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After New York attack, Trump calls for ending 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program' (1 Viewer)

Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

How many RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS killing Americans is acceptable to you?

a) Over use of capitalization makes you look like a crazy person.

b) Asking stupid questions makes you look like a stupid person. Obviously none are acceptable. I also think that no people getting eaten by sharks is acceptable...doesn't mean I'll never go swimming again, or demand that all sharks be killed.

I know you're missing the point entirely, so I won't bother writing much more, but come on, man, you make yourself look like less for nonsense like this.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

We're talking about a visa lottery here.
What rights and freedoms do you think are being surrendered?

Was responding to a tangent, not the OP.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Who is saying it is acceptable? Noone, however freaking out and going "err mer god Muslims!" is not helping anything and only serves those radical Islamic terrorists. Those Radicals WANT a holy war and they WANT you to be against all Muslims and treat regular Muslims like ****. When will the xenophobes wake up and realizing they are actually serving the interests of those Radicals?

What steps are you willing to take to insure that RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS do not kill Americans here in the USA? Any? Extreme vetting? Mosque surveillance? What are you willing to do to protect Americans? Nothing??
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Peter King (R-NY) was just on Morning Joe, saying the lottery program isn't the problem. More vetting he agreed with.

How do you vet someone with information provided by a government that we are unable to trust? How do you vet someone when their government either can't or won't provide information?
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

What steps are you willing to take to insure that RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS do not kill Americans here in the USA? Any? Extreme vetting? Mosque surveillance? What are you willing to do to protect Americans? Nothing??

There are FAR more deaths due to drunk drivers, there are far more deaths due to opioid abuse, there are far more deaths due to gun violence. How extreme are you willing to go to PREVENT all those deaths? Are you willing to ban alcohol, opioids, and guns? If not, then banning Muslims from entering the country isn't the answer either and is EXTREME.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

How do you vet someone with information provided by a government that we are unable to trust? How do you vet someone when their government either can't or won't provide information?

Trump removed Saudi Arabia from that list, do you consider THEIR government trustworthy?
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

As a person who has a Muslim family as neighbors, sorry you are dead wrong. My neighbors are not wanting me dead thank you.

I don't have muslim neighbors, I have muslims in my family. They are quick to condemn radical islam. They want more vetting done before people like this get into the country because they want their kids safe.

I think ending this program would be "prudent".

Question: Is it "protection" or "cowardice" that makes a football player wear padding and a helmet?

In Trump's case it is cowardice - see his 5 military deferments.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Trump removed Saudi Arabia from that list, do you consider THEIR government trustworthy?

I see, so because one country wasn't on the list, you want to focus only on that part? What about the other six countries. You are aware that the Great Sainted Barack on High's Administration made that list, right? President Trump was watering it down to try and get it to actually be able to be used but unfortunately, as usual, the Democrats who really hate this country sued to stop it from being implemented.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Why are we the World's Toilet where they send us their crapola? Approved by Democrats for their future voters!

Some people seek power of all other considerations.
In Trump's case it is cowardice - see his 5 military deferments.

I see, so everyone who had a deferment is a coward? What about someone who dodges the draft by signing a letter of intent to go into the ROTC program, then doesn't go?
I see, so everyone who had a deferment is a coward? What about someone who dodges the draft by signing a letter of intent to go into the ROTC program, then doesn't go?

I've referred to Trump. Learn to read and comprehend.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Vetting is nothing more than trying to predict the future based upon the past.
It doesn't work for weather or the stock market, either.

Okay, so what is your solution? Just throw open the gates and let everyone in? Should we just accept a certain number of dead from RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM?
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

I see, so because one country wasn't on the list, you want to focus only on that part? What about the other six countries. You are aware that the Great Sainted Barack on High's Administration made that list, right? President Trump was watering it down to try and get it to actually be able to be used but unfortunately, as usual, the Democrats who really hate this country sued to stop it from being implemented.

So you never did answer my question. Trump took Saudi Arabia OFF that list. Do you think their government is trustworthy? Simple question there.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Okay, so what is your solution? Just throw open the gates and let everyone in? Should we just accept a certain number of dead from RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM?

Do you accept drunk drivers killing people without banning alcohol? What's an acceptable amount of deaths to keep alcohol legal? We also have far more gun deaths, how many deaths are acceptable for you before we ban guns? You have no problem banning Muslims, but you don't want to ban alcohol or guns? Why is getting killed by a radical muslim worse than getting killed by a gun?
I've referred to Trump. Learn to read and comprehend.

I get it. You think that Donald J Trump is a coward because he got four 2-S deferments (college) and one 4-F (medical)? But it was okay for Bill Clinton to outright dodge the draft? What about all those that went to Canada rather than serve?
There are FAR more deaths due to drunk drivers, there are far more deaths due to opioid abuse, there are far more deaths due to gun violence. How extreme are you willing to go to PREVENT all those deaths? Are you willing to ban alcohol, opioids, and guns? If not, then banning Muslims from entering the country isn't the answer either and is EXTREME.

Nobody is arguing to ban all Muslims from entering the USA.

People are arguing that Islam is a problem, especially when its adherents start getting all excited and blow things or run over people with cars.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Okay, so what is your solution? Just throw open the gates and let everyone in? Should we just accept a certain number of dead from RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM?

Nope. Never said that either.
You are unable to read and understand and are a waste of time I see.
Nobody is arguing to ban all Muslims from entering the USA.

Actually there are. Even Trump on his campaign did.

People are arguing that Islam is a problem, especially when its adherents start getting all excited and blow things or run over people with cars.

Islam is not the problem, the interpretation that radical Muslims are using is the problem.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

So you never did answer my question. Trump took Saudi Arabia OFF that list. Do you think their government is trustworthy? Simple question there.

It's not my job to determine if the government of Saudi Arabia is trustworthy or not. I understand that you only want to focus upon Saudi Arabia being removed from the list. How about the fact that the Democrats got a judge to block the entire thing, are they saying that all the countries on the list have governments that we can trust?
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

What is it about that attack that says it required careful planning and calculation? From what I know about it, it could have been done on the spur-of-the-moment by a brooding, disturbed lunatic who was triggered by something he saw on the TV news that morning.
I agree and thought the same thing. He attacked not at a peak time, that would have been more "effective." He had paint guns, instead of firearms. While the actions themselves are pointless, if you decided to cause the most harm, he showed little planning.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Because different perspectives and different backgrounds are used to create different and new things.

So you think different perspectives and backgrounds come from nationality rather than people?
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

It's not my job to determine if the government of Saudi Arabia is trustworthy or not. I understand that you only want to focus upon Saudi Arabia being removed from the list. How about the fact that the Democrats got a judge to block the entire thing, are they saying that all the countries on the list have governments that we can trust?

Because it is highly discriminatory and you don't give a DAMN about whether a country can vet or not because you seem to think Saudi Arabia is trustworthy when they we had terrorists run planes into buildings. I can understand your need to obey your saint Trump.

Hypocritically you say it isn't your job to determine if Saudi Arabia is trustworthy or not, but you had no problem determining if Obama did something wrong to you.
Re: The Visa Lottery Program - Post Latest NYC Terrorist Attack

Do you accept drunk drivers killing people without banning alcohol? What's an acceptable amount of deaths to keep alcohol legal? We also have far more gun deaths, how many deaths are acceptable for you before we ban guns? You have no problem banning Muslims, but you don't want to ban alcohol or guns? Why is getting killed by a radical muslim worse than getting killed by a gun?

Again, you do not get it. Alcohol isn't what does the killing, well maybe of the liver but that is beside the point. I don't personally drink so I really don't care if alcohol is legal or not. I have not said that I want to ban Muslims. You threw that out there. What I've said is that we need to end the Diversity Visa Lottery. We need to have enhanced vetting from countries where we are concerned about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS coming from. And if that means Muslims get a little more scrutiny at the border, so be it.

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