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A place for friends to meet. (1 Viewer)

Well I thought this new message board would work but it isn't. Try for a little while longer.
flack;bt5074 said:
Well I thought this new message board would work but it isn't. Try for a little while longer.

Nice idea. Why not.
Where you from?
The old place is so sad. Except for Corvet nobody but the loons are posting. I don't think they have even noticed.
Well I tried. Will check this from time to time.
Where are they all?

The old place. They’ve got no one to talk to. :lamo
It only took them three days to notice almost no conservative was posting. Talk about dense.
I couldn't help myself. I posted a couple of memes today. However, it won't happen again. No more posting there.
Famagusta;bt5083 said:
Heaven and Hell.

You seem confused. Earth is hell and nobody comes back from Heaven. ;)
grip;bt5088 said:
You seem confused. Earth is hell and nobody comes back from Heaven. ;)

It’s an oxymoron. :lol:
flack;bt5085 said:
It only took them three days to notice almost no conservative was posting. Talk about dense.

OK; found you. Methinks this looks fine. Just been educating a few yokels about that Horse Faced Pony Rider ho in NZ. Happy days. I wonder why Cedric is still so dense?

flack;bt5089 said:
It seems the oil has no place to go.

Looks like Trump is going to fill up the Strategic Reserve. OPEC now has a new leader!!! :lamo

flack;bt5073 said:
Any comment would be appreciated.
I'm here. Having a discussion on coronavirus.
Judicial watch: the first tweet was today, second is 2019

Tom Fitton
BREAKING: Obama did it. Today's Senate "report" reconfirms Obama rushed out hit job on
on Russia as one of his last major official acts. Abused entire intelligence system to try to destroy his successor. And his allies continue the sedition to this day.
Quote Tweet

Tom Fitton
· Sep 10, 2019
Of course Obama knew about #Spygate. When will he be questioned.

Two great @EpochTimes interviews:


Spygate: No Chance Obama Did Not Know—Tom Fitton

11:45 PM · Apr 21, 2020·Twitter Web App

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