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Abolish the DEA. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 22, 2012
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St. Petersburg
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(CNN) — The Drug Enforcement Agency will announce Thursday that marijuana will remain a schedule 1 drug, which declares it has "no medical use or purpose," according to a U.S. official familiar with the decision.

The announcement is in response to recent petitions asking the agency to reconsider this designation for the benefit of such research. The DEA will allow more researchers access to the plant in an effort to encourage more study, the source. said.

Since 1968 the University of Mississippi has held the only license issued by the DEA to grow marijuana for research, which is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Now more universities will be permitted to grow the plant for research.

At least 25 states and the District of Columbia have approved the use of medical marijuana for conditions ranging from epilepsy to arthritis.

DEA fails to loosen restrictions on medical marijuana - CNN.com
(CNN) — The Drug Enforcement Agency will announce Thursday that marijuana will remain a schedule 1 drug, which declares it has "no medical use or purpose," according to a U.S. official familiar with the decision.

The announcement is in response to recent petitions asking the agency to reconsider this designation for the benefit of such research. The DEA will allow more researchers access to the plant in an effort to encourage more study, the source. said.

Since 1968 the University of Mississippi has held the only license issued by the DEA to grow marijuana for research, which is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Now more universities will be permitted to grow the plant for research.

At least 25 states and the District of Columbia have approved the use of medical marijuana for conditions ranging from epilepsy to arthritis.

DEA fails to loosen restrictions on medical marijuana - CNN.com

Eh, they have their purpose, some drugs are really bad. But this is just ridiculous. I was really hoping this would be a turning point, but they just doubled down on a 100 year old mistake.....

There is zero evidence supporting the idea that pot is worse than cocaine and meth (both sched 2), and as bad as refined heroine (sched 1). :doh
I enjoy how we have drugs on the market that have side effects such as kidney damage, cancer, and death, and yet, marijuana is illegal.
Eh, they have their purpose, some drugs are really bad. But this is just ridiculous. I was really hoping this would be a turning point, but they just doubled down on a 100 year old mistake.....

There is zero evidence supporting the idea that pot is worse than cocaine and meth (both sched 2), and as bad as refined heroine (sched 1). :doh

It would seem to be easy to qualify alcoholic beverages as schedule 1 drugs:

Schedule I drugs are those that have the following characteristic according to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency:

The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical treatment use in the U.S.

There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or substance under medical supervision.

I think this is self-preservation on their part, they derive a great deal of funding and power based on Marijuana being illegal.

How they have any say over the medical use of Marijuana over the findings of the medical community is astounding. It just proves the corruption and cronyism involved.

If anything they should be reduced to enforcing drug laws involving trafficking drugs in and out of the country and have no say on medical use.

IMO the fact that the constitution does not enumerate drug enforcement to the Fed is reason enough to abolish the DEA. This is a job for State and local police.
This comes as no suprise, why would the DEA move it to schedule 2? It would mean DEA agents out of a job, and a refund to the big drug companies, of course the DEA wants to keep there bribes.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Marijuana legalization has always been about recreational use and its up until recently the argument for legalization has been pushed under the pretense of its supposed Medical benefits

As for the DEA ? We need agencies and people to enforce our laws.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Marijuana legalization has always been about recreational use and its up until recently the argument for legalization has been pushed under the pretense of its supposed Medical benefits

As for the DEA ? We need agencies and people to enforce our laws.

Medical marijuana is very low THC and not any good for recreational use, then again what right does the government have to tell anyone they cant use it? We have police the DEA is not necessary with the exception of maybe at the boarders.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Ummm...medical marijuana is purposely made to be low in THC. You might want to learn that there is more than one kind of marijuana.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Marijuana legalization has always been about recreational use and its up until recently the argument for legalization has been pushed under the pretense of its supposed Medical benefits

As for the DEA ? We need agencies and people to enforce our laws.

The medical benefits argument is really just to counter the argument that its harmful. When it comes to recreational it's hard to argue the substance is too harmful to legalize when it's used to treat certain conditions with fewer side effects than the drugs typically used. But just having a medical benefit doesn't warrant legal recreational use, I agree. It should warrant being lowered to schedule 2 though.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Marijuana legalization has always been about recreational use and its up until recently the argument for legalization has been pushed under the pretense of its supposed Medical benefits

As for the DEA ? We need agencies and people to enforce our laws.

Three questions...
What's wrong with recreational use of drugs?
What if the agency has become the reason for the law?
Why is it always conservatives who want laws that limit personal freedom?
(CNN) — The Drug Enforcement Agency will announce Thursday that marijuana will remain a schedule 1 drug, which declares it has "no medical use or purpose," according to a U.S. official familiar with the decision.

The announcement is in response to recent petitions asking the agency to reconsider this designation for the benefit of such research. The DEA will allow more researchers access to the plant in an effort to encourage more study, the source. said.

Since 1968 the University of Mississippi has held the only license issued by the DEA to grow marijuana for research, which is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Now more universities will be permitted to grow the plant for research.

At least 25 states and the District of Columbia have approved the use of medical marijuana for conditions ranging from epilepsy to arthritis.

DEA fails to loosen restrictions on medical marijuana - CNN.com

What is wrong with the administration?
Why is it always conservatives who want laws that limit personal freedom?

Where would someone even get that idea? Are they really so blind that they can't see that politics is built on the desire to limit personal freedom by force?

I mean it's all fine and good you love laws and stuff, but lets not pretend that liberals are somehow totally all for personal freedom. If however you think that they are then how about going through the regulations liberals passed in the last eight years and repealing them. I'll be waiting...
Medical marijuana is very low THC and not any good for recreational use, then again what right does the government have to tell anyone they cant use it? We have police the DEA is not necessary with the exception of maybe at the boarders.

Illicit drug use and addiction not only impacts the user, but the addicts family, their friends and the communities they live in.
Addiction creates a string of victims from the user out and it can destroys entire communities


Sure, Marijuana isn't heroin but its legalization would still have a impact on the community and everyone who lives in that community, even those who oppose its legalization.

There's no Liberty without law and order and someone's " right " to go through life under the influence of powerful psychoactive chemical compounds doesn't supersede my right to raise my family in a Community not inundated with drugs and drug addicts

I've softened my position on this issue a bit to at least consider legalization through referendum, which would at least give those who oppose it a vote.

But if the perfect little Texas Conservative town Ive lived in for years ever legalizes it, Im leaving
What are you afraid of?

Nothing. Just, if I'm to be honest, I can't argue that it should be legal solely because it has a medical benefit, in response to Fenton's claim that pro-pot people want it recreationally legal because it's some miracle drug medicine. It should be legal for a host of reasons, some of which are related to it having medical benefits.
Three questions...
What's wrong with recreational use of drugs?
What if the agency has become the reason for the law?
Why is it always conservatives who want laws that limit personal freedom?

When you use the harder stuff often times your subsidizing assholes like the Zetas and FARC.
Three questions...
What's wrong with recreational use of drugs?
What if the agency has become the reason for the law?
Why is it always conservatives who want laws that limit personal freedom?

Uhm.....this ?
Massachusetts Heroin Crisis

Its naive to think and dishonest to argue that the consequences of a addicts drug use stops with them.

It creates a string of victims from the addict out and can destroy entire communities

How about you consider the wishes and the views of EVERYONE who lives in that community, and not just the addicts ?
There's no Liberty without law and order

Again, where does this idea even come from? I swear I'm going to make a link to the dictionary my sig.
(CNN) — The Drug Enforcement Agency will announce Thursday that marijuana will remain a schedule 1 drug, which declares it has "no medical use or purpose," according to a U.S. official familiar with the decision.

The announcement is in response to recent petitions asking the agency to reconsider this designation for the benefit of such research. The DEA will allow more researchers access to the plant in an effort to encourage more study, the source. said.

Since 1968 the University of Mississippi has held the only license issued by the DEA to grow marijuana for research, which is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Now more universities will be permitted to grow the plant for research.

At least 25 states and the District of Columbia have approved the use of medical marijuana for conditions ranging from epilepsy to arthritis.

DEA fails to loosen restrictions on medical marijuana - CNN.com

Yeah, it is BS. But some good news....today, the marijuana legalization effort in AZ gets good news. The proposition will be officially put on the ballot! Now, the fight begins against the pot prohibition idiots in AZ (who have NO problem accepting wads of money form the liquor lobby and the pharmaceutical lobby). It is going to be a very close election, as it was when we legalized medical marijuana (and the idiot gov Brewer, and the AG did everything to try to stop...but they lost every single case they brought). Hopefully CA will legalize, so if it fails in AZ, its just a short drive or flight away.

Its time for legal marijuana, nation wide.
I can be open minded to the medical benefits and or medical applications of THC, but lets be honest.

Marijuana legalization has always been about recreational use and its up until recently the argument for legalization has been pushed under the pretense of its supposed Medical benefits

As for the DEA ? We need agencies and people to enforce our laws.

Hey Fenton, how many people have ever died from overdosing on marijuana?
Uhm.....this ?
Massachusetts Heroin Crisis

Its naive to think and dishonest to argue that the consequences of a addicts drug use stops with them.

It creates a string of victims from the addict out and can destroy entire communities

How about you consider the wishes and the views of EVERYONE who lives in that community, and not just the addicts ?

And heroin is already illegal, so you know, there's that.
Marijuana isn't heroin but its legalization would still have a impact on the community and everyone who lives in that community, even those who oppose its legalization.

There's no Liberty without law and order and someone's " right " to go through life under the influence of powerful psychoactive chemical compounds doesn't supersede my right to raise my family in a Community not inundated with drugs and drug addicts

No its not Heroine in fact Marijuana is harmless, furthermore I think you severely overestimate the effectiveness of the illegalization of Marijuana. Pretty much anyone that wants and uses Marijuana is having no problem whatsoever buying it already. ... well except people that have a medical need for it.

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