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Ahmaud Arbery's killers found guilty on all counts in federal hate crime trial (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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No doubt long sentences for all
1 day for deliberations

Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William "Roddie" Bryan have been found guilty of all counts in the federal trial of the three men charged with violating Ahamud Arbery's civil rights.

All three men were convicted of interference of rights, which is a federal hate crime, and attempted kidnapping. The McMichaels were also found guilty of an additional firearms charge for using and carrying a firearm during a crime of violence.

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Good. Should send a powerful message to racists everywhere

Unfortunately, these people are more motivated by the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, and see his case as an vehicle to come fully loaded and looking for trouble at every civil rights / anti-racist / justice protest.

I'm hugely conflicted on this. They were already, rightfully and justly convicted for their actions. Hate crime legislation seeks to criminalize thoughts, which I don't believe in. I honestly have no idea how hate crime legislation has survived constitutional scrutiny.
Imagine being G McMichaels and thinking how genius it was to have that video released.
If it was not for the video, this case would have been in the dustbin
And only because Arbery was Black was it slow walked
I'm hugely conflicted on this. They were already, rightfully and justly convicted for their actions. Hate crime legislation seeks to criminalize thoughts, which I don't believe in. I honestly have no idea how hate crime legislation has survived constitutional scrutiny.
Like many crimes, it goes to intent. Just like the difference between the levels of murder.
Shows how emboldened these supremacists thought they could be.
The murder and the following lack of investigation lays that out clearly
Racism is alive and well. Sad reflection on society
Good. Should send a powerful message to racists everywhere
How So? To hide their feelings, or do you think it will change their mindset?
If it was not for the video, this case would have been in the dustbin
And only because Arbery was Black was it slow walked

I'm still amazed by the fact that the idiot thought everyone would look at that video and think ahhh it's all good, you guys saved the day!
Imagine being G McMichaels and thinking how genius it was to have that video released.
I can't imagine the level of regret these guy's are all feeling for all of their acts of stupidity during this event.
Imagine being G McMichaels and thinking how genius it was to have that video released.
I think about that every time I read an Aubrey thread. Bizarre.

Asked why he had leaked the video, Mr. Tucker said he had wanted to dispel rumors that he said had fueled tension in the community. “It wasn’t two men with a Confederate flag in the back of a truck going down the road and shooting a jogger in the back,” Mr. Tucker said.

“It got the truth out there as to what you could see,” he added. “My purpose was not to exonerate them or convict them.”

Like many crimes, it goes to intent. Just like the difference between the levels of murder.
I don't disagree with that. But the intent was prosecuted already, in the murder charge. A federal "hate crime" prosecution is not the same. It is specifically targeting and punishing thoughts. The action has already been prosecuted. IMO it is just not compatible with the constitution.
Wow. Hopefully things are changing.

Those three men will never get out of prison.


The life sentence for the guy who just blocked in the kid seems a bit harsh to me. Perhaps there is more to this than what I am seeing. In fairness, I haven't delved too deeply into this case. Also, why was the kid snooping around in that house?
The life sentence for the guy who just blocked in the kid seems a bit harsh to me. Perhaps there is more to this than what I am seeing. In fairness, I haven't delved too deeply into this case. Also, why was the kid snooping around in that house?
His blocking closed off an escape route, he is just as guilty as the others.
I'm still amazed by the fact that the idiot thought everyone would look at that video and think ahhh it's all good, you guys saved the day!
That mindset is rampant with racists
They hunted him like an animal, believing they were right.
The life sentence for the guy who just blocked in the kid seems a bit harsh to me. Perhaps there is more to this than what I am seeing. In fairness, I haven't delved too deeply into this case. Also, why was the kid snooping around in that house?
It doesn't matter. "House snooping" doesn't give the killers the right to assume the roles of arresting officer, DA, judge, jury and executioner.
I can't imagine the level of regret these guy's are all feeling for all of their acts of stupidity during this event.

Hard to change how people feel. This type of prejudice is ingrained, and learned. Pretty sure the only regret they have is that the video was released.
I'm hugely conflicted on this. They were already, rightfully and justly convicted for their actions. Hate crime legislation seeks to criminalize thoughts, which I don't believe in. I honestly have no idea how hate crime legislation has survived constitutional scrutiny.
If you dont believe in hate crimes then you certainallyl feel that if someone is convicted of shooting and killing a cop then there should be NO extra charges, right?
No doubt long sentences for all
1 day for deliberations

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That’s excellent. Now all those guys that were sentenced to life without the possibility of parole will never get out of prison…which wasn’t going to happen anyway.

Well, at least the race baiters will now feel better about themselves…at least until they have another incident to get pissed off about.
The life sentence for the guy who just blocked in the kid seems a bit harsh to me. Perhaps there is more to this than what I am seeing. In fairness, I haven't delved too deeply into this case. Also, why was the kid snooping around in that house?

He wasn't really snooping - was just getting a drink of water, from what I understand. That subdivision is about 10 minutes from the subdivision I lived in for about 7 years. We were the 10th house built out of 73. We went into houses all the time and looked around, to see their design.

We never got corralled and shot. Then, we are white.
The life sentence for the guy who just blocked in the kid seems a bit harsh to me. Perhaps there is more to this than what I am seeing. In fairness, I haven't delved too deeply into this case. Also, why was the kid snooping around in that house?
People do that all the time. We built a cabin in the mountains and all the neighbors walked through it during construction. Kids played on the site. Hell my wife and I have done that with houses for sale in our old neighborhood, should we be dead for it now?

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