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A good article about Israel's destruction of the news building (1 Viewer)

News agencies operating inside Gaza already know that Gaza is being governed by a terrorist group who is engaged in a war with Isreal, so those news agencies need to assume all the risks associated with that. I don't see Israel obligated to pay for lost equiptment by news agencies, that is what insurance companies cover.

Was Germany obligated to pay war reparations after 1918?

Believe me when I say insurance is going to go after Bibi's government after they settle with AP and AJ.
I speak from experience, specifically that of an associate of mine who lost camera gear while in Af-Pak.

Adrian Kill US Capitol.jpg

Insurance is still dealing with Islamabad but the Karzai government settled with insurance pretty quickly.
It wasn't a full settlement but it is what it is.
And before you ask, NO....not specifically my friend's gear....they settled ALL insurance claims, with every news agency, with every insurance claim.

It is folly for you to believe insurance outfits don't go after deeper pockets to be made whole, that's what they do, and it's part of international law.
They don't always come out on top but they do go after deeper pockets any time they think there's a chance at a settlement.
If Israel insists on ducking responsibility for the loss of news agency equipment, that will have a negative effect on THEIR ability to do their own messaging.
I would think you'd realize that, because these outfits aren't in business to do charity work, not for Bibi and not for anyone else.
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Was Germany obligated to pay war reparations after 1918?

If you believe that Germany was not given a bad deal post WW1 by France and Britain at the objections of our own President Wilson, then I don't believe you comprehend a large part of the genesis for what extended "that war to end all wars" into the '30s and to have helped create Hitler and the 3rd Reich. The crushing dept placed on Germany was deeply resented by the German people, and after the global economic depression, just made it all too easy for Germans to choose Hitler and his promises of making Germany economically powerful again.

The side which wins the war makes the rules. Doesn't always mean the rules are right. But legitimate military targets are fair game. Hamas is killing it's own people, and they just don't care.
If you believe that Germany was not given a bad deal post WW1 by France and Britain at the objections of our own President Wilson, then I don't believe you comprehend a large part of the genesis for what extended "that war to end all wars" into the '30s and to have helped create Hitler and the 3rd Reich. The crushing dept placed on Germany was deeply resented by the German people, and after the global economic depression, just made it all too easy for Germans to choose Hitler and his promises of making Germany economically powerful again.

The side which wins the war makes the rules. Doesn't always mean the rules are right. But legitimate military targets are fair game. Hamas is killing it's own people, and they just don't care.

I didn't ask if the deal was good or bad, I asked if Germany paid reparations.
And by the way, maybe that "crushing debt" would have been avoided if the Huns in charge hadn't started the war to begin with.
Funny that you blame Wilson, France or Britain for Germany's decision to try starting a world war. No wonder you connect so deeply with Trump's sense of victimhood!
It all makes sense now! 🤣

Business is business and deciding that a news outlet is a fair target doesn't change that.
My statements are strictly about the news business.
I'm sure you prefer "I Hate Israel"...much more credible, right?

I simply find it amusing that one conservative denounces “one sided hit pieces”...... only for another to post a one sided hit piece soon after.
If you believe that Germany was not given a bad deal post WW1 by France and Britain at the objections of our own President Wilson, then I don't believe you comprehend a large part of the genesis for what extended "that war to end all wars" into the '30s and to have helped create Hitler and the 3rd Reich. The crushing dept placed on Germany was deeply resented by the German people, and after the global economic depression, just made it all too easy for Germans to choose Hitler and his promises of making Germany economically powerful again.

The side which wins the war makes the rules. Doesn't always mean the rules are right. But legitimate military targets are fair game. Hamas is killing it's own people, and they just don't care.

For all the sobbing over Versailles, it was FAR more lenient than the peace Germany imposed on Russia when it possessed the upper hand.....or the potential peace deals it would have offered Britain and France had it succeeded in defeating them.
Israel's catch all excuse is 'Hamas was there.' It's hard to hit a building in Gaza - which is administered by Hamas - without hitting a residence of a member and his family, an office of an associate or some kind of communications or PR center. They don't all have to be weapons caches, just have a vague association with Hamas. So if they want to punitively demolish a tower block or run the foreign press out of town, all they have to do is claim Hamas rented a room in the same building and, boom.
You can't send forces into Gaza City as if it's a trip to your backyard. Only when troops are with boots on the ground.
They have sent troops into Gaza before and it is pretty obvious that Netty does not like any press coverage that is at all non-biased.
For all the sobbing over Versailles, it was FAR more lenient than the peace Germany imposed on Russia when it possessed the upper hand.....or the potential peace deals it would have offered Britain and France had it succeeded in defeating them.
The ink was not dry on Jared's "peace deals" before the Israelis violated them by starting new "settlements". Now the extreme right is doing Netty's dirty work for him just like the White supremacists were following the one term mistakes orders last summer. Their fascination with having their own "brown shirts" is quite telling.
I didn't ask if the deal was good or bad, I asked if Germany paid reparations.
For WW1? Yeah, they were supposed to according to the treaty of Versailles. But what do you think? Did they stick to the treaty after the mid '30s??

And by the way, maybe that "crushing debt" would have been avoided if the Huns in charge hadn't started the war to begin with.

LOL! Oh sure, it was all Germany's fault in Europe at that time. The colonial imperialist of Britain, France, and Russia were all blameless victims.... LOL! Maybe why we stayed out if the war.... well, for as long as we could.... or should have. Well, until after Germany sank the British passenger ship the Lusitania which had a lot of Americans onboard.... oh and contraband military supplies (contraband for passenger ships) which made the ship a legitimate target. Yeah, Germany got played on that one.... or should I say we Americans did---- when we entered a war we had no business getting into.

Funny that you blame Wilson, France or Britain for Germany's decision to try starting a world war. No wonder you connect so deeply with Trump's sense of victimhood!
It all makes sense now! 🤣
I didn't vote for Trump, and Democrat President Woodrow Wilson was a virulent racist. But Wilson wasn't wrong about Britain and France and their bad motivations/decisions.
What Germany (actually the Central powers of Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Turkey) against Britain, France, Italy, and Japan was a bag of shit not just owned by the Germans I can assure you. You REALLY think those asshole European Allied powers like Britain and France with their imperialist treatment of the peoples of India, Africa, China, and Southeast Asia, were something honorable????? And you going to claim Donald Trump was somehow worse....LOL!

I know you are old enough to have been to public school when they used to teach actual history. So what happened?
Business is business and deciding that a news outlet is a fair target doesn't change that.
My statements are strictly about the news business.

Business is business, and the Israelis didn't target AP or AJ, they targeted infrastructure being used by Hamas terrorists after giving all non combatants ample fair warning to evacuate. An honorable move.

Do you think we did the same before we and British bombed Dresden? You know, given civilian/non combatants time to evacuate? Again, find yourself a history book and some pie and maybe sit back and get up to speed. Israel are not the bad guys in this one.
I just read the restrictions on this forum, and found some excessive in limiting being able to tell the truth, so right now I am planning not to participate in the Middle East forum with commentary (even if most were good rules). But this is a good article on Israel's attack on the news.

They have sent troops into Gaza before and it is pretty obvious that Netty does not like any press coverage that is at all non-biased.
If they'd send troops into Gaza the result would be hundreds of civilians dead.
Is this what you want?
If they'd send troops into Gaza the result would be hundreds of civilians dead.
Is this what you want?
So you think bombs don't kill people....innocent women and children people? There are 100's dead already.
So you think bombs don't kill people....innocent women and children people? There are 100's dead already
No, but surely you realize the difference in the magnitude of force that would be required to be employed if Israel had soldiers with boots on the ground there.
It's the difference between the several dozens of civilian deaths we have so far and hundreds. That's a huge difference.
What claim do you need support for?

That Hamas is a terrorist organization?
That Hamas was elected as the Gazan government?
That Hamas is authoritarian?

Just want to narrow the request down to eliminate future dodges using ambiguity as an escape route.

Your claim that hamas controls media orgs and what they report. What repots do you feel were specifically disinfo and from which org?

(Dance! ghead, dance!)
It’s not a “good article,” it’s an anti-Israeli op-ed.

There is absolutely no mention of the Israeli claim that Hamas was using that building. That claim may be true or it may be false, but to not mention that claim and assert opinion as fact — as this “article” does when it states the attack’s purpose was to silence media coverage — is an exercise in propaganda.

Well done, Craig’. You’re doing a fine job toting the water for Terror Inc.

You should at least do some research to see how Israel has been targeting media/news facilities/journalists before you cry about the assertion made in the article. Israel censors its own media and has killed /jailed many Palestinian journalists in recent times.

As for Israeli/IDF claims, they have as much credibility as Billy Liar and anyone familiar with this conflict will be well aware of the record on this sort of stuff
You should at least do some research to see how Israel has been targeting media/news facilities/journalists before you cry about the assertion made in the article. Israel censors its own media and has killed /jailed many Palestinian journalists in recent times.

As for Israeli/IDF claims, they have as much credibility as Billy Liar and anyone familiar with this conflict will be well aware of the record on this sort of stuff
None of that changes the fact that that "article" was not a balanced report. It was little better than propaganda (much like your commentary here).
Israel censors its own media by killing/jailing Palestinian journalists?


Geeezzazz H.
I'm sure you have some hard evidence of this claim since we know the Right wing in the country never makes false statements without evidence and all Americans support a free press. :LOL: :LOL:
What claim do you need support for?

That Hamas is a terrorist organization?
That Hamas was elected as the Gazan government?
That Hamas is authoritarian?

Just want to narrow the request down to eliminate future dodges using ambiguity as an escape route.
Did you figure out which part you wanted to question?
Did you figure out which part you wanted to question?
Are the extremist jews that are marching thru Arab neighborhoods chanting "Death to Arabs" terrorists? I'm sick of the pots that keep calling the kettle black. Israel is in danger of civil war and it is their own fault. This is how this latest war began in late April....

Dozens hurt, arrested in Old City clash as extremist Jews chant ‘Death to Arabs’​

Arab counter-protesters also skirmish with police trying to keep groups apart; 105 Palestinians, 20 officers injured as cops use water cannons, stun grenades against rock throwers​

Your claim that hamas controls media orgs and what they report. What repots do you feel were specifically disinfo and from which org?

(Dance! ghead, dance!)
Yes...that is my assertions based off of the fact that Hamas is an authoritarian and oppressive terrorist organization. You think they aren't going to control the media?
Are the extremist jews that are marching thru Arab neighborhoods chanting "Death to Arabs" terrorists? I'm sick of the pots that keep calling the kettle black. Israel is in danger of civil war and it is their own fault. This is how this latest war began in late April....

Dozens hurt, arrested in Old City clash as extremist Jews chant ‘Death to Arabs’​

Arab counter-protesters also skirmish with police trying to keep groups apart; 105 Palestinians, 20 officers injured as cops use water cannons, stun grenades against rock throwers​

Dodging the question eh? OK.

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