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A Girl in a $34000 per year high school gives ORAL SEX to 5 BOYS (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Milton Acadmy A UPPER CLASS high shcool that cost $ 34000 per year

A girl give 5 boys BLOW JOBS in janitor closet .!!!1

I can not believe the reaction on talk radio about this subject I'm hearing people say WELLTHIS NEVER HAPPENED when I was in SCHOOL

i heard this ONE girl say she is 25 years OLD SHE SAID this never happen when I was in School !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

so of course i had to CAL I TOLD THEM THAT I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT TYPE OF DRUGS was this girl on in school SHE MUST of HAD BLINDERS ON fot the 4 years in high school

Because I told them I'm 53 years old and BELIEVE it or NOT GIRLS were having SEX WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL

Some girls just had sex with their BOYFRIEND and OTHERS were KNOWN TO HAVE DONE THE WHOLE CITY
Kids are having oral sex in junior high and younger on school buses.

The janitors closet is relatively hidden compaired to some of the stuff that has become the norm.
Freedom69 said:
Milton Acadmy A UPPER CLASS high shcool that cost $ 34000 per year

A girl give 5 boys BLOW JOBS in janitor closet .!!!1

I can not believe the reaction on talk radio about this subject I'm hearing people say WELLTHIS NEVER HAPPENED when I was in SCHOOL

i heard this ONE girl say she is 25 years OLD SHE SAID this never happen when I was in School !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

so of course i had to CAL I TOLD THEM THAT I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT TYPE OF DRUGS was this girl on in school SHE MUST of HAD BLINDERS ON fot the 4 years in high school

Because I told them I'm 53 years old and BELIEVE it or NOT GIRLS were having SEX WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL

Some girls just had sex with their BOYFRIEND and OTHERS were KNOWN TO HAVE DONE THE WHOLE CITY

This is all very nice, but why is the girl the center of attention here? Weren't there 5 boys involved? Let's assume that she wasn't holding the boys hostage, at least.

Unless the girls 40-something years ago were all homosexuals, having sex with each other, there were boys "doing it" with them back then too.
Freedom69 said:
A girl give 5 boys BLOW JOBS in janitor closet .!!!1
All at the same time?:2razz:

Abstinence-only sex ed. at work.
She's an awesome, wonderful, caring, giving chick. What's the problem?

It was amusing how this issue got so much play, because a) The girl was the one villified by the press, b) The high school was expensive and private, so it was RICH people doing this, not "poor folks"
Disgusting, how a young lady could demean herself like that, I will never understand!:shock:
Deegan said:
Disgusting, how a young lady could demean herself like that, I will never understand!:shock:

Deegan, I agree. That woman has no self-respect. NONE.
aps said:
Deegan, I agree. That woman has no self-respect. NONE.

You're going to have to stop doing that, I have a reputation to protect.:lol: ;)
galenrox said:
I'm not suprised at all, it's always the rich chicks at the expensive schools who pull **** like this to get back at their dads for not loving them.
Dead seriously, back in high school, if you wanted poon, the girls at the rich schools were the ones to know.


The rich, semi-pretty girls who went to private schools are the nastiest skanks here at uni.
Deegan said:
Disgusting, how a young lady could demean herself like that, I will never understand!:shock:

What would you say if a story broke where the quarterback of the football team was caught having sex with 3 or 4 cheerleaders at once in a closet.

Would he still be disgusting, have no self-respect, and be so pathetic, or would he be the man?
RightatNYU said:
What would you say if a story broke where the quarterback of the football team was caught having sex with 3 or 4 cheerleaders at once in a closet.

Would he still be disgusting, have no self-respect, and be so pathetic, or would he be the man?

Women are much different creatures, they usually tend to be more loyal, responsible, committed, loving, etc. Men are pigs, most of the time, and yes, most would think that was cool, or more then acceptable behavior. If you are suggesting that there is a double standard, then I would agree, but I am personally not impressed with such behavior, man or woman.
Deegan said:
You're going to have to stop doing that, I have a reputation to protect.:lol: ;)

LOL! Something to consider. I had a friend in high school who was very promiscuous. I recently learned that she had been molested by her father. I think that kind of thing can cause someone to act out the way this girl (the one who gave the oral sex) did. I feel so sad for her (and my friend). I am sure she received no respect from these boys and that they shared stories about their experiences.
Deegan said:
Women are much different creatures, they usually tend to be more loyal, responsible, committed, loving, etc. Men are pigs, most of the time, and yes, most would think that was cool, or more then acceptable behavior. If you are suggesting that there is a double standard, then I would agree, but I am personally not impressed with such behavior, man or woman.

That's my point. There is a double standard. While I would consider this behavior to be less than ideal, I wouldn't criticize a woman for it any more than I would a man.
RightatNYU said:
That's my point. There is a double standard. While I would consider this behavior to be less than ideal, I wouldn't criticize a woman for it any more than I would a man.

In fairness, the story was about a woman, had it been a man, it probably would not have even made the news. I also think it is very different for a woman, had this been unprotected sex, she may have to carry a child, men just don't have that worry. So I think it's more important for a woman to be responsible, as a life may hang in the balance, hers included.
Deegan said:
In fairness, the story was about a woman, had it been a man, it probably would not have even made the news. I also think it is very different for a woman, had this been unprotected sex, she may have to carry a child, men just don't have that worry. So I think it's more important for a woman to be responsible, as a life may hang in the balance, hers included.

It takes two to tango. Last I checked, we can't self-inseminate.
I rocked 3 freshmen chicks in a bathroom during orientation week, but not to the lengths that this chick went...
I went to both Kellenberg Memorial and my local high school. Kellenbergers are alot more sexually active then my local public school. The reason is because these Catholics try to force feed them catholicism and what ends up happening is it drives them either further away from those values. Parents can guide their children in the right direction but thats about as far as it can and should go. I call it 'Laissez-Faire Parenting'. Tell the kids whats right and let them make the decisions because, if you guide them too much, they will change course.

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