading Twitter are not involved and were not the intended target. Why do you care if a straight man calls another straight man a Queen? Of course being gay is something a straight man might not want to be called. Why would that matter to you?
It was not 27 years ago. It was 6 years ago as she was planning her brother's wedding. It also happened 27 years ago, which suggests a pattern, which means it didn't only happen once. When she was asked if she used that word, she said, "Of course."

So why do we not hold everyone to the same standard? That is just stupid media bull****.
So why do we not hold everyone to the same standard? That is just stupid media bull****.

I agree. Everyone should be held to the same standards.
Liberals are expected to say stuff like that though. They get a free pass because they're on the same "side" as gays. If Deen wasn't a southern hick, she'd have been fine too.

The Big Tent will always have room for their own, no matter what.
Liberals are expected to say stuff like that though. They get a free pass because they're on the same "side" as gays. If Deen wasn't a southern hick, she'd have been fine too.

The Big Tent will always have room for their own, no matter what.

Not true at all. Dean will work again Just like Mel Gibson is starring in a new movie. Baldwin lost work last time he said something stupid. His show can't be camcelled cause it already was. Don Imus got fired and he is a lib. There is no double standard.
I agree. Everyone should be held to the same standards.

I agree. Alec Baldwin is a douche, and should be held to the same standard. The thing is, the more you have, the more you have to lose. What does Alec Baldwin really have? He was on 30 Rock, but now it's cancelled. Now he's on a bunch of stupid Capital One commercials. He doesn't really have anything to lose. He's a douche, and everybody knows he's a douche, so it's not a huge surprise. Paula Deen paraded around like some kind of slutty gramma-type figure, making everyone like her, and then she ended up being not so nice. Either way, they are both wrong, and should both be held responsible for their actions. Paula Deen's punishment just hurts a lot more than Baldwin's.
I agree. Alec Baldwin is a douche, and should be held to the same standard. The thing is, the more you have, the more you have to lose. What does Alec Baldwin really have? He was on 30 Rock, but now it's cancelled. Now he's on a bunch of stupid Capital One commercials. He doesn't really have anything to lose. He's a douche, and everybody knows he's a douche, so it's not a huge surprise. Paula Deen paraded around like some kind of slutty gramma-type figure, making everyone like her, and then she ended up being not so nice. Either way, they are both wrong, and should both be held responsible for their actions. Paula Deen's punishment just hurts a lot more than Baldwin's.

Slutty grandma? That's just plain scary. :2razz: Well, we don't really know that she isn't nice. She said some bad words, but that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't nice. For some old people, they were brought up with those words, so it's not a big deal to them. Like my grandfather, telling me to stop running around like a little Jew. It sure doesn't sound very nice, but I don't think he meant any harm.
Slutty grandma? That's just plain scary. :2razz: Well, we don't really know that she isn't nice. She said some bad words, but that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't nice. For some old people, they were brought up with those words, so it's not a big deal to them. Like my grandfather, telling me to stop running around like a little Jew. It sure doesn't sound very nice, but I don't think he meant any harm.

Yeah, slutty gramma. Seriously. If you haven't heard of her "antics," you should google her. It's pretty freaking scary what she did with that éclair. I think I may never be able to eat one again.
Yeah, slutty gramma. Seriously. If you haven't heard of her "antics," you should google her. It's pretty freaking scary what she did with that éclair. I think I may never be able to eat one again.

LOL! I can use my imagination, and I think I'll pass on that, thanks. :lol:
I'm not a fan of hers at all, so this whole debacle about her doesn't come as a surprise to me. Being so near Savannah, I've heard so many bad things about her - how she tries to circumvent the laws where she lives to suit her, how she's done so many things that are not "proper." She defecated in her driveway, and thought it was funny. Mentioned it on one of the talk shows, and cackled about it like it was the funniest thing ever. She's not this sweet little gramma that people think she is.
I'm not a fan of hers at all, so this whole debacle about her doesn't come as a surprise to me. Being so near Savannah, I've heard so many bad things about her - how she tries to circumvent the laws where she lives to suit her, how she's done so many things that are not "proper." She defecated in her driveway, and thought it was funny. Mentioned it on one of the talk shows, and cackled about it like it was the funniest thing ever. She's not this sweet little gramma that people think she is.

You would know more about her than I would. I have seen her act a little risque on her show with the men, like the guys MUST get a little bit embarrassed by all of the *ahem* attention. :mrgreen:
Not sure what that has to do with holding people to the same standards, but I'll bite. I voted for Obama.

SO you don't hold Paula Deen to the same standard you would your own President. That mother****er attends church that preaches God Damn Whitey and also ran with Bill Ayers.

Why does Paula Deen a TV cook need to live to a higher standard than our President?
SO you don't hold Paula Deen to the same standard you would your own President. That mother****er attends church that preaches God Damn Whitey and also ran with Bill Ayers.

Why does Paula Deen a TV cook need to live to a higher standard than our President?

Why do you care so much if a TV cook isn't on TV anymore? It was an excuse, she wasn't raking in the ad dollars the way she used to, so they found a convenient excuse to cut her loose.
SO you don't hold Paula Deen to the same standard you would your own President. That mother****er attends church that preaches God Damn Whitey and also ran with Bill Ayers.

Why does Paula Deen a TV cook need to live to a higher standard than our President?

If the President starts using the language, I'll have issue with it. Until he does, I will not. My great uncle was in the KKK. Does that make me a racist, too?
SO you don't hold Paula Deen to the same standard you would your own President. That mother****er attends church that preaches God Damn Whitey and also ran with Bill Ayers.

Why does Paula Deen a TV cook need to live to a higher standard than our President?

I love it when people demonstrate to everyone that they are not very bright.
SO you don't hold Paula Deen to the same standard you would your own President. That mother****er attends church that preaches God Damn Whitey and also ran with Bill Ayers.

Why does Paula Deen a TV cook need to live to a higher standard than our President?

I thought libertarians were all about personal responsibility. Doesn't that include learning the truth about things?

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