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DP Blogs (8 Viewers)

This is a place to post reflections, share opinions, ideas, interests and personal political philosophies.
When last we left our intrepid heroes and villains, the Trump electoral map showed former President Trump (R-FL) with 269 electoral votes and current President Biden (D-DE) with 263 electoral votes and 6 electoral votes outstanding. At-a-Glance: Trump led Biden, 341-191. This is Biden’s last full electoral map (the final one didn’t go through all of July). It shows part of the effect that the debate had on his numbers. https://www.270towin.com/maps/kbKmp What’s changed: Trump switches Michigan to his column a +1 on June 3rd. It remains at + on June 11th, and increases to +2 on June 18th, +1 if Kennedy is not included. His lead increases to +3 on June 20th. His lead increases to +4 on June 26th and stays there on June 30th. Trump...
Clear-cutting the middle class "Today is history. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Kraków. By this evening, those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history."-S.S. Commandant Goeth (Schindler's List) January 23, 2003-If you are a still a member of the rapidly shrinking American middle class, especially if you are a credentialed professional (doctor, scientist, teacher, etc.), you should have no doubt that you have been targeted for economic and political destruction by a Southern Republican Aristocracy and its fundamentalist foot soldiers, as surely as the Jews were targeted by the Nazis. (Being truly middle class means that you have a college or post-graduate education, a secure career instead of...
One of the topics that’s been bandied about on the forum is Trump becoming an actual dictator, not just someone who has installed loyalists to do his bidding, thereby allowing him to have a bit of an authoritarian streak within the rules of law (more or less), but an actual dictator. This would require an entire dismantling of the American federal government, and not just a replacing of government officials by loyalists. But the same forum members who make this argument then say, “Oh, he’d have to remove these parts of the Constitution.” There is an inherent problem with this argument. To clarify, I’m interpreting “Trump will be an absolute dictator” in a literal sense, and not a metaphorical sense — which is what Project 2025 arguably...
Given the prevailing winds it becomes harder and harder for a practical pragmatic not to conclude our national electorate is suffering from mental decline. Let me explain before you shut me down on this. We have been presented with a two party system that’s given us two terrible choices for POTUS. One is a doddering old man whose best years are behind him. The other is a swindler and liar who makes his living cheating others. Neither is what I stated because I said so. They are this because the obvious, clearly well defined, very public record shows them to be this. One is falling apart before our eyes. The other has a laundry list of criminal acts defrauding people for profit; charitable foundation, university, bank and insurance...
I decided to post this down here because God knows there's enough derailing in the main thread. The problem I have with that little bastard is that he wasn't just shooting at Trump. He was also shooting at Biden, at our congress, state governors, etc. He was shooting so that your voice and mine would not matter. He was saying that his opinion is more important than the ballot box. It doesn't matter WHY he did it, whether he was a lunatic kid who needed some attention, or if it was based on genuine ****ed up political beliefs he had...He decided unilaterally how we would be led. Sort of like the shitheads on 1/6. No, scratch that, EXACTLY like the shitheads on 1/6. And that's unacceptable. So, although it pains me to say it out...
When last we left our intrepid heroes and villains, the Trump electoral map showed former President Trump (R-FL) with 325 electoral votes and current President Biden (D-DE) with 207 electoral votes and 10 electoral votes outstanding.. At-a-Glance: Biden struck back in May and, had the election been held then, would have pushed the election into the House of Representatives. https://www.270towin.com/maps/kbKmp What’s changed: On May 1st, Minnesota switched to Trump through his own polling. Since he polled Biden and other candidates twice and was even with Biden once when Kennedy was included and led +5 when Kennedy was not included, I gave Trump a +3, an average of the two polls. Biden flips Wisconsin to his side on May 6th with a...
As I see things, Biden AND Trump were trying to claim the good parts of the economy AND blame the other side for creating bad stuff that happens,... seems both candidates (along w/ the public at large) don't grasp the fact that demographics indeed causes trends in the economy to happen,... to illustrate key ideas I've annotated a census data chart Sigh,... pocketbook issues are important to me so here are my thoughts (using the demographic framework) about various debate points both candidates brought up We’ve got to take a look at what I was left when I became president, what Mr. Trump left me. We had an economy that was in freefall. -Biden Basically demographics says since "Gen X" is a smaller cohort than the "Boomers" one...
On April 21st, the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-CA) campaign released a poll of all 50 states that he said showed he was most likely to win the election head-to-head against Trump. As a result, he challenged President Biden (D-DE) to the “No Spoilers” pledge, in which a poll of all 50 states, co-sponsored and co-paid for by both Biden and Kennedy would be taken that would show Biden against Trump, head-to-head, and Kennedy against Trump, head-to-head. Whomever got the least electoral votes against Trump would drop out and make way for the other one on the November ballot. Ignoring, for a moment, whether Kennedy is on the ballot on all 50 states (he’s not), what did the map actually show? Kennedy v. Biden Map: Link...
In the days following Jan. 6th, Republicans had a crossroads moment. The president they had supported for 4+ years, through an impeachment scandal and mismanaged pandemic, and across a presidential campaign in which the left repeatedly characterized Trump as a threat to democracy--sat and watched while a mob of his deranged supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, threatening violence against the entirety of our legislative branch and his own VP inside, in order to pressure them against certifying the results of that election. Republicans' choice was to (1) condemn and renounce Trump and his movement fully and finally, or (2) to forever tarnish their own brand, reputation, and credibility by trying to spin the first attempted coup in U.S...

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