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DP Blogs (6 Viewers)

This is a place to post reflections, share opinions, ideas, interests and personal political philosophies.
When last we left our heroes and villains, Kamala Harris had a 69-electoral-vote lead over Trump, with 248 electoral votes to Trump’s 179. This blog thread will contain weekly and, after the 28th, daily updates for the remainder of the election so as not to pollute the blog section.” At-a-Glance: Harris eclipses the 270 mark for the second time on October 6th and barely holds it on the 7th. Harris has 271 votes to Trump’s 185 votes. 538’s Model (using only the polls from this week): Gives Kamala Harris a 99% chance of winning the election. Model is here (link doesn’t seem to link to the scenario though)...
The next in my "Intellectually Confused by" series that I didn't know would be a series, this is meant to be a thought experiment. To the best of your ability, please evaluate the questions I pose in as neutral a way as possible. The sources will be ordered in order of credibility. If anyone needs a link to examples of the type of article I am talking about, please let me know. Hopefully, together we can get to what can, can’t and shouldn’t be trusted when we read a discreditable news source “Fake News” is one of the hallmarks of Donald Trump’s three campaigns. Yet, many of us also disregard news sources that we feel are disreputable. We use sources like “Media Bias Fact Check” and so on to verify the accuracy of a news source. Some of...
Misinformation on school Choice Those in power on the left want to stop information so that they are the only ones allowed to spread it. This is how nations become totalitarian and control the populace. I have grown to expect it now but I am still baffled that those on the left always accuse others of doing exactly what it is that they do themselves. Robert Reich is one of my least favorite people. He is a former Secretary of Labor under the Clinton administration and a frequent contributor to X (Twitter). Never has one government official been wrong on so many major issues. This ‘holier than thou’ extreme leftist despises conservatives with a passion and posted this about fact-checking: Robert Reich on X: “Memo to the media...
As I go through Chapter 4, I’ll have to break this into parts. Written by former Trump Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, most of this chapter deals with the inner machinations of how the Department of Defense functions, and most of these recommendations are way above my current understanding of how the military works. I am hoping those with military experience will chime in. Quotations are cribbed from the document itself, and I can provide page numbers if needed. The second part of this chapter covers Acquisition and Sustainment (A & S), strengthening the defense industrial base, Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation (RDT&E), and foreign military sales (FMS). For A & S, Mr. Miller wants to reform the...
When last we left our heroes and villains, Kamala Harris had a 4-electoral-vote lead over Trump, with 187 electoral votes to Trump’s 184. . At-a-Glance: Though she did cross the 270 line during the month, Kamala Harris finishes the month out at 248 electoral votes to Trump’s 179 electoral votes. Note that a ton of midwestern states simply have not been polled yet, so I can’t add them to the map. 538’s Model: Give Harris a 91% chance of winning, plus a 9% of the election being tied and forced into the House of Representatives. Link (model not set because it doesn’t let you export it to the clipboard like it claims)...
Street Racing and Street Takeovers How Major Cities are Cracking Down on Street Racing That was a comment by a local Indianapolis participant in a recent street takeover busted by Indianapolis Metro PD. Sounds like intimidation to me. Look, I'm a motorhead from the word "go" but I'm not a fan of street takeovers. I'm also not much interested in street racing either because more often than not it's not well organized and it often ends in disastrous crashes that can include people who had nothing to do with the activity whatsoever, just wrong place at the wrong time. The problem is more and more dragstrips are being shut down by NIMBY action in communities that used to welcome the businesses. Eventually you wind up with vast regions...
As I go through Chapter 4, I’ll have to break this into parts. Written by former Trump Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, most of this chapter deals with the inner machinations of how the Department of Defense functions, and most of these recommendations are way above my current understanding of how the military works. I am hoping those with military experience will chime in. Quotations are cribbed from the document itself, and I can provide page numbers if needed. The ultimate goal of the chapter on Defense is to "transform our armed forces for maximum effectiveness in an era of great-power competition by ”reestablishing a culture of command accountability, nonpoliticaiization, and warfighting focus. Miller’s...
When last we left our heroes and villains, Kamala Harris, who replaced Biden on July 21st, 2024, started the campaign with 135 electoral votes to Trump’s 119. At-a-Glance: Vice President Kamala Harris (D-CA) has a 4-electoral-vote lead over Trump, 187-184. 538’s Model: Based on this model found here, when all the states are input, Trump has a 70% of winning the election. Link (model not set because it doesn’t let you export it to the clipboard like it claims): https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-harris-2024-election-map/ Link to August 2024 map: https://www.270towin.com/maps/WrW6B What’s Changed: On August 1st, Harris led Trump +1 in Pennsylvania according to the Marquette University Law School’s poll of likely voters...
I was in an online discussion the other day where a Democrat was lamenting the loss of the right to privacy thanks to Dobbs and the Trump supreme court. First, let's understand that violating someone's privacy and violating someone's right to privacy are two completely different things. Imagine a woman getting undressed in her hotel room at night with the lights on. She's the kind of woman who is very shy about her body. All of the curtains in her room are closed except for one, which she accidentally left partially open. Through that window there is a man across the street watching her undress with a pair of high-powered binoculars. The man is obviously violating her privacy, but is he violating her rights? I don't see how...

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